Essential includes a Configuration Utility, ConfigureAppSettings.aspx, to facilitate the configuration of application settings during installation. The settings available are either common to all modules, such as user session timeout, or module-specific. After installation, the settings can be edited using the same utility. For example, a change in security practices may require a shorter period of time between a user's last activity and the end of the user's session. Or, as database volume increases, users may begin experiencing timeouts during queries and a change to the CommandTimeout setting could resolve the issue. For some modules, other configuration files contain settings and controls that can also be adjusted to improve the performance of a particular function, such as the Task List.
For instruction on configurable application settings, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
To edit application settings with the Configuration
Open Internet Explorer and navigate to http://localhost/<your application root>/configureappsettings.aspx (localhost must be used; the server name cannot be specified nor can the utility be accessed remotely).
Choose the module name from the list for the Select Module to Configure field. Choose the E6Engine option to configure settings applicable to all modules.
Select the setting in the Module Settings Preview list. The currently selected setting is displayed in the Key Name field. A description is provided in the Key Description field.
Enter the appropriate value in the Key Value field.
Click Save Setting.
Key application settings, common to all modules, are described below. Use the Configuration utility and select the E6Engine module option to adjust current values. Other application settings are available with default values that can be reviewed and modified to best fit your implementation. Refer to the Essential Installation document for additional information.
Configuration Setting |
Description |
Valid Values |
EmailServiceProvider |
Email service provider. Update this value and add the API key when SendGrid-API-V3 needs to be used. |
SMTP SendGrid-API-V3 Default = SMTP |
BrowseMaxRecords |
The maximum number of records displayed in a Browse List view. |
1, 2, 3, 4, ... Default = -1 Enter -1 for no maximum limit. |
BrowseRowsPerPage |
The number of records displayed per page in a Browse List view. |
1, 2, 3, 4, ... Default = 25 A blank or non-numeric value = 25 |
ChangeLogEnabled |
Determines whether or not to log related information into the Change log. |
true = Log information Default = false |
The length of time (in seconds) for executing queries and stored procedures before a timeout occurs. Increase this value when experiencing database timeouts. |
1, 2, 3, 4, ... Default = 600 |
EmailServer |
The IP address of the SMTP server. A valid setting is required for application email functionality to operate properly. |
InactiveDays |
The number of consecutive days between the last login date for a user login account and the deactivation date for the user login account. Days are counted from midnight to midnight. |
1, 2, 3, 4, ... Default = 0 |
Indicate whether a third-party notification utility for Emergency module active SOPs exists. |
true = enabled Default = false |
MaxLoginAttempts |
The maximum number of times a user (identified by user login account) is allowed to attempt to log in before the account is locked. An administrator must reconcile the lockout. Refer to User Security Management for options. |
2, 3, 4, 5 ... Default = 4 Enter -1 to turn off the account lockout feature entirely. |
SessionTimeOut |
The length of time (in minutes) the application will wait for user activity before automatically ending the user's session, requiring the user to log in again. |
1, 2, 3, 4, ... Default = 20 |
UseCookieForSessionId |
The designation, a cookie or the URL, for tracking the user's session. A cookie provides better security. Refer to Microsoft Internet Explorer documentation for information about cookies. |
true = use cookie Default = true |
UserAccountNotificationBuffer |
The number of days before a login account is set to expire the user will begin receiving a notification message at login. |
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... Default = 5 0 = notification displayed on the expiration date only A blank or a non-numeric value = ignore this feature |
WebProxy |
The IP address or URL of the proxy server configured to Port 80, e.g., If a proxy server is not used, leave the setting blank. |
Key settings for the Compliance Manager module are described below. Use the Configuration utility to adjust current values. Other settings are available with default values that can be reviewed and modified to best fit your implementation. Refer to the Essential Installation document for additional information.
Configuration Setting |
Description |
Valid Values |
CitationAPIURL |
The URL used to access CyberRegs. |
CitationBatchUploadSize |
The maximum number of records in a batch for the Citation Send List functionality. |
Default = 500 |
CitationBulkImportSaveFiles |
Indicate whether the application will write to disk the imported XML files from the CyberRegs web service called during Bulk Import operations. When set to True for lengthy periods of time, the files should be periodically cleared to avoid consuming excess web server disk space. |
true = save |
CitationCompanyID |
The value provided by CyberRegs for Citation Linking Enterprise authentication. |
CitationNotificationTimeout |
The duration in milliseconds of the Citation Notification web service timeout period. |
CitationPassword |
The password provided by CyberRegs for Citation Linking Enterprise authentication. |
CitationPortalID |
The value provided by CyberRegs that is used to access the citation portal. |
Numeric characters only |
CitationUserName |
The user name provided by CyberRegs for Citation Linking Enterprise authentication. |
EmailFromAddress |
The email address used in the From field for Task Management Supervisor notification emails (PWTaskNotify) and Citation Notification Service emails. |
Email address |
EventLogLevel |
Essential Supervisor Logging level, minimal or extended, which includes stack trace for errors. |
0 = Minimal logging Default = 1 |
MaxDisplayedItems |
Number of items to display in a cell on the Task Calendar Month view before the "more tasks..." text is displayed. |
1, 2, 3, 4, ... Default = 3 |
SiteURL |
The value used by the application to prepare an email hyperlink to the Task that triggered the email. The email recipient can log in to the application using the email link. |
Just the protocol and domain are required, e.g., http://localhost/<your domain> Replace http with https if running Essential under SSL. |
Key settings for the Emergency module are described below. Use the Configuration utility to adjust current values. Other settings are available with default values that can be reviewed and modified to best fit your implementation. Refer to the Essential Installation document for additional information.
Configuration Setting |
Description |
Valid Values |
EmailFromAddress |
The email address used in the From field (1) on CAP Alert report emails and (2) for message emails where the address of the sender is invalid. |
Email address |
EmailToAddress |
The email address where CAP Alert report emails are sent when users click the Email CAP Alert button on the Incident form. |
Email address |
ExchangeUrl |
The URL used to access email from the Internet. |
ExchangeDomain |
Your Exchange server's domain name. |
MailInboxName |
The name for the destination repository that is appended to the email connection string for email integration. Most often, the name is "Inbox" but maybe localized for other countries. |
Default = Inbox |
WLMessagesWithinXMinutes |
The number of minutes a message will be identified as New on the Watch List before the designation is removed. |
Default = 5 |
WLRefreshInterval |
The number of seconds between the automatic Watch List refresh process. |
Default = 20 |
WLRefreshOffAlertInterval |
The number of minutes between alerts that signal the Watch List automatic refresh process is turned off. |
Default = 1 |
Key settings for the Industrial Hygiene module are described below. Use the Configuration utility to adjust current values. Refer to the Essential Installation document for additional information.
Configuration Setting |
Description |
Valid Values |
PriorityRatingEquation |
The equation used to calculate the Priority Rating. The exposure control rating, frequency of exposure rating, health hazard rating, and user-defined rating are used as variables for the priority rating calculation. |
For User-defined ratings in the equation, the formula Code must be prefixed with USR_ Default = ExposureControlRating * HealthHazardRating * FrequencyRating |
TWAAssumptionDefaultValue |
The default TWA Assumption displayed in the Representativeness section of the Exposure Session form. |
Application Administrators can specify which columns to display on the Task List. The options include:
Task Completion Date
Task Statement
Due Date
Enterprise Entity
Tracked vs. Untracked (boolean)
Facility Type
Process Unit
Driver (Rule/Permit and Rule Requirement Citations)
Permit Type
Task Recurrence Frequency
Reference (aka Operational Control)
Task Group
Governing Body
Modifying the total number of columns displayed in the Task List is useful for tailoring the output to satisfy user needs while balancing an acceptable level of performance. The <your installation root directory>\_ESSXML\Compliance\TaskListConfig.xml file is used to configure the Task List. A YES value indicates the column will be displayed in the Task List and a NO value means it will not appear. The setting chosen for each column affects all users. When performance becomes an issue, it is recommended the following columns NOT be displayed:
Facility Type
Governing Body
Permit Type
Process Unit
The TaskListMaxRows setting within the same file (at the bottom of the file) controls how many tasks can be displayed when query results are returned. This setting has NO affect on the user’s Home Task List (accessed by clicking the Task List link in the Navigation Tree). The setting only affects the number of rows available for display when using the Task List Query Builder and the Power User Task Search. The default value is 500.
As a default, the Permits browse list view is opened with no permit records displayed to help improve poor page-loading performance. Users can then enter the appropriate search criteria to view permit records of interest. The default can be changed so all permit records are displayed when the browse view is opened. Access the <your installation root directory>\_ESSXML\VldPermV1browse.xml file and remove the NoBrowseQueryOnFirstLoad="true" property from the following statement:
<SELECT ResultTable="Result1" Options="DISTINCT" TitleResourceName="VldPermV1browseTitle" NoBrowseQueryOnFirstLoad="true">
Refer to the Essential Installation document for additional information.
When the Permits browse list view is configured to always open with permit records, Compliance Manager module implementations experiencing poor page-loading performance can benefit from the removal of one or more of the following columns normally displayed in the Permits browse list view:
Enterprise Entities
Permit Types
Reference Documents
Access the <your installation root directory>\_ESSXML\VldPermV1browse.xml file and remove the lines specified below.
For the Enterprise Entities column, remove:
<SelectColumn Caption= "Enterprise Entities" ResourceName="EHLookupEnterpriseEntities" As= "SITE">DBO.E6PermitEntitiesList(VLD_PERM_V1.VLD_PERM_V1_ID, *UserId*)</SelectColumn>
For the Projects column, remove:
<SelectColumn Caption="Projects" As="PROJECT_NAME" ResourceName="VldPermV1browseProjectsLabel">DBO.E6PermitBrowseProjects(VLD_PERM_V1.VLD_PERM_V1_ID *UserId*, 52010, *ModId*, *LangId*)</SelectColumn>
For the Permit Types column, remove:
<SelectColumn Caption="Permit Types" As="PERMIT_TYPE" ResourceName="VldPermV1browsePermitTypesLabel">DBO.E6PermitBrowsePermitTypes(VLD_PERM_V1.VLD_PERM_V1_ID *LangId*)</SelectColumn>
For the Reference Documents column, remove:
<SelectColumn Caption="Reference Documents" As="DATA_SOURCE_DESC" Target="_New" DataType="HTML" ResourceName="VldPermV1browseReferenceDocumentsLabel">CASE REFDOC_FILTER.VLD_PERM_V1_ID WHEN VLD_PERM_V1.VLD_PERM_V1_ID THEN DBO.E6PermitBrowseRefDocs(VLD_PERM_V1.VLD_PERM_V1_ID) ELSE NULL END</SelectColumn>
The Configuration Utility provides an option, User Interface Styles, to modify the look and feel of the Essential user interface. Different basic font colors/sizes, background and border colors for grids, including browse views, and field label font sizes/colors can be selected from the browser-supported options provided. You can change one or more specific attribute and/or select the styles that applied to a previous version of Essential. When modifying styles, open a separate browser session and log into Essential. After saving a configuration, view the changes to the user interface in your separate browser session. An option to restore the default configuration is available.
Just one configuration applies to the application; that is, the configuration is either the default styles or re-configured styles. These styles apply to the entire Essential user interface and cannot be configured differently for each Essential user. Refer to the Essential Installation documents for additional information.