The Global Emission Factor Lookup tool provides search and filtering options to help locate one or more global emission factors in the Global Emission Factor Library.
The Auto Sensing control is available when applying mapping for an emission model material equation variable to a global emission factor. The Auto Sensing control suggests potential global emission factors based on matches of the material name and base unit of measure associated withe the equation variable and emission factor in the Global Emission Factor Library. By default the control is enabled. Search criteria is based on the following parameters if they are populated for the current material parameter:
Pollutant Material
Base unit
Process Unit Category
Process Unit Category Type
Model Number
SCC Codes
Clear the check box to disable the Auto Sensing control. If Auto Sensing is disabled, search criteria is still based on the pollutant material and base unit.
The Factor Source field can be used to search by global emission factor source. Select a source from the list and click Search. A global emission factor source can also be used as search criteria for the Filter control.
The Filter control allows you to search by a global emission factor source and/or one or more global emission factor attributes. All of the standard and user-defined global emission factor attributes are available as filters. For each filter, a value must be specified along with qualifying criteria, such as Equals, Not Equal To, Contains, Between, Before, After, etc. Based on the qualifiers used, filters can be set up to include or exclude data. For example, all global emission factors associated with a specific state can be located (e.g., State Equals Texas), or only those global emission factors in a state other than the designated state can be found (e.g., State Not Equal To Texas).
Initially four rows are available to select up to four global emission factor attributes. Click the Add Filter Row link to increase the number of rows available. All rows are added after the last row displayed. To quickly load all standard filters (one row for each standard attribute field), click the Load All Filters link. To include user-defined fields as rows, select a Factor Source from the list and then click Load All Filters. Specify a qualifier and value for all applicable attributes; it is not necessary to enter search criteria for every filter when all filters are loaded.
Click the Search button to execute the search process. All complete search criteria are used to locate matching global emission factors.
Each global emission factor located is displayed as a line item. Click the Name link to select a factor. Click the Edit button adjacent to the line item to open the Global Emission Factor Library form.