Event/Incident/Case Auto-Numbering and Naming Conventions

Note:  Auto-numbering for Case Compliance Types is available only when the Incident module is installed.

There are several methods of organizing ID numbers used in the Incident module for events, incidents, and cases and in the Emergency module for events, incidents, and daily logs. Careful consideration should be given to the numbering schemes. When utilizing a numerical (001) or an alphanumerical (Case 001) system to identify records, include leading zeros, e.g., 001, 002, etc., to aid in viewing or printing the records in proper numerical order. If leading zeros are not used, the viewing and/or printing order of these records may not be in numerical order, e.g., 1, 10, 11, 12,..., 19, 2, 20, 21, etc.  

The number of leading zeros needed is based on the maximum number of records that will be entered into the Incident module. For example, if 99 records or less are expected, only one leading zero will be needed, 01, 02, etc., through 99. If no more than 999 records are expected, only two leading zeros should be used, i.e., 001, 002, etc., through 999. Be sure to consider any future additions or expansions when setting up a number scheme. Any additional records may exceed the initial maximum quantity. It is always better to over-estimate on the side of safety.

For each entity, the system can automatically assign unique identifying numbers for events. As a result, a unique prefix can be designated for each entity. The Entity Auto Numbering form is used to define a prefix and the number of digits after the prefix. When a new record is established, the prefix is applied and the previous number assigned is incremented by one to create and assign the new number. (Based on the number of digits defined, the initial number used by the system is 1, 01, 001, 0001, etc.)

The same option is available for incidents and cases — for each entity, unique identifying numbers can be automatically assigned to incidents and/or cases. Different numbering schemas can be set up for each Incident Type for incidents and each Compliance Type for cases. Define an auto-numbering sequence that specifies the sequence name, a prefix, and the number of digits after the prefix on the Auto Numbering Sequence form. Assign a sequence to an entity/Incident Type and/or entity/Case Compliance Type on the Entity Auto Numbering form. Auto-number sequences can be assigned across entities, Incident Types, and Case Compliance Types, as well as across corrective actions. Refer to Corrective Action Auto-Numbering and Naming Conventions.

Tip:  Auto-numbering for incidents can also be set up on the Incident Type form. Refer to Incident Type Layouts and Templates for additional information.

For instruction on how to add event/incident/case auto-numbering, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

To Set Up Event Auto-Numbering


Defining Auto-Numbering Sequences


Setting Up Incident Auto-Numbering


Setting Up Case Auto-Numbering


To set up event auto-numbering

  1. Click Tools > Auto Numbering > Event/Incident Auto Numbering in the Navigation Tree.

    The Entity Auto Numbering list appears.

  2. Click the New button.

    The Entity Auto Numbering form appears.

  3. Select an Entity from the list in the Event Auto Numbering section.

  4. Enter a Prefix for the numbering scheme, such as EVENT or EVENT- for event records.

  5. Enter the number of Digits for the numbering scheme including leading zeroes, i.e., 2 for 01, 3 for 001.

  6. Click Save.

Defining Auto-Numbering Sequences

Define sequences for auto-numbering incidents/cases on the Auto Numbering Sequence form. Assign the sequence to an entity/Incident Type and/or entity/Case Compliance Type on the Entity Auto Numbering form.

Tip:  Auto-numbering for incidents can also be set up on the Incident Type form. Refer to Incident Type Layouts and Templates for additional information.

To define sequences

  1. Click Tools > Auto Numbering > Auto Numbering Sequences in the Navigation Tree.

    The Auto Numbering Sequences list appears.

  2. Click the New button.

    The Auto Numbering Sequence form appears.

  3. Enter a name for the sequence in the Sequence Description field.

  4. Enter a Prefix for the numbering scheme, such as SPILL or SPILL- for a Spill Incident Type.

  5. Enter the number of Digits for the numbering scheme including leading zeroes, i.e., 2 for 01, 3 for 001.

    The Last Number field is read-only and displays the last digit generated for records with the sequence.

  6. Click Save.

Setting Up Incident Auto-Numbering

Incident auto-numbering is set up by entity and Incident Type. To define auto-numbering for incidents at an entity, regardless of Incident Type, assign the same auto-numbering sequence to each Incident Type used at the entity. To set up auto-numbering by Incident Type, assign different sequences to each Incident Type. Refer to Defining Auto-Numbering Sequences for additional information.

When auto-numbering is established for an entity associated with child entities, the same auto-numbering schema applies at the child entities—unless the child entity has set up auto-numbering for the Incident Type. The auto-numbering sequence defined for an entity takes precedence over any parental auto-numbering schema.

Tip:  Use the procedure below to set up auto-numbering for incidents on the Event/Incident Auto Numbering form. To set up auto-numbering for incidents on the Incident Type form, refer to Incident Type Layouts and Templates.

To set up incident auto-numbering

  1. Click Tools > Auto Numbering > Event/Incident Auto Numbering in the Navigation Tree.

    The Entity Auto Numbering list appears.

  2. Click the New button.

    The Entity Auto Numbering form appears.

  3. Select an Entity from the list in the Event Auto Numbering section.

  4. Click the Add Auto Numbering for an Incident Type link in the Incident Type Auto Numbering section.

  5. Select an Incident Type from the list.

  6. Select a Sequence Description from the list. The Prefix and Digits field entries are automatically populated.

    If the applicable sequence is not displayed, click the Ellipsis button adjacent to the field and add it.

  7. Click OK.

    The auto-numbering information is displayed as a line item in the Incident Type Auto Numbering section. Use the buttons adjacent to the line item to edit existing auto-numbering information.

  8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 to add auto-numbering for other incident types.

  9. Click Save.

Setting Up Case Auto-Numbering

Case auto-numbering is set up by entity and Case Compliance Type. To define auto-numbering for cases at an entity, regardless of Case Compliance Type, assign the same auto-numbering sequence to each Case Compliance Type used at the entity. To set up auto-numbering by Case Compliance Type, assign different sequences to each Case Compliance Type. Refer to Defining Auto-Numbering Sequences for additional information.

When auto-numbering is established for an entity associated with child entities, the same auto-numbering schema applies at the child entities—unless the child entity has set up auto-numbering for the Case Compliance Type. The auto-numbering sequence defined for an entity takes precedence over any parental auto-numbering schema.

To set up case auto-numbering

  1. Click Tools > Auto Numbering > Event/Incident Auto Numbering in the Navigation Tree.

    The Entity Auto Numbering list appears.

  2. Click the New button.

    The Entity Auto Numbering form appears.

  3. Select an Entity from the list in the Event Auto Numbering section.

  4. Click the Add Auto Numbering for a Case Compliance Type link in the Case Compliance Type Auto Numbering section.

  5. Select a Compliance Type from the list.

  6. Select a Sequence Description from the list. The Prefix and Digits field entries are automatically populated.

    If the applicable sequence is not displayed, click the Ellipsis button adjacent to the field and add it.

  7. Click OK.

    The auto-numbering information is displayed as a line item in the Case Compliance Type Auto Numbering section. Use the buttons adjacent to the line item to edit existing auto-numbering information.

  8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 to add auto-numbering for other case compliance types.

  9. Click Save.