Parameter-to-Tag Mapping

Map tags to parameters for Process Data Manager (PDM) on the Parameter Tag Mapping form. Specify the source tag name and the corresponding parameter, i.e., the parameter name and, when applicable, the material qualifier. A unit of measure for the parameter result is required. Parameter results are flagged for review and approval when the change between the previous parameter result and the current result is above or below 10% (default). The Deviation Percentage +/- field is available to enter a different percentage. Flagged parameter results are stored in the PDM Staging table and can be viewed, adjusted, approved, and transferred to your Essential database using the Parameter Group Import Review form.

In the PDM Import Groups section, the mapping relationship can be added to one or more parameter groups. Parameters assigned in this section are also displayed in the Parameters section on the Parameter Group form.

In the Operations section, assign one or more rules from the Rule Library to the mapping relationship. Refer to Default PDM Rules for a description of the rules shipped with the software. Rules are applied when the conditions outlined by the rule are met during the Rule Engine process. If rules are configured to include properties, property values can be specified when an operation is established. Enter a value for the property or select the Reference Parameter option to use a parameter value. The value of the reference parameter at the timestamp of the value on which the rule is run is used as the property value. For example, if "Parameter 1" references "Parameter 2" and rules are run on "Parameter 1's" value for 1/1/2010 4:00 p.m., the value of "Parameter 2" at 1/1/2010 4:00 p.m. is used as the property value. When a reference parameter is selected for a property, a unit of measure that is compatible with the parameter's base unit must also be selected. Values will be converted into this unit in the context of the rule.

Because more than one rule can be assigned to a mapping relationship, an implementation sequence must be defined. When a rule is assigned, it is automatically identified as the first rule to be implemented. The next rule assigned is identified as the second rule to be implemented, an so on. An Order field is available in the Operations section to change the implementation sequence of assigned rules. The order in which the rules are listed in the Operations section is the order in which the rules are applied to the parameter value.

The Parameter Tag Mapping browse view contains a filter to view mapping relationships where the tag's engineering unit of measure differs from the mapped parameters unit of measure. A link to the Parameter Tag Mapping form is provided.

For instruction on mapping tags to parameters, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

To Map Tags to Parameters


To Add the Mapping Relationship to Parameter Groups


To Add Operations


To map tags to parameters

  1. Click Data Entry > PDM Configuration > Parameter Tag Mapping in the Navigation Tree.

    The Parameter Tag Mapping list appears.

  2. Click New to open the Parameter Tag Mapping form.

  3. Select a Parameter - Material Qualifier.

    The entity and parameter type are automatically displayed. If the parameter applies to a production unit, emission unit, or process unit, the unit's name is also displayed. In addition, the parameter - material qualifier selected becomes a link to the Parameter Definition form.

  4. Select a Parameter Result Unit of Measure from the list.

    The selected unit is assigned to missing value records generated by the Frequency Expansion process for the parameter.

  5. Select a source Tag Name from the list. Use the following guidelines when searching Task Mask, Point Source, Engineering Units, and/or Descriptor:

  1. Enter a number that indicates the allowable Deviation Percentage between the prior parameter result and the current parameter result. The default used by the system is 10.

  2. Click the Save button to store the mapping details.

  3. See To Add Operations or repeat steps 2 through 7 to add another mapping relationship.

To add the mapping relationship to parameter groups

  1. Click Add to PDM Import Group(s) in the PDM Import Groups section on the Parameter Tag Mapping form.

  2. Select a parameter group by clicking the check box adjacent to the group. Clear the check box to deselect a group.

  3. Click Add to Parameter Group(s).

    Each parameter group selected is displayed as a line item in the PDM Import Groups section. Remove a parameter group by clicking the Delete button adjacent to the line item.

  4. Click Save.

To add operations

Important:  Operations are applied in the sequence specified by the line item Order fields in the Operations section.

  1. Click Add Operation in the Operations section on the Parameter Tag Mapping form and select a Rule from the list.

    The Description field is automatically populated with the rule description. Any other fields for values that apply to the rule selected are displayed.

  2. Complete any other fields displayed.

    To use a parameter as the field entry, click the Reference Parameter check box below the field and select the applicable parameter from the list. Select a Unit of Measure compatible with the parameter's base unit.

  3. Click Save.

    The information entered is displayed as a line item in the Operations section. Change existing information using the buttons adjacent to the line item. Use the line item Order field to change the sequence in which the operations are applied.

  4. Click Save on the Parameter Tag Mapping form.