Group your process units into production units on the Production Unit form. Production units can join together process units that operate on the same schedule. For example, if you are using the Air module to calculate emissions, grouping allows you to enter production schedule information which is required to complete an emissions inventory. In other cases, your personnel may be responsible for equipment that falls within a production unit. If so, you may find it easier to manage compliance if you group your process units into production units and then associate your task assignments with a production unit.
Production units can be further grouped into production areas for reporting purposes on the Production Area form.
For additional instruction on production units, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
Use one of the following paths in the Navigation Tree to access the Production Units list:
Air, FEMS modules
Click Data Entry > Production Unit Information > Production Units.
Compliance Manager, Industrial Hygiene, Task Manager modules
Click Data Entry > Validation > Production Units.
Process Data Manager module
Click Data Entry > Process Unit Hierarchy > Production Units.
Click the New
The Production Unit form is
Select an Enterprise
Entity from the list.
If the appropriate entity is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Enter the Production Unit name, Production Unit Code, and Description.
Review the Default
Operating Percentage value and make any necessary edits; the
default is 100.
The Default Operating Percentage assigned to a production unit can
be used to determine the actual operating hours for emissions calculations.
A value that includes a decimal point can be entered; a maximum of
9 characters is available. Refer to Configuring
Production Schedule Jobs for additional information.
Add information in the Production
Areas, Process Units,
Location, and Contacts
Tip: Click the Save
button first to assign process units to the production unit.
Click the Save button on the form.
Repeat steps 2 through 7 to add other production units.
Production areas are areas within an entity and can be physical as well as conceptual locations. Production units can be assigned to production areas on the Production Area form. View the production area assignments for a production unit in the Production Areas section on the Production Unit form. Edit assignments by clicking the Production Areas button to open the Production Area form.
Group your process units into production units in the Process Units section of the Production Unit form. The process units and any component tags that are assigned to the process units will be included in emission calculations for the production unit. Likewise, when you identify downtime for a production unit, you can exclude from your emission inventory the fugitive emissions for any components assigned to the process units for the production unit.
To assign process units
Tip: Process units can also be associated with production
units on the Process Unit form.
Locate your production unit on the Production Units list, click the unit link to open the Production Unit form, and expand the Process Units section if necessary.
Click Add Process Units.
Click the check box adjacent to a process unit to select it. Remove a selection by clicking the check box to clear it. Only process units with a checkmark in the check box adjacent to the unit name will be added.
Click the Add
Process Units button.
Each assigned process unit is displayed as a line item in the Process Units section with a link
to the Process Unit form.
Click the Delete button adjacent
to the line item to remove an assignment. Click the link to open the
Process Unit form for the
process unit.
Click the Save button on the form.
If the production unit encompasses a specific location, enter its UTM or standard coordinates in the Location section on the Production Unit form. Location information is used for reporting and can help pinpoint a line at a facility.
To add location information
Locate your production unit on the Production Units list, click the unit link to open the Production Unit form, and expand the Location section if necessary.
Enter the appropriate Latitude and Longitude values in the fields provided and select a directional abbreviation from the list.
Enter UTM information in the fields provided.
Click the Save button on the form.
In the Contacts section on the Production Unit form, specify the people working in the unit who are points of contact. For identification purposes, designate a contact type, such as operator, chemical engineer, supervisor, emergency contact, etc. Establish contacts on the Contacts and Personnel form and contact types on the Contact Type form.
To associate contacts
Locate your production unit on the Production Units list, click the unit link to open the Production Unit form, and expand the Contacts section if necessary.
Click Add Contact.
Select a Contact
Name and a Contact Type
from the list for each field.
If the appropriate value is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button next to the field and add it.
Click OK.
The contact is displayed as a line item in the Contacts
section. Edit existing contact information using the buttons adjacent
to the line item.
Repeat steps 2 through 4 to add other contacts.
Click the Save button on the form.
For the Air module, a list of the production schedules established for the production unit can be viewed in the Production Schedules section on the Production Unit form. The list includes schedules established via the Production Schedule form and the Production Planning form, as well as those created by a job set up on the Production Schedule Jobs form. Each production schedule is displayed as a line item with the most recent (according to end date) at the top of the list. The entity, production unit, and start/end date are provided. Click a link to view the production schedule record on the Production Planning form.
Standard search features are available to help locate a specific production schedule record or specific group of records. Ascending/descending column sorting is also available; click a column heading to sort by the values in the column. The AutoRefresh option allows you to switch between a working mode and the refresh mode. In the refresh mode, the list of production schedules is automatically updated every 10 seconds. It is possible to use the search, filtering, and sorting options in the refresh mode; however, when the list is refreshed and there are new production schedules, all search/filtered/sorted results could be lost. The list will be reset to display new production schedules at the top of the list. By switching to the working mode, you can continue viewing the list without interruption. Select the AutoRefresh check box to activate the refresh mode and clear the check box to switch to a working mode. The Refresh link can be used at any time to update the list of production schedule records. For notification purposes, a Loading... message appears when the logs are being refreshed.