Change Log

When enabled, the Change Log is available to track and view changes made to Essential records. The log includes the following data:

For instruction on viewing the Change Log, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Change Log Overview

Change Log Security

Viewing Change Logs

Purge Change Log Records

- To view the page-level and field-level Change Log

Areas Excluded from the Change Log

- To view the global Change Log


Change Log Overview

The Change Log button at the end of the navigation bar on data entry forms opens the page-level view of the Change Log in a separate window. Each log entry is displayed as a line item and provides summary data about changes made to the record. The most current entries are displayed first. Click a log entry timestamp link to open the field-level view of the Change Log in a separate window. Details about the field changes made, including the old and new values, are provided. Old/new date-related values use 24-hour standard time displayed in the YYYY-MMM-DD hh:mm:ss format. Each Change Log view contains standard search features, column sorting, and the ability to export the data displayed to Excel. The number of Change Log entries listed may be limited by configurable performance settings. In addition, purging capabilities are available for administrators to delete log entries that are no longer needed.

Tip:  The CTRL+SHIFT+A key combination can also be used to open the page-level view of he Change Log. (Click anywhere in the form first.)

Global Change Log View

A global browse view of the Change Log is available to users with administrative permissions. When the default browse view for the global Change Log is displayed, the same details provided by the page-level and field-level views are included for all Essential changes captured by the log for the current date. In addition, the primary key used to identify and reference each record in the database is provided. The Purge Change Log form is available to permanently delete records from the Change Log that are no longer needed. A link to the global Change Log and Purge Change Log form can be found under the Administration folder in the Navigation Tree.

Note:  In previous versions of Essential, the Audit Trail/Log feature was available in some modules to track changes. The Change Log replaces the Audit Trail/Log for standard data entry forms.

Change Log Security

The security controls implemented for viewing the page-level Change Log, encrypted data, and sensitive data are described below.

Page-Level Change Log Access

On forms with element security, Read privileges to at least one element must be assigned to allow page-level Change Log access. Otherwise, the Change Log button will not be displayed in the navigation bar for the form. Element security does not apply to global Change Log access nor the entries that can be viewed in the global Change Log.  

Encrypted Data

Values that are stored as encrypted values in your Essential database are displayed as encrypted values in all Change Log views. Examples of encrypted data are social security numbers and entries in incident-related dynamic fields set up with the Encrypt attribute (see Incident Field Library for additional information).

Sensitive Data

For incident-related dynamic fields set up with the Sensitive attribute, Sensitive Data permissions must be assigned to view the fields' changes in the detailed field-level Change Log. Otherwise, just the changes for fields established without the Sensitive attribute will be displayed. Sensitive Data permissions apply to the field-level Change Log accessed from the page-level and global Change Logs. Sensitive data authorization is assigned on the User Security Manager form or the Incident Type form.

Viewing Change Logs

The procedures for accessing the page-level Change Log and the global Change Log are described in this section. The detailed field-level Change Log can be accessed from both the page-level and global Change Logs.

Note:  Where possible, user-friendly table names, such as "Users" versus "SYS_USR", are included in the Change Log. For the Incident module, the actual database table names for user-defined tables are shown.

To view the page-level and field-level Change Log

  1. Open the form for a record to review any changes to that record.

  2. Click the Change Log button to view the log. The page-level Change Log opens in a separate window. Each log entry is displayed as a line item.

    Tip:  The CTRL+SHIFT+A key combination can also be used to open the page-level view of he Change Log. (Click anywhere in the form first.)

  3. Click the timestamp link for a log entry to view field-level change details. Note: The Change Log Date/Time is displayed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

    Tip:  Both the page-level and field-level Change Logs open in separate windows. Close the windows after viewing changes.

Note:  For the most part, changes made on a form are captured in the page-level Change Log for the form. However, changes can be captured in the Change Log for a different form if parent/child relationships are involved in a workflow. When applicable, the specific online help topic for a form identifies where change data is logged.  For example, changes made on the Parameter Group Data Entry form are captured in the Change Log for the Parameter Data Entry form.

To view the global and field-level Change Log

  1. Click Administration > Change Log in the Navigation Tree to open a browse view of the log.

    The Essential changes captured by the log for the current date are listed—subject to configurable performance settings. Each log entry is displayed as a line item.

  2. Use the standard search features to locate a specific set of records.

  3. Click the timestamp link for a record to view additional details about the change. Note: The Change Log Date/Time is displayed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Purge Change Log Records

The Purge Change Log form is available to delete records from the Change Log that are no longer needed. Entries can be deleted for a specific date range, user, table, origin, and action. An option to exclude records associated with a Reason for Change from the purge is also available. Purged records are permanently deleted from your Essential database.

Purge Log

Each time the purge process is initiated, a separate job is created and an entry is added to the Purge Log section on the Purge Change Log form. The start and finish date/time, the run status, and a description of any run errors (results) are provided for each log entry. Jobs are processed according to a pre-configured priority in a managed, queue-based environment to minimize system contention. Use the Purge log to determine your job's position among all the jobs scheduled to run and to determine the current/final run status. When multiple pages of log records exist, the Next/Previous navigation links are available to page through the list. Ascending/descending column sorting is also available; click a column heading to sort by the values in the column. The AutoRefresh option allows you to switch between a working mode and the Purge log refresh mode. In the refresh mode, the log is automatically updated every 10 seconds. It is possible to use the paging and sorting options in the refresh mode; however, when the Purge log is refreshed and there are new entries, all sorted results could be lost. The list of log entries will be reset to display the new ones at the top of the list. By switching to the working mode, you can continue working without interruption. Select the AutoRefresh check box to activate the refresh mode and clear the check box to switch to a working mode. The Refresh link can be used at any time to update the log. For notification purposes, a Loading... message appears when the Purge log is being refreshed.

To purge Change Log records

  1. Click Administration > Purge Change Log in the Navigation Tree.

    The Purge Change Log form is displayed.

  2. Use the following guidelines and enter the criteria that defines the group of log records to be permanently deleted from the log.

  1. Click Purge.

    A confirmation message is displayed that provides the number of records to be purged.

  2. Click OK to start the purge process or Cancel to abort the purge job.

    View the status of the job in the Purge Log section. Click Refresh to update the Purge log.

    Tip:  The Purge button is disabled during the purging process.

Areas Excluded from the Change Log

The following list describes areas where the Change Log is excluded, due to the nature of the type of data.