Reason for Change functionality is available only when the Change
Log feature is enabled.
Use the Reason for Change field to optionally enter an explanation for edits made to an existing record. In most cases, the field is displayed in the navigation bar with the question "Why is this data changing?" on standard Essential data entry forms.
A reason can be entered directly in the field; a maximum of 1000 characters is available. Alternatively, click the Plus icon to open a text box, type the reason, and click OK to close the text box. Executing a save action (button or link) captures both the reason entered and the data changes. It is recommended that the Reason for Change be entered first, before any data changes are made to ensure a reason is captured in all instances—especially for automatically saved records. Automatically saved updates generally only require the use of Delete/Edit buttons, Add links, OK buttons, etc. Typically, after a record is saved using a save action (button or link), the Reason for Change field is reset to show the “Why is this data changing?” question. To expedite data entry, the Reason for Change field retains the same reason as previously entered when saves are automatically performed.
The page-level and default global Change Logs show the Reason for Change. The "Why is this data changing?" question is a placeholder for field identification purposes only and is not saved as a reason. If a reason is not specified, the Reason for Change field in the Change Log will be blank. At least one data change is required to save a Reason for Change.
When data is added to your Essential database via a scheduled import job, such as one set up in Data Importer or Process Data Manager (PDM), there is no opportunity to enter a Reason for Change. Therefore, a Reason for Change that describes the import origin is automatically added with the data. For example, when data is:
Imported via a PDM import job, the Reason for Change is "Scheduled PDM import job from PI Tag xxxx", where xxxx is the tag identifier
Imported using the PDM Validate Parameter Results process, the Reason for Change is "Scheduled PDM import job"
Imported using Data Importer scheduled/batch import jobs, the Reason for Change is "Scheduled Data Importer job"
The opportunity to enter a Reason for Change for manual data imports is available. For example, the Template Validation and Import form in Data Importer displays the Reason for Change field above the Validation buttons. Any reason entered applies to all of the files added for validation and import. In PDM, the Parameter Group Import Review forms display the Reason for Change field in the Parameter Group Import section.
The Reason for Change functionality described here applies to general
data entry record edits and is, therefore, independent of the user-defined
reasons for parameter monitoring result changes. However, the reason for
general record changes also applies to forms where parameter result change
reasons are entered. General record change reasons can be entered for
other edits unrelated to the actual result. Or, should
the actual reason entered for a parameter result change need to be modified,
the modification reason can be entered as the general reason for change.
Refer to Reasons
for Parameter Result Changes for additional information.
To enter and view a Reason
for Change
Open the data entry form for the record to be edited and locate the Reason for Change field. Typically, the field is displayed in the navigation bar with the Why is this record changing? question.
Enter a reason directly in the field
or click the Plus icon to
open a text box and enter the reason. Click OK
to close the text box.
Tip: A maximum of 1000 characters can be entered.
Complete your updates and click the Save button to save both the Reason for Change and your updates.
Click the Change Log button to view the Reason for Change in addition to the other updates made.