Rules and requirement citations can be linked to an online full-text elucidation provided by CyberRegs, allowing Compliance Manager module users to view the most recent citation version. This Citation Linking functionality can be used to link previously-saved or manually-entered rules and requirement citations. An automated Bulk Import tool is available to upload federal, state, international, or user-specific (private) rules and requirement citations. A notification service is included to exchange information with CyberRegs about the requirement citations in your Essential database. Send a citation list on demand or at a scheduled frequency for evaluation by CyberRegs. If there are updates, the Entity Compliance Owner is notified of the changes, including new and deleted regulations. Task assignments associated with the updates are also identified to determine if changes are needed.
To use the Essential/CyberRegs integration functionality, customers must have a company account setup with CyberRegs (requires a separate license agreement).
Each Essential user who needs access to Citation Linking functionality must have an equivalent CyberRegs mapping. Most users are set up as Standard CyberRegs users. Master CyberRegs users have administrative capabilities, i.e., provide access to standard users and assign master user permissions to other administrative users. All users must have an Essential user login account with a contact assigned. The contact and personnel record for the assigned contact must be populated with a first name, last name, and a valid email address. The Map this user to a CyberRegs standard account check box in the CyberRegs User Account Settings section on the User Manager form must be selected. For master users, the Administrator Permission check box in the Security Settings section must also be selected.
The Citation Notification
and Send Citation List services
execute and run using the generic user name (CitationUserName) and password
(CitationPassword) stored in the configuration file. Refer to Configurable
Settings for additional information.
For information about CyberRegs user management, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
For security purposes, all Essential users must have an equivalent CyberRegs mapping to access Citation Linking functionality via the CyberRegs portal. Standard CyberRegs users are identified by selecting the Map this user to a CyberRegs standard account check box in the CyberRegs User Account Settings section on the User Manager form. When the user manager record is saved, the mapping process is initiated. Provided no errors occur, the Essential user is a standard CyberRegs user when the save process completes. If the mapping process was unsuccessful, manually resolve the mapping on the CyberRegs User Mapping form. Refer to Resolve Mappings for instructions. All CyberRegs users at your entity and each one's mapping status can be viewed on the CyberRegs User Mapping form.
The mapping process for user login accounts created and/or updated
via the Data Importer Contact/User template must be completed using the
Resolve Mappings function available on the CyberRegs
User Mapping form. Refer to Resolve
Mappings for instructions.
set up standard CyberRegs users
Locate the login account on the User Manager list. To filter the list so only CyberRegs users are displayed, just the Show CyberRegs Users Only check box should be selected.
Click the account link to open the User Manager form.
Select a Contact from the list if this field is blank. The contact record must contain a first name, last name, and email address to successfully complete the mapping process.
Click the Map
this user to a CyberRegs standard account check box in the
CyberRegs User Account Settings
The warning message "Marking this user as a CyberRegs user will
increase the number of CyberRegs users within your system and may
affect your license agreement with CyberRegs." is displayed.
Click OK to continue.
Click the Save
button on the User Manager
The save process resolves the mapping required between Essential and
CyberRegs. Provided no errors have occurred, the Essential user is
a standard CyberRegs user when the save process completes.
Repeat steps 1 through 6 for other login accounts to be set up as standard CyberRegs users.
Verify standard CyberRegs users at your entity by accessing the CyberRegs User Mapping form.
The CyberRegs Master User Bulk Creation form can be used to designate multiple CyberRegs master users at one time. A list of eligible administrative Essential users who are not master CyberRegs users is provided when you access the form. All of the following conditions must be met for a user to be considered an eligible administrative Essential user:
The Administrator Permission check box has been selected on the User Manager form and a Contact has been assigned, and
The contact and personnel record for the assigned contact contains a first name, last name, and a valid email address.
Select one or more users and click the Create Master Users button. When the creation process is complete, the new master users are removed from the list. For any selected user that is not already a standard CyberRegs user, an account with CyberRegs will be set up (by CyberRegs). In Essential, the CyberRegs account is automatically mapped to the Essential login account as a master CyberRegs user. In addition, the Map this user to a CyberRegs standard account check box in the CyberRegs User Account Settings section on the User Manager form is automatically populated with a checkmark. Access the CyberRegs User Mapping form to verify master CyberRegs users at your entity.
Once a user has been designated as a master CyberRegs user, that
user cannot be changed to a standard CyberRegs user via the Essential
user interface.
create Master CyberRegs users
Click Administration
> CyberRegs Master User Bulk Creation in the Navigation
The CyberRegs Master User Bulk Creation
form appears with each eligible administrative Essential user displayed
as a line item.
Select each user to be a master CyberRegs user by clicking the check box adjacent to the line item.
Click the Create Master Users button.
Verify master CyberRegs users at your entity by accessing the CyberRegs User Mapping form.
The CyberRegs User Mapping form provides a list of all the CyberRegs users at your entity, along with each one's CyberRegs account type (Master or Standard) and mapping status. Use the form to verify mapping statuses. A No entry in the Is User Mapped field indicates an unresolved mapping. Refer to Resolve Mappings for additional information. The link in the User Name field opens the User Manager form and the link in the Contact Information field opens the Contacts and Personnel form.
Click Performance > Compliance Manager > Tools > Citation Linking > CyberRegs User Mappings in the Navigation Tree to open the form. Search filters are available to locate specific users.
Master CyberRegs users can initiate the Resolve Mappings functionality on the CyberRegs User Mapping form. Instances when this action may be necessary, are described below.
When your company account is set up (or upgraded) with CyberRegs, one Essential user is designated a master CyberRegs user. In addition to selecting the Map this user to a CyberRegs standard account check box in the CyberRegs User Account Settings section on the User Manager form for this user, the Resolve Mappings function must be initiated.
For unresolved mappings, possibly due to erroneous conditions that no longer exist, the Resolve Mappings function can be used to initiate the mapping process again.
The mapping process for user login accounts created and/or updated via the Data Importer Contact/User template must be completed using the Resolve Mappings function.
Once the mapping process is complete, an XML document that contains mapping results is saved and can be accessed by clicking the link provided.
resolve mappings
Click Performance
> Compliance Manager > Tools > Citation Linking > CyberRegs
User Mappings in the Navigation
Tree to open the form.
The CyberRegs User Mapping
form is displayed. A list of all the CyberRegs users is provided,
along with each one's account type (Master or Standard) and mapping
Click Resolve
Mappings. This button is inactive for standard CyberRegs users.
A message that provides the mapping results is displayed at the top
of the form when the process is complete. A link to view the results
file is available.