Administrator permissions are required to access the Hierarchy
Security Profile form.
Hierarchy Security profiles define a user's authorization level at each entity the user can access. For example, when managing multiple entities within one database, a user could be granted Read privileges at "Entity A", Read and Update privileges at "Entity B", and Full (read, update, add, delete) privileges at "Entity C". All authorization levels are linked to the user's login account, so a user need only log into Essential with a single user ID and password to have the appropriate permissions at the applicable entities.
A Hierarchy Security profile is a combination of:
An Essential module
An Entity Access profile
One or more Entity-Dependent Security profiles
For each entity that is part of the Entity Access profile, a single Entity-Dependent Security profile can be specified. Assign the same profile or use different ones with varying authorization levels. A user will only have access to the entities associated with an Entity-Dependent Security profile. For example, if the Entity Access profile includes five entities and an Entity-Dependent Security profile has been specified for just two entities, the user will not have access to the other three entities.
A default Entity-Dependent Security profile must be designated and will be assigned to each new entity associated with the Entity Access profile. (New enterprise entities are automatically added to the Entity Access profile.) The minimum authorization level, Read permissions, is required for access to the new entity once it has been created. For example, if no permissions are granted for the Enterprise Entity security object in the default Entity-Dependent Security profile, the new entity will not be available for selection in the Essential Hierarchy view presented to the user.
When a user establishes a new entity, all users assigned the same
Hierarchy Security profile, i.e., with the same Entity Access profile
and default Entity-Dependent Security profile associations, will also
have access to the new entity.
Establish Hierarchy Security Profiles on the Hierarchy Security Profile form. Assign Hierarchy Security profiles to a user on the User Manager form.
establish a Hierarchy Security profile
Tip: Before beginning, ensure your Entity Access and Entity-Dependent
Security profiles have been set up.
Click Administration
> Hierarchy Security Profiles in the Navigation
The Hierarchy Security Profiles
list appears.
Click the New
The Hierarchy Security Profile
form is displayed.
Enter a Profile Name.
Select a Module, Entity Access Profile, and a Default Entity-Dependent Profile from the list for each field.
The default Entity-Dependent Security profile is assigned to each new entity associated with the selected Entity Access profile. When working with more than one Entity-Dependent Security profile, the best choice may be the profile with the most permissive authorization for site-level entities (i.e., those entities assigned the Site Enterprise Entity Type).
The default Entity-Dependent Security profile also determines which entity-dependent security objects are available to a user. The minimum authorization level, Read permissions, must be assigned for a security object to be accessible.
Click Save.
The Enterprise Entity Permissions
section is displayed with the entities included in the selected Entity
Access profile listed. The default Entity-Dependent Profile is automatically
assigned to each entity.
Verify the Entity-Dependent Security profile assignment for each entity. A user will only have access to the entities associated with an Entity-Dependent Security profile. To expedite the selection process, the following selection options are also available:
To assign a different Entity-Dependent Security profile for an entity, select it from the list of profiles in the field next to the entity name.
To quickly assign an Entity-Dependent Security profile to all levels in a hierarchical entity relationship, select it from the list and click Apply All.
To assign the same Entity-Dependent Security profile to every entity listed, select it from the Assign Entity Dependent Security Profile to all the Enterprise Entities list and click Apply All.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 2 through 7 to add other Hierarchy Security profiles.