Copying Emission Models

The Emission Model Copy Wizard provides the means to copy emission model scenarios from one process unit to another. This copy function replaces the task of configuring each process unit’s emission model from scratch and reduces the occurrence of errors produced when trying to replicate your emission models. For example, many facilities have multiple instances of an emission model, such as fixed roof storage tanks; this emission model can be copied from one process unit to another to reduce repetitive data entry. Before you can use the wizard, you must have a source emission model to copy and an established target process unit.

Note:  The emission model copy functionality has also been implemented as part of the Process Unit Move/Copy Wizards and is displayed only when the existing process unit is associated with active emission model scenarios.

For instruction on copying emission models, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Overview of the Emission Model Copy Wizard

Step 4 - Equation Constants (Optional Step 5)

To Copy Emission Model Scenarios

Step 5 - Equation Variables (Optional Step 6)

Identifying Source and Target Process Units

Step 6 - Global Constants (Optional Step 7)

Step 1 - Change Model/Scenario

Step 7 - Global Emission Factor References (Optional Step 8)

Optional Step 2 - Target Emission Models

Step 8 - Production Units (Optional Step 9)

Step 2 - Change Emission Temperature Parameters (Optional Step 3)

Step 9 - Process Unit Properties (Optional Step 10)

Step 3 - Change Material (Optional Step 4)


Overview of the Emission Model Copy Wizard

The Emission Model Copy Wizard allows you to establish the copy configuration before actually executing the copy process. For instance, you can specify the target process unit links for existing output types or add new data for an equation constant. For target process units that have the same properties as the source process unit but with their own unique values, you have the option of overwriting those target values or keeping them. In most cases, you will want to keep these preexisting values. They are valid values and generally should not be overwritten.

The wizard consists of nine steps listed below. A tenth step, Target Emission Models, is included only when the target process unit is associated with emission model scenarios.

The wizard contains two panels; the left panel lists the steps and the right panel contains forms for setting up the copy configuration. To navigate through the wizard, click the step title in the left panel or use the Next and Previous buttons in the right panel. The Next/Previous navigation option automatically skips over the steps with no records; however, the form for each step can be accessed by clicking the step title.

The Finish button initiates the save process. It is not necessary to visit every step to save the copy configuration. Except for process unit links associated with emission materials, any existing source data that was not reviewed or edited will be saved:

Caution:  When emission model scenarios with an identical name exist in both the source and target process units, the duplicate target emission model scenarios MUST be shut down or deleted in the Target Emission Models step. Otherwise, the entire copy process will fail.

Three key data elements, model, scenario, and material, are displayed for almost every step. Edits to these elements will have a cascading affect on other steps in the wizard. For example, changing the model and scenario in the first step will change the model/scenario related data for subsequent steps. In instances where a key data element is deleted, related records are removed wherever possible. However, some steps may show data marked for removal even though the step itself does not allow deletions. Any existing data marked for deletion, is removed during the copy process. It is important to also keep in mind that data interdependencies may prevent the modification or deletion of some elements.

Close the window to cancel copy configuration set up and exit the wizard at any time before the copy process is initiated.

A message is displayed when a successful copy has taken place or when the copy process fails. A description of the failure is included.

To copy emission model scenarios

  1. Click Data Entry > Emission Model Information > Emission Model Copy in the Navigation Tree.

    The Emission Model Copy wizard is displayed.

  2. Select an Origin (source) Entity, Origin Process Unit, Target Entity, and Target Process Unit from the list for each field. Refer to Identifying Source and Target Process Units when necessary.

    The first step of the wizard is displayed.

  3. Use the wizard steps to set up your copy configuration. Refer to the following sections for additional information:

When necessary, close the window to cancel copy configuration and exit the wizard.

  1. Click Finish to initiate the copy process.

    A message indicating whether the copy process was successful is displayed as a final step. When the copy process fails, as description of the failure is included.

Identifying Source and Target Process Units

Before the Emission Model Copy Wizard is fully launched, a source entity and process unit along with a target entity and process unit must be selected. The following filters are applied to the values available for selection:


Note:  Only active emission model scenarios are copied.

Process Unit

Step 1 - Change Model/Scenario

The Change Model/Scenario step displays the active emission model scenarios to be copied as line items. Use the buttons adjacent to the line item to change or remove an emission model scenario.

Optional Step 2 - Target Emission Models

The Target Emission Models step is included only when the target process unit is associated with one or more emission model scenarios. Each emission model scenario is displayed as a line item. If a source emission model and scenario name is identical to a target emission model and scenario name, Yes is displayed in the Duplicate field. The target emission model scenario MUST be assigned a shutdown date or deleted; otherwise, the copy process will fail.

To shutdown target emission model scenarios

  1. Click the Edit button adjacent to the duplicate emission model and scenario line item.

  2. Enter an Existing Model Shutdown Date or click the Calendar button and select one. It is recommended that you use the same date as the new model's effective date if that date is later than the existing target model's effective date.

  3. Click OK.

Step 2 - Change Emission Temperature Parameters (Optional Step 3)

The Change Emission Temperature Parameters step displays the user-specified temperature-related parameters, as line items, that are associated with the source emission models/scenarios. Use the Edit button adjacent to the line item to change the parameter for the target emission models/scenarios. A different parameter and level (entity, production unit, process unit) can be specified. Use the Source Parameters Only check box to filter the list of parameters so only those associated with the source emission models/scenarios are listed. A parameter change is processed as follows:

The Copy Parameter Results check box is available for designating if monitoring results for a parameter should be copied to the target process unit. Parameter results are copied only when (1) the parameter definition record does not exist at the target entity and (2) no changes (parameter type, name, etc.) are made to the parameter being copied.

 Temperature-related parameters are used for speciation vapor pressure calculations and are specified in the Emission Stream Information subsection of the General Emission Information section on the Process Unit Emission Model form.

To change emission temperature parameters

  1. Click the Edit button adjacent to the parameter line item.

  2. Select a Parameter Type (level) from the list when applicable.

  3. Select a parameter from the Parameter Name field list. By default, just the temperature-related parameters associated with the source emission model scenario are available for selection. Clear the Source Parameters Only check box to remove the filter and view all the temperature-related parameters.

  4. Select a Material Qualifier from the list when applicable. The material qualifier information is not used in emissions calculations. The parameter specified (with or without a material qualifier) is used to determine temperature in speciation vapor pressure calculations only.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Select the Copy Parameter Results option when monitoring results for a parameter should be copied to the target process unit.

    Parameter results are copied only when (1) the parameter definition record does not exist at the target entity and (2) no changes (parameter type, name, etc.) are made to the parameter being copied.

Step 3 - Change Material (Optional Step 4)

The Change Material step shows the emission model scenario materials and model output types to be copied. Each material and its associated model output type is displayed as a line item. Use the buttons adjacent to the line item to change the material or remove it from the copy process. If process links apply, a Process Units Links field is available to associate a link with a material and output type. When you specify the target process unit’s stream linkages for a material and model output type, you are replacing all specified link references contained in the source process unit’s emission model scenarios for that material and output type. For instance, assume you have several source model scenarios with the model output type "Process Emissions" for "Methane" that reference a link to process unit "Emission Point A". To copy these emission model scenarios to a target process unit that is linked to "Emission Point B", you will need to replace the source link of "Emission Point A" with the target link of "Emission Point B". Then, all model scenarios copied with the output type "Process Emissions" for "Methane" that use "Emission Point A" will use "Emission Point B". Individual model scenario stream linkages cannot be changed.

The links available for selection are limited to those links that are applicable to the models being copied. For example, if you select two models with the effective dates of 2/1/2012 and 3/1/2012, then links with effective date ranges that begin on or before 2/1/2012 and end after 3/1/2012 will be available. However, a link with an effective date of 2/15/2012 will not appear because the link’s effective date does not occur before the 2/1/2012 model; therefore, the link does not apply to all models selected.

Two options are available to specify the target process unit links. To quickly apply the target process link for all output types, select a Default Process Link from the list and click Apply All. The Process Unit Links field for each material with the associated model output type is populated with the selected link. Alternatively, a link can be selected from the list for the Process Unit Links field per line item.

Step 4 - Equation Constants (Optional Step 5)

The Equation Constants step displays the equation constants for the emission model scenarios to be copied. Each equation constant is displayed as a line item. Use the Edit button adjacent to the line item to adjust the value and/or the unit of measure for an equation constant. The list of available units is filtered based on the unit type associated with the emission material.

Step 5 - Equation Variables (Optional Step 6)

The Equation Variables step displays the equation variables associated with the emission model scenarios to be copied. Each variable is displayed as a line item. Use the Edit button adjacent to the line item to change the parameter and/or material qualifier. For example, suppose your source variable references anthracite coal, but your target process unit uses bituminous coal. The material qualifier can be changed in the Equation Variables step. The Copy Parameter Results check box is available for designating when monitoring results for a parameter should be copied to the target process unit.

Step 6 - Global Constants (Optional Step 7)

The Global Constants step displays the global constants for the emission model scenarios to be copied. Each global constant is displayed as a line item. Use the Edit button adjacent to the line item to adjust the value and/or the unit of measure for a global constant. The list of available units is filtered based on the unit type associated with the emission material.

Step 7 - Global Emission Factor References (Optional Step 8)

The Global Emission Factor References step displays the global emission factor references associated with the emission model scenarios to be copied. Each reference is displayed as a line item. Click the Delete button adjacent to the line item to remove a global emission factor reference from the copy process.

Step 8 - Productions Units (Optional Step 9)

The Production Units step displays the production units associated with the emission model scenarios to be copied. Each production unit is displayed as a line item. Click the Delete button adjacent to the line item to remove a production unit from the copy process.

Step 9 - Process Unit Properties (Optional Step 10)

The Process Unit Properties step displays the source process unit properties. Emission model scenario equations refer to process unit properties for emission calculations. Each property is displayed as a line item. Click the Edit button adjacent to the line item to change the value and/or unit of measure.

Related topic

 Process Unit Move/Copy Wizards