Regulations and Policies

For instruction on adding and reviewing regulations and policies, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Adding and Reviewing Regulations and Policies

Reviewing Entity Aspects

To Establish a Rule

Viewing and Defining Rule Requirement Tasks

Adding Details for a Rule

Viewing the Regulation's Version History

Assigning Media to a Rule

Version Information About Regulations and Policies

Documenting the Preamble

To Establish Rule Version Information

Entering Definitions for a Rule


Adding and Reviewing Regulations and Policies

The Rules form is the primary form for adding, reviewing, and editing regulations and policies. You can also use the Rules form to establish permit requirement profiles, which detail requirements that your entity has developed to prove compliance with a permit.

The sections on the Rules form help you to organize the sections of regulations and policies based on the key information you need for deciding if a rule applies to your facility and for determining how you can stay in compliance. For example, the Applicability Criteria section lists applicability criteria citations so that you can easily locate the information you need to determine if a rule applies to a process unit. The Requirements section lists the requirement citations for easy access and review, and the Tasks section lists all the requirement tasks that you have defined for the rule. Requirement tasks are specific activities that define what you must do to maintain compliance with a requirement. The Entity Aspects section show the aspects that have been associated with the rule.

Documenting other sections of regulations, such as the preamble, notes, and definitions is optional. However, if you document them when you set up your regulations, you can easily reference them later to clarify the terminology used or for other information.

While the Rules form is the primary form for managing your regulations and policies, there are several other related forms that you will also use. For example, you must use other forms to establish and document requirement citations and applicability criteria citations.

The software identifies potentially applicable rules for an applicability analysis based on relationships that you establish when you set up your regulations, policies, permits, and process units. For example, when you set up applicability criteria citations and requirement citations, you should also assign them to compliance categories. Refer to Understanding Rule Selection for a Compliance Scenario for details on how potentially applicable rules are identified for an applicability analysis.

Because regulations are modified frequently, you will want to identify iterations of requirements with specific versions. You can also inspect the revision history of a regulation to review changes made to the regulation over time.

To establish a rule

  1. Click Data Entry > Rule Information > Rules in the Navigation Tree.

    The Rules list is displayed.

  2. Click the New button.

    The Rules form is displayed.

  3. Type the name of the regulation, policy, or permit requirement profile in the Rule field.

  4. Select the name of the Governing Body from the list.

    If a governing body is not listed, click the Ellipsis button to add it.

  5. Enter the date the rule became effective in the Promulgation Date field or click the Calendar button and select the date.

  6. Enter the Last Update Date for the rule or click the Calendar button and select the date.

  7. Choose the Link With Provider option and click Link Rule to link the rule with CyberRegs, when applicable. Refer to Citation Linking and Notification for additional information.

    When a record is linked to a provider site, the View Rule link can be used to see the current version of the rule.

  8. Add information in the Details, Media, Preamble, Definitions, and Entity Aspects sections.

  9. Click Save to establish the rule.

    The Applicability Criteria, Requirements, Tasks, and History sections are displayed. In addition, the Number of related tasks is displayed next to the Promulgation Date field and represents the task assignments associated with the rule in the Rules and Requirements section on the Task Setup and Results form. A link to the Task List is provided when the number is greater than zero.

  10. Add information in the Applicability Criteria, Requirements, Tasks, and History sections.

  11. Click Save.

  12. Repeat steps 2 through 11 to add other rules.

Adding Details for a Rule

Use the Details section on the Rules form to designate the level of enforcement, enter a description, indicate the rule type, select an entity, and assign operating permits. The enforcement level can be federal, state, local, and/or other, and is used for documentation and reporting. You can use the description area to provide a brief overview of the regulation's scope or intent that can help you to review the rule at a glance.

Select a rule type to categorize the rule as either a regulation, policy, permit requirement profile, or entity-specific policy. An entity must be assigned when entering a permit requirement profile or a entity-specific policy.

Tip:  The Permit Requirement Profile option must be selected to associate the rule with a permit in the Details section on the Rules form or the Requirement Profiles section on the Permit form.

Assign one or more operating permits that apply to the permit requirement profile. After a permit has been associated with a requirement profile, the requirement profile will be displayed in the Requirements Profile section on the Permit form for that permit. Likewise, when a requirement profile has been associated with a permit, the permit will be listed as an assigned permit in the Details section on the Rules form for that requirement profile. The Create Permits link is available to access the Permit form and establish a new permit. The permit requirement profile will be automatically associated with the new permit.

To add rule details

  1. Locate your rule on the Rules list, click the rule link to open the Rules form, and expand the Details section if necessary.

  2. Select all applicable Enforcement levels.

  3. Type a Description of the rule.

  4. Use the following guidelines to select a Rule Type:

  1. Click Assign Permits to associate permits with a requirement profile. Otherwise, skip to step 8.

    The Create Permits link is available to access the Permit form and establish a new permit. The permit requirement profile will be automatically associated with the new permit.

  2. Select a Permit Number from the list.

    If the applicable permit is not listed, click the Ellipsis button and add it.

  3. Click OK.

    The permit is displayed as a line item in the Details section. Edit or remove permit assignments using the buttons adjacent to the line item.

    Tip:  View or edit a permit associated with the requirement profile by clicking the Save button on the Rules form first and then clicking the permit number link to open the Permit form.

  4. Click the Save button on the form.

Assigning Media to a Rule

Use the Media section on the Rules form to select the media for the rule. For example, if a regulation deals exclusively with air emissions, you would select Air as the only applicable media. However, if a regulation pertains to waste management as well as air emissions, you would select both Air and Waste. Use media for documentation and reporting purposes.  

To assign media to a rule

  1. Locate your rule on the Rules list, click the rule link to open the Rules form, and expand the Media section if necessary.

  2. Select all the applicable media in the Available Media field and click the right arrow button to assign your selection(s) to the rule.

    If the applicable media is not listed, click the Add Media button and add it. Remove an assigned media by selecting it and clicking the left arrow button.

  3. Click the Save button on the form.

Documenting the Preamble

In the Preamble section on the Rules form, document the introductory information for the rule. Often this information will describe the intent or scope and can provide a quick reference during later review.  

Entering Definitions for a Rule

Sometimes common terms are defined in a special way for regulatory purposes. An example of a definition of a storage vessel from 40 CFR 60 Subpart K is:

Storage vessel means any tank, reservoir, or container used for the storage of petroleum liquids, but does not include (1) Pressure vessels which are designed to operate in excess of 15 pounds per square inch gauge without emissions to the atmosphere except under emergency conditions, (2)...

In the Definitions section on the Rules form, enter terms and their definitions. Later, the definitions can be referenced to clarify the terminology used. Because the definition of a term can be modified over time, the date it became effective is stored with the term, which allows you to document changes to a definition.

To enter definitions

  1. Locate your rule on the Rules list, click the rule link to open the Rules form, and expand the Definitions section if necessary.

  2. Click the Add Definition button to display the Rules Definition form.

  3. Type the Term and Definition in the appropriate field.

  4. Enter an effective date for the term and definition or click the Calendar button and select the date.

  5. Type the Citation reference.

  6. Select the applicable Rule Version Date from the list.

  7. Type the Order Number that designates the definition's position in the list of definitions, e.g., first = 1, second = 2, etc.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Repeat steps 2 through 8 to add other rule definitions.

  10. Click the Save button on the form.

Reviewing Entity Aspects

Review the environmental entity aspects that have been associated with the rule in the Entity Aspects section on the Rules form. Each aspect is displayed as a line item with the entity, aspect number and type, and a requirement type that identifies how the rule was associated with the aspect. Filters are available to help locate specific aspect records. Click the aspect link to open the Entity Aspect form. For additional information, refer to Environmental Aspects and Impacts.

Viewing and Defining Rule Requirement Tasks

In the Tasks section on the Rules form, view the requirement tasks that have been defined for the rule on the Requirement Citation Information form. Requirement tasks are specific activities that define what you must do to maintain compliance with a requirement. You should identify and establish requirement tasks when you set up your requirements.

Click Define Rule Requirement Tasks to open the Requirement Citation Information form and add, remove, or edit tasks for the rule.

Viewing the Regulation's Version History

Review version history for a rule in the History section on the Rules form. A revision date, version number, and notes for each version are displayed. As you update your rules, or upload new versions, reference this section to verify that you are working with the most recent version.

To make version changes, expand the History section and click Define Rule History to open the Rule History form.

Storing and Reviewing Version Information About Regulations and Policies

When you establish a rule on the Rules form, the first version is automatically entered and displayed in the History section. As rules are updated, enter revision information on the Rule History form to reflect the most recent version. To access the Rule History form, expand the History section on the Rules form and click Define Rule History. You can also use the Rule History form to establish a rule (regulation, policy, or permit).

To establish rule version information

Tip:  The steps below describe the procedure for establishing and updating rule version information on the Rule History form. If you click Define Rule History in the History section on the Rules form to update version information, begin with step 8.

  1. Click Data Entry > Rule Information > Rule History in the Navigation Tree.

    The Rule History list appears.

  2. Click the New button.

    The Rule History form is displayed.

  3. Type the name of the regulation, policy, or permit requirement profile in the Rule field.

  4. Select the name of the Governing Body from the list.

    If a governing body is not listed, click the Ellipsis button and add it.

  5. Enter the date the rule became effective in the Promulgation Date field, or click the Calendar button and select it.

  6. Enter the Last Update Date or click the Calendar button and select it.

  7. Click the Save button on the form.

    The first version of the rule is established and appears as a line item in the Rule History section.

  8. Follow the guidelines below to update the version information:

  1. Click the Save button on the form.

Related topics

 Defining Requirements for a Rule

 Assigning Compliance Categories to Applicability Criteria

 Defining Applicability Criteria for a Rule

 Establishing Compliance Categories for Requirements

 Requirement Citation Information