Generating Emergency Module Reports

Generate an ICS form report or an Essential Emergency module report using the Essential Reporter. The report is displayed in the report preview window where it can be viewed and regenerated as necessary. When more than one page exists, navigational buttons are available to move from page-to-page.

Note:  The permissions assigned to your user account determine which reports you can access and generate.

To generate Emergency Module reports

  1. Locate the report to be generated under one of the Reports folders in the Navigation Tree and click the report link.

    The report setup window is displayed.

  2. Specify the appropriate criteria in the selection tree and click the Run button on the toolbar.

    The results are displayed in the report preview window. When more than one page exists, use the arrow buttons on the toolbar to move from page-to-page.

  3. See Printing, Saving, and Emailing Reports or click File > Exit to close the Essential Reporter.