Use the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form to assign on-site activities, as well as recycling, energy recovery, waste stream treatment, and source reduction methods to an entity material. When reporting on-site source reduction activities, designate whether a metal should be included. The information entered on the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form is required for certain toxic chemicals and chemical categories on the form R. The effective date is used to track data for each reporting period.
For additional instruction on entity material activities and source reduction methods, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
Assigning Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods |
To assign entity material activities and
source reduction methods
Tip: If you are accessing the Entity
Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form from the
Enterprise Entity or Entity
Materials form, select a material, click the Activities
and Source Reduction Methods link, and begin with step 3.
Click Data
Entry > Essential Hierarchy > Entity Material Activities/Source
Reduction in the Navigation
Tree to access the Entity
Material Activities list.
For Process Data Manager, a link to the form has been added to the
Process Unit Hierarchy folder.
Locate your entity material and click the link to open the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form.
Enter an Effective Date or click the Calendar button and select one.
Enter the Production Ratio.
Click the Save button on the form.
Add information in the On-site Activities, Recycling Methods, Energy Recovery Methods, Source Reduction Methods, Waste Stream Treatment, Exceptions, and Optional Information sections.
Click the Save button on the form.
On-site activities represent the manufacturing, processing, and otherwise use activities applied for toxic chemicals at your facility. “Process as an article component” is an example of an on-site activity. Designate on-site activities in the On-Site Activities section of the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form. Use the information entered to complete section 3 of the form R.
To designate on-site activities
Tip: If you are accessing the Entity
Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form from the
Enterprise Entity or Entity
Materials form, select a material, click the Activities
and Source Reduction Methods link, and begin with step 2.
Locate your entity material on the Entity Material Activities list and click the entity link to open the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form.
Enter an Effective Date or select a date from the list when more than one exists. The Calendar button is available to select a new date.
Expand the On-Site Activities section if necessary.
Select one or more Activity
and click the right arrow button to assign on-site activities to the
entity material.
Remove an assigned on-site activity by selecting it and clicking the
left arrow button.
If applicable, select select one or more Sub-Use Code for the associated Activity.
Click the Save button on the form.
Specify recycling methods for entity materials in the Recycling Methods section of the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form. Recycling methods and method codes represent the recycling methods used at your facility for toxic chemicals. An example of a recycling method code is R29, which is described as “Metals Recovery-Secondary Smelting”. Validate a list of recycling methods and codes on the SARA Treatment Method Codes form.
To add recycling methods
Tip: If you are accessing the Entity
Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form from the
Enterprise Entity or Entity
Materials form, select a material, click the Activities
and Source Reduction Methods link, and begin with step 2.
Locate your entity material on the Entity Material Activities list and click the entity link to open the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form.
Enter an Effective Date or select a date from the list when more than one exists. The Calendar button is available to select a new date.
Expand the Recycling Methods section if necessary.
Select one or more Available
Recycling Methods and click the right arrow button to assign
recycling methods to the entity material.
Remove an assigned recycling method by selecting it and clicking the
left arrow button.
Click the Save button on the form.
Specify energy recovery methods for entity materials in the Energy Recovery Methods section of the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form. Energy recovery methods and codes indicate the energy recovery methods that are applied to any waste stream containing the toxic chemical or chemical category. “U01-Industrial Kiln” is an example. Validate a list of energy recovery methods and codes on the SARA Treatment Method Codes form.
To add energy recovery methods
Tip: If you are accessing the Entity
Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form from the
Enterprise Entity or Entity
Materials form, select a material, click the Activities
and Source Reduction Methods link, and begin with step 2.
Locate your entity material on the Entity Material Activities list and click the entity link to open the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form.
Enter an Effective Date or select a date from the list when more than one exists. The Calendar button is available to select a new date.
Expand the Energy Recovery Methods section if necessary.
Select one or more Energy
Recovery Methods and click the right arrow button to assign
energy recovery methods to the entity material.
Remove an assigned energy recovery method by selecting it and clicking
the left arrow button.
Click the Save button on the form.
On the Waste Stream Treatment form, describe the efficiency of treatment methods used to reduce the amount of toxic chemicals in on-site waste streams. Specify the waste stream, influent concentration, treatment method sequence, and treatment efficiency. Indicate whether or not the efficiency is based on operating data for treatment methods used to treat entity materials.
Treatment methods are required on the form R. A standard code is associated with each treatment method. For example, the physical treatment "Oil Skimming" is represented by treatment method code P15. Validate waste stream treatment methods on the SARA Treatment Method Codes form.
The Waste Stream Treatment form can only be accessed via the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form.
To define waste stream treatments
Tip: If you are accessing the Entity
Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form from the
Enterprise Entity or Entity
Materials form, select a material, click the Activities
and Source Reduction Methods link, and begin with step 2.
Locate your entity material on the Entity Material Activities list and click the entity link to open the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form.
Enter an Effective
Date, or click the Calendar
button to select one, and click Save.
The Waste Stream Treatment
section is displayed only after an initial effective date is specified
and the Entity Material Activities
and Source Reduction Methods form is saved. When more than
one date exists, select the appropriate effective date from the list.
Expand the Waste Stream Treatment section if necessary and click Add Waste Stream Treatment to open the Waste Stream Treatment form.
Select a Waste Stream Code and Influent Concentration value from the list for each field.
Enter a numerical value in the Treatment Efficiency field and select the appropriate Based on Operating Data option.
Expand the Treatment Methods section when necessary.
Click Add Treatment Method and enter a Sequence number that represents the method's position in the sequence of treatment methods applied to the waste stream.
Select a Treatment
Method from the list and click OK.
The information entered is displayed as a line item in the Treatment
Methods section. Edit existing treatment method information
using the buttons adjacent to the line item.
Repeat steps 7 and 8 to add other treatment methods.
Click the Save
button on the Waste Stream Treatment
form and close the window.
The waste stream treatment is displayed as a line item in the Waste Stream Treatment section on
the Entity Material Activities and
Source Reduction Methods form. Click the Edit
button adjacent to the line item to view, change, or delete treatment
method information.
Click the Save button on the form.
In the Source Reduction Activities section of the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form, specify source reduction methods used to minimize toxic chemical releases. Source reduction activities and codes indicate the type of action necessary to reduce the amount of a toxic chemical. For example, "W52 - Modified equipment, layout, or piping” represents a source reduction code and activity. Validate a list of source reduction activities on the Source Reduction Activity Codes form.
For each source reduction activity, specify the source reduction identification method. A standard code is associated with each source reduction identification method. For example, T01 is a source reduction identification method code for the “Internal pollution prevention opportunity audit(s)” method. Validate a list of the methods by which source reduction activities are identified on the Source Reduction Identification Methods form.
For TRI reporting, just the newly implemented source reduction activities for the reporting year are required to be reported. If there are none, select the N/A check box and no activities will be reported for Part II, Section 8.10 of the form R; instead, the NA check box in Section 8.10 will be populated. If there are new source reduction activities, enter an Effective Date that represents the reporting year, add the new activities, and ensure the N/A check box is clear. Activities can be entered for non-regulatory recordkeeping purposes and as long as the N/A check box is selected, the activities will not be included in TRI reporting. If no activities are entered and the N/A check box is clear, no data will be reported for form R Section 8.10.
To designate source reduction
Tip: If you are accessing the Entity
Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form from the
Enterprise Entity or Entity
Materials form, select a material, click the Activities
and Source Reduction Methods link, and begin with step 2.
Locate your entity material on the Entity Material Activities list and click the entity link to open the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form.
Enter an Effective
Date, or click the Calendar
button to select one, and click Save.
The Source Reduction Activities
section is displayed only after an initial effective date is specified
and the Entity Material Activities
and Source Reduction Methods form is saved. When more than
one date exists, the appropriate effective date can be selected from
the list.
Expand the Source Reduction Activities section and use the following guidelines to enter the appropriate activities:
If new activities apply for the TRI reporting year, click Add Source Reduction Activity to open the Source Reduction Activity form and continue to step 4.
If there are no newly implemented source reduction activities for the TRI regulatory reporting year, click the N/A check box and skip to step 7. (Activities can be entered for non-regulatory recordkeeping purposes and as long as the N/A check box is selected, the activities will not be included in TRI reporting.)
If TRI regulatory reporting does not apply, click Add Source Reduction Activity to enter activities on the Source Reduction Activity form. Continue to step 4.
Select a Source Reduction Activity from the list.
Select one or more Available
Identification Methods and click the right arrow button to
assign the identification methods to the activity.
Remove an assigned identification method by selecting it and clicking
the left arrow button.
Click Save
and close the window.
The source reduction activity and identification method are displayed
as a line item in the Source Reduction
Activities section. Click the Edit
link adjacent to the line item to view, change, or delete source reduction
activity information.
Click the Save button on the form.
The Exceptions section is
only available when the entity material has been designated as a Metal on the Material
In the Exceptions section on the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form, specify how source reduction activities should be reported for a metal that is a component of a waste stream and subjected to a treatment or energy recovery method. Specify whether metals should be ignored when reporting on-site source reduction activities. For instance, metals may pass through on-site treatment processes where they become a component of ash or another waste stream. If this ash or waste stream is disposed of off-site, click the Do not include metals when reporting... check box to ensure that these metal quantities will not be double-counted for both on-site and off-site source reduction activities.
Disposal methods are used to indicate the type of treatment methods applied to a waste stream; however, the treatment may not apply to metals that are constituents of the waste stream. Metals cannot be destroyed and do not have sufficient heat value to support combustion; therefore, treatment and energy recovery are invalid when reporting source reduction activities for metals. Only disposal and recycling are valid options for reporting the disposition of metals and metal compounds. To specify an on-site recycling method for metals contained in a waste stream that has undergone energy recovery or treatment, select a value from the Recycling Method field's list. If the appropriate method is not included in the list, use the SARA Treatment Method Codes form to add it.
Tip: If you are accessing the Entity
Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form from the
Enterprise Entity or Entity
Materials form, select a material, click the Activities
and Source Reduction Methods link, and begin with step 2.
Locate your entity material on the Entity Material Activities list and click the entity link to open the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form.
Expand the Exceptions section if necessary.
Click the Do not include metals when reporting... check box to ensure metal quantities, that are part of a waste stream subjected to a treatment or energy recovery method, will not be double-counted for both on-site and off-site source reduction activities. Otherwise, continue to step 4.
Select the on-site Recycling Method from the list that is used when an energy recovery or treatment method is applied to a waste stream containing the metal material.
Click the Save button on the form.
Enter information about source reduction, recycling, or pollution control activities in the Optional Information section on the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form. A maximum of 3,950 characters can be entered.
Entries in the Optional Information section are used for Part II, Section 8.11 of the form R. Refer to Understanding Electronic TRI Reporting for additional information.
Tip: If you are accessing the Entity
Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form from the
Enterprise Entity or Entity
Materials form, select a material, click the Activities
and Source Reduction Methods link, and begin with step 2.
Locate your entity material on the Entity Material Activities list and click the entity link to open the Entity Material Activities and Source Reduction Methods form.
Expand the Optional Information section if necessary.
Enter additional information about your disposal or other releases and/or source reduction, recycling, and pollution control activities. A maximum of 3,950 characters can be entered.
Click the Save button on the form.