Entity Operations

On the Entity Operations form, document important operating information often used on reports for your facility, such as the number of hours in a day that the entity is operating. For the Air module, an operation status can be assigned to support emissions inventory reporting. For the Waste module, you can document the waste generator's status which is important for the Biennial Waste report. The waste generator's address entered on the Entity Operations form is used as the mailing address for waste manifest population.

Because operating information can change over time, an effective date is required. When the operation information changes, enter the latest entity operations information under a new effective date.

Note:  To generate a TRI report file, an entity operations record that includes (1) an effective date within the reporting year and (2) entity address information is required for each reporting entity.

For additional instruction on entity operations, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Establishing Entity Operations

Adding Operating Information for an Entity

Adding a Mailing Address for an Entity

Defining Hazardous Waste Activities

Establishing Entity Operations

On the Entity Operations form, document important operating information often used on reports for your facility, such as the number of hours in a day that the entity is operating.

To establish entity operations records

Tip:  When accessing the Entity Operations form from the Enterprise Entity form, begin with step 4.

  1. Click Data Entry > Essential Hierarchy > Entity Operations in the Navigation Tree to access the Entity Operations list

    For the Emergency module, click Data Entry > Validation > Entity Operations.

  2. Click the New button.

    The Entity Operations form is displayed.

  3. Select an Entity from the list.

  4. Select an Establishment Type from the list.

  5. Enter an Effective Date for the operating information, or click the Calendar button and select one.

  6. Select an Operation Status from the list. If the appropriate value is not listed, click the Ellipsis button and add it.

  7. Add information in the Mailing Address, Operations Information, and Hazardous Waste Activities sections.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to add operations information for other entities.

Adding a Mailing Address for an Entity

In the Mailing Address section on the Entity Operations form, enter a mailing address for the entity that will be used on reports. The address information entered on the Enterprise Entity form is automatically displayed as the default mailing address. The mailing address information can be changed as needed. Edits made to the mailing address on the Entity Operations form will not change the address on the Enterprise Entity form.

To add a mailing address

Tip:  When accessing the Entity Operations form from the Enterprise Entity form, begin with step 2.

  1. Locate your entity on the Entity Operations list and click the entity link to open the Entity Operations form.

  2. Expand the Address Information section if necessary.

  3. Use the following guidelines when entering address information:

  1. Click Save.

Adding Operating Information for an Entity

In the Operating Information section on the Entity Operations form, document the average schedule for the entity, such as the number of hours in a day that the entity is operational. Enter other operating information, such as the number of employees and seasonal production rates. This information is used for reports and can also be used to determine operating percentages for production schedules in the Air module.

To add operating information

Tip:  When accessing the Entity Operations form from the Enterprise Entity form, begin with step 2.

  1. Locate your entity on the Entity Operations list and click the entity link to open the Entity Operations form.

  2. Expand the Operating Information section if necessary.

  3. Enter the Number of Employees at the entity, as well as the Max No. of Occupants that may be present at one time.

The maximum number of occupants is used for Tier2 Submit reporting and is defined as the estimated maximum number of occupants who may be present at any one time at the facility, including contractors, vendors, and people who may be present for training or other events, as well as employees .

  1. Select one or more of the options below for Tier2 Submit reporting. Refer to SARA 312 Tier Two Report for additional information.

  1. Specify the Operating Schedule, Seasonal Production percentages, and Ozone Season Operating percentage for the entity.

  2. Click Save.

Defining Hazardous Waste Activities

In the Hazardous Waste Activities section on the Entity Operations form, enter the waste generator status, hazardous waste operation information, and boiler/industrial furnace exemptions. The waste generator's status is important for the Hazardous Waste report, commonly called the Biennial report. For more information, such as what qualifies as a large quantity generator, refer to your Hazardous Waste Report "Instructions and forms" document.

To define hazardous waste activities

Tip:  When accessing the Entity Operations form from the Enterprise Entity form, begin with step 2.

  1. Locate your entity on the Entity Operations list and click the entity link to open the Entity Operations form.

  2. Expand the Hazardous Waste Activities section if necessary.

  3. Select a Generator Status.

  4. Click the check box for all hazardous Waste Activities that apply.

  5. Click the appropriate check box(es) to designate Exempt Boiler and/or Industrial Furnace applications.

  6. Click Save.