Waste Manifests

The U.S. EPA and the U.S. DOT require a Hazardous Waste Manifest for all regulated shipments of hazardous waste. The manifest tracks hazardous waste to ensure it is properly transferred from the point of generation to the point of final disposal. Use the Shipment Information form or the Shipment Express form to generate and print waste manifests.

Information used to complete a manifest is collected from your Essential database. Each manifest can be viewed for data integrity prior to printing. When necessary, a manifest Continuation sheet is generated to accommodate extra information and/or a manifest Addendum is generated for additional U.S. EPA waste codes. Both can also be viewed and printed via the Shipment Information form.

Add or edit information for a waste manifest in the Manifest Information section on the Shipment Line form. Refer to Adding Waste to Shipments for additional information.

For instruction on generating waste manifests, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Waste Manifest Warnings

Manifest Data Requirements

Generating and Viewing Manifests

Reporting Waste Codes

Printing Manifests

Including Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information



Waste Manifest Warnings

To help avoid fines associated with incomplete Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifests, a Waste Manifest Warnings feature can be enabled to validate that required manifest data exists. When generating a new Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest for viewing or printing, the system validates the information listed below. If a value is missing, a warning is provided on the Waste Manifest Notifications form that includes a link to the appropriate shipment-related form so the missing data can be entered.

A revalidation option is available to verify all entries have been made. When necessary, the validation process can be bypassed by clicking the View Manifest button or one of the Print Manifest buttons on the Waste Manifest Notifications form.

The manifest warnings feature is enabled and disabled for an entity on the Waste Defaults form. When enabled, validation is applied only to the new Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, generated by selecting the New Uniform Manifest option for the Manifest form field on the Shipment Information form.

Generating and Viewing Manifests

Note:  Waste manifests can also be generated and viewed via the Shipment Express form. However, any manifest edits must be made using the Shipment Information form or the Manifest Reconciliation form.

Generate waste manifests in the Generator and General Shipment Information section on the Shipment Information form or via the Shipment Express form. Click the View Manifest button to review the manifest and any accompanying Continuation sheets. Click the Addendum button to view additional wastes codes when applicable.

To generate and view manifests

  1. Locate the shipment on the Shipment list and click the shipment link to open the Shipment Information form.

  2. Select a Governing Body and Manifest form from the list for each field. Both fields can be found in the Generator and General Shipment Information section.

    The manifest selected at the time waste is added to the shipment determines the data that is collected and used to populate a manifest. For additional information, refer to Adding Waste to Shipments.

  3. Click View Manifest and use the guidelines below to continue:

  1. Review the Waste Manifest Notifications form and use the guidelines below to continue:

  1. Click Revalidate. A confirmation message is displayed when all validated data exists.

  2. Click View Manifest.

  3. Review the manifest data for accuracy. When necessary, add or edit information for the waste manifest on the Shipment Information and/or Shipment Line form; then, regenerate the manifest.

    The manifest can be saved as an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file by clicking the Save button on the toolbar.

  4. Click the Addendum button on the Shipment Information form to view additional manifest waste codes when applicable.

Printing Manifests

Currently, waste manifests are paper documents containing multiple copies of a single form. Each party that handles the waste signs the manifest and retains a copy. This ensures critical accountability in the transportation and disposal processes. Once the waste reaches its destination, the receiving facility returns a signed copy of the manifest to the generator. Capabilities to print manifest data on a multi-page form using your dot matrix printer are available, as follows:

Note:  A PDF is the “Pro forma” for the Canadian Waste Manifest, which is not intended or designed for printing on a dot matrix printer.

Click one of the Print Manifest buttons on the Shipment Information form. Just the data that will be used to complete the manifest is displayed in the Acrobat Reader window or in Microsoft Word.

Tip:  If the Waste Manifest Warnings feature has been enabled, the Waste Manifest Notifications form is displayed first.

When one or more Continuation sheets are necessary, the manifest data for each sheet is displayed on a separate page. Use the print options in Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Word to specify printing options and print the manifest. Initially, it may be necessary to adjust the position of the forms in the printer to properly align the data with form fields.

Note:  For a list of supported dot matrix printers, contact Essential Support.

A copy of each manifest, Continuation sheet, and Addendum can be printed for record-keeping purposes. Click View Manifest and refer to Generating and Viewing Manifests for additional information.

Tip:  Waste manifests can also be printed via the Shipment Express form and the Waste Manifest Notifications form.

Manifest Data Requirements

The minimum data that must exist in your Essential database to generate useful waste manifests is described below.

Reporting Data

Required Essential Data

Waste Generator

  1. The generator must be established as an entity on the Enterprise Entity form.

  2. For the new Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, the address entered on the Enterprise Entity form is used as the entity's physical address and the address on the Entity Operations form as the mailing address. When both addresses are the same, or only one exists, the address is used as the mailing address.

  3. The entity must be designated as a Waste Generator in the Entity Designation section on the Enterprise Entity form.

  4. At least one of the following ID Number Types must be associated with the generator in the ID Numbers section on the Enterprise Entity form:

    a) US EPA RCRA ID Number
    b) State ID Number
    c) Temporary State ID

    Should more than one ID number be associated with the entity, the US EPA RCRA ID takes precedence over state IDs. When there is a State ID Number and a Temporary State ID number, the State ID Number is used as the EPA ID.
    Note:  For the new Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest only, the ID Number Type State ID Number will be used when no US EPA RCRA ID Number exists. If there is more than one State ID Number, the one with the highest number when sorted alphabetically will be used to populate the Generator ID Number field on the manifest.

  5. For state waste manifests, the ID Number Type State RCRA ID Number must be assigned to the appropriate ID in the ID Numbers section on the Enterprise Entity form.

Waste Transporter

  1. The transporter must be established as an entity on the Enterprise Entity form.

  2. The entity must be designated as a Transporter in the Entity Designation section on the Enterprise Entity form.

  3. The ID Number Type US EPA RCRA ID Number must be assigned to the appropriate ID in the ID Numbers section on the Enterprise Entity form.

  4. For state waste manifests, the ID Number Type State RCRA ID Number must be assigned to the appropriate ID in the ID Numbers section on the Enterprise Entity form.

Receiving Facility

  1. The TSDF must be established as an entity on the Enterprise Entity form.

  2. The entity must be designated as a Receiving Facility in the Entity Designation section on the Enterprise Entity form.

  3. The ID Number Type US EPA RCRA ID Number must be assigned to the appropriate ID in the ID Numbers section on the Enterprise Entity form.

  4. For state waste manifests, the State field must be completed in the Address section on the Enterprise Entity form and the ID Number Type State RCRA ID Number must be assigned to the appropriate ID in the ID Numbers section on the Enterprise Entity form.


Each material in the shipment must be designated as a Waste Profile on the Material form.

Material Density

When using volume units, each material in the shipment must be assigned a bulk density for the most recent effective date in the Material Composition and Properties section on the Material form.

Material Transportation Information

  1. Transportation information must be established for all shipment materials on the Material Transportation Information form, except when using lab pack containers (see Container requirements).

  2. The Governing Body and Transportation Mode assigned to the material transportation information record must match the Governing Body and Transportation Mode specified for the shipment.


If using containers, specify transportation information as follows:

  • For lab pack containers, shipping information must be specified in the DOT Information and Waste Codes section on the Container form.

  • For all other containers, shipping information must be entered in the DOT Information and Waste Codes section on the Waste Profile form. The waste material must be added to the container in the Container Contents section on the Container form.

Container Manifest Code

  1. A Container Type Manifest code must be associated with the Container Type on the Container Types form.

  2. The Container Type must be assigned to the shipment container on the Container form.

Storage Area

  1. A Process Unit must be established for the generator entity on the Process Unit form.

  2. The process unit must be designated as a Storage Area in the Type section on the Process Unit form.


  1. A shipment must be established with a unique Shipment Number for the generator entity on the Shipment Information form.

  2. The shipment must be assigned a Tracking/Document Number in the Generator and General Shipment Information section on the Shipment Information form. The new Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest numbers are 13 characters. The Tracking/Document Number is the Waste Tracking Number on the new Non-Hazardous Waste Manifest and the Manifest Doc No on the older version.

  3. The Governing Body and Transportation Mode assigned to the material transportation information record must be selected in the Generator and General Shipment Information section on the Shipment Information form.

  4. A Transporter and Disposal Facility must be assigned in the Transporter and Disposal Facilities section on the Shipment Information form.

  5. The Generator's Certification Signed By field in the Signatures and Dates section on the Shipment Information form must contain the name of the manifest signer.

  6. For bulk materials, a Container Type must be specified in the Manifest section on the Shipment Line form.

  7. For the new Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, an emergency contact phone number must be specified in the Spill and Emergency section on the Shipment Information form.

Tip:  For the new Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, the Profile number and ERG numbers are added to the Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information section of the manifest. For state manifests, the Profile number and ERG number are added to section J. Additional Description.

Reporting Waste Codes

A maximum of six EPA waste codes can be reported for each hazardous material line item on the new Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest—unless a State waste code has been identified. In such instances, the last eight characters are reserved for reporting the State waste code. For example, in Scenario A below, all six EPA waste codes are reported since there is no state waste code. In Scenario B, a state waste code exists so just the first four EPA waste codes are reported along with the state waste code. The other two EPA waste codes, K009 and K106, will be listed on the Addendum.

Scenario A

EPA Waste Codes

State Waste Code

Reported on Manifest

D001, D002, D035, F037, K009, K106


D001, D002, D035, F037, K009, K106

Scenario B

EPA Waste Codes

State Waste Code

Reported on Manifest

D001, D002, D035, F037, K009, K106


D001, D002, D035, F037, 99874H

Just one state waste code can be reported for each hazardous material line item on a waste manifest. Specify waste codes on the Waste Profile form.

Including Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information

The following information, in the sequence specified, is reported for each hazardous material line item on a new Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest in the Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information section:

  1. The Waste Profile number, entered in the Profile Number field of the Approvals and Cost Information section on the Waste Profile form.

  2. The ERG number, which is part of the paper shipping description assigned to the waste profile. ERG numbers are entered on the Transportation Information form.

  3. The special handling text, entered in the Special Handling Instructions field of the Additional Information section on the Shipment Information form.

Note:  For state waste manifests, the Waste Profile number and ERG number are added to section J. Additional Description.

Related topics


 Adding Manifest Return and Disposal Information

 Adding Waste to Shipments

 Manifest Reconciliation

 Shipment Express

 Waste Defaults