Set up event templates on the Event Template form and establish tasks that represent responses to events on the Task Template form. Associate the appropriate task templates with each event template in the order they are to be completed. When an event occurs, the applicable event template is activated and the event's task templates become live Task Assignments as defined by the task template configuration set up for the event. Refer to Understanding Event Tasking for additional information about the process.
Task Templates and Event Templates can be set up as generic,
entity-specific, or business
unit templates. Generic task templates can only be associated with
generic event templates. Entity-specific/business unit task templates
can only be associated with entity-specific/business unit event templates
that have been established for the same entity. The generic option is
the recommended option since it allows you to re-use common templates
for various events, thereby expediting data entry and simplifying template
maintenance over time. The generic option also allows standards to be
set at the corporate level. Refer to Understanding
Event Tasking for additional information.
For instruction on how to establish Task Templates and Event Templates, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
On the Task Template form, predefine tasks that are performed in response to an event. A task template can be associated with one or more event templates of the same template type:
Generic task templates can only be associated with generic event templates.
Entity-specific task templates can only be associated with entity-specific event templates established for the same entity.
Business unit task templates can only be associated with business unit event templates established for the same entity.
Task templates are not live Task Assignments; they do not appear in any Task List. When an event occurs, the appropriate event template is activated and the event's task templates become live Task Assignments as defined by the task template configuration set up for the event. Live event task assignments function in the same manner as routine task assignments. A task template can be associated with multiple event templates.
The Task Template form is similar to the Task Setup and Results form with the following differences:
Because the actual event activation date is unknown, the Task Due Date is entered as the number of days or weeks after event activation.
For generic and business unit task templates, no Enterprise Entity is identified. The entity is specified at the time of event activation.
Generic task templates can become live task assignments for any entity and business unit task templates can become live task assignments for multiple entities within the parent/child hierarchy. As a result, a specific contact/team cannot be designated for the Task Owner, Team, Task Initiator, Supervisor, and Supervisor Team. Instead, the appropriate contact type/team type is specified. When the event is activated, the contact types and team types are mapped to actual contacts/teams. Refer to Entity Contact Mapping for additional information.
A Conditional Task check box and Conditional Question field have been added in the Task Setup section to define conditional tasks. A conditional task provides the capability to configure one set of tasks for activation when the decision is Yes and a different set for a No decision.
The Enable Quick Complete option is not available for conditional tasks since a response to the conditional question is required to complete the task assignment.
The Enable Quick Close and Enable Quick Complete options can be selected for generic task templates. However, if an event is activated for an entity without these options enabled, the fields will not be displayed for live task assignments. The generic task template defaults do NOT override the entity-wide default settings. Refer to Understanding Task Management for additional information.
The Units and Areas section and the Requirement Tasks section do not apply to task templates and are not a part of the template.
The Fixed Date email notification is not provided as an option.
The Contact and additional Team email notification options are not available for generic or business unit task templates.
The Recurrence Pattern section on the Task Template form is the Task Recurrence section on the Task Setup and Results form.
No entries can be made in the Start Date field for a Recurrence or Rolling Recurrence Schedule. The date the template becomes a live task assignment is automatically entered.
When both the Copy Task When Closed check box has been selected AND a Recurrence Pattern has been defined, the live task assignment is created as a recurring task.
If completion evidence document links have been associated with a task template, the Copy Completion Evidence Links default setting for the entity (associated with the event) applies to the live task assignments created from the template. Refer to Understanding Task Management for information about setting task-related entity-wide defaults on the Enterprise Entity form.
To establish event task
Tip: The steps below cover required and event task-specific
fields. Refer to Task Assignment
for information about the other fields and sections, when applicable.
Click Data Entry > Event Tasking > Task Template in the Navigation Tree to access the Task Templates list.
Click the New button and select a template type. Generic Template is the default.
Enter a unique Task Template ID.
Select an Enterprise Entity from the list for entity-specific and business unit templates. Otherwise, continue to step 5.
Enter a Task Statement.
Specify the Task Due Date by entering the number of days/weeks and selecting Days or Weeks from the list. Zero is a valid entry.
Enter the Task Description.
Expand the Task Setup section, when necessary, and use the following guidelines to select the Task Owner, Team, Task Initiator, Supervisor, and Supervisor Team:
For generic and business unit templates, select a contact type for an individual and a team type for a team. Contact types and team types are mapped to actual contacts/teams upon event activation. If the appropriate value for the task owner, team, or supervisor team is not listed, click the Ellipsis button next to the field and add the contact/team type.
For entity-specific templates, select the name of a contact/team from the list. All contacts selected need a valid email address to receive automatically generated event tasking-related emails. If the applicable task owner, team, or supervisor team is not listed, click the Ellipsis button next to the field and add the contact/team.
Click the Conditional Task check box and enter the Conditional Question. Phrase the question so that an appropriate response is Yes/No or True/False.
Click Save. Refer to Task Assignment for help with completing the other fields and sections on the task template.
Because generic task templates can become live task assignments for any entity and business unit task templates can become live task assignments for multiple entities within the parent/child hierarchy, specific contacts and teams are not designated for the following fields on the task template:
Task Owner
Task Initiator
Supervisor Team
Contact Types and Team Types are entered instead. Then, when an event is activated for an entity, contact/team types are mapped to specific contacts/teams. The types for all task templates included in the task configuration for the event are listed on the Event Activation form in the Contact Mapping and Team Mapping subsections. All types must be mapped to a contact/team prior to activation. Any contact/team that has been assigned to the contact/team type for the entity and is available for task assignments at the same entity, is automatically mapped to the contact/team type. A different contact/team can be selected before activation when necessary. To be eligible for selection, a contact must be associated with the entity, assigned at least one contact type at the entity, and available for task assignments at the entity. A team must be available for task assignments and either be associated with the entity or have no entity association to be eligible for selection.
All contacts selected need a valid
email address to receive automatically generated event tasking-related
The Contacts section and the Task Management section on the Entity Contacts form can be used for assigning contact types to contacts associated with an entity and for designating whether the contact is available for task assignments. In addition to the Entity Contacts form, contact types and task assignment availability can also be specified on the Enterprise Entity form and the User Manager form. Edits made on any one of the forms are reflected on all three forms.
The task administrator contact property can also be assigned to a contact in the Task Management section. Task Administrator capabilities include specific access permissions (read, update, add, delete) for all task assignment records at an entity. A Yes or No value identifies the existing designation. Either contact property setting can be changed; however, if both settings are changed to No, the contact will no longer be listed. For users with the appropriate security privileges, contacts can be associated with the entity and assigned task-related contact properties via the Task Management section. Otherwise, your system administrator can reassign the appropriate contact properties on the User Manager form when a contact is inadvertently removed from the list.
To assign contact types
Click Data
Entry > Event Tasking > Entity Contacts in the Navigation Tree to access the Essential Hierarchy and select the
appropriate entity.
The Entity Contacts form is
Expand the Contacts section if necessary and follow the guidelines below:
To add a new contact and assign contact types, click Add Contacts and Personnel to open the Contact Information form and select the name of the Contact from the list. If the appropriate contact is not listed, click the Ellipsis button next to the field and add the contact.
To add contact types for an existing contact, click the Edit button adjacent to the appropriate contact line item.
Select the Available
Contact Types and click Add
to assign them to the contact.
Unassign a contact type by selecting it in the list of Assigned
Contact Types and clicking Remove.
Click Save
and close the window to return to the Entity
Contacts form.
The line items in the Contacts
section are updated with the new information added.
To assign task-related contact
Click Data
Entry > Event Tasking > Entity Contacts in the Navigation Tree to access the Essential Hierarchy and select the
appropriate entity.
The Entity Contacts form is
Expand the Task Management section if necessary and follow the guidelines below:
To add a new contact and assign contact properties, click Add Contacts and select the name of the Contact from the list. Just the contacts associated with a user login account that provides access to the entity are available for selection.
To change contact properties for an existing contact, click the Edit button adjacent to the appropriate contact line item. A contact is listed as a line item when the contact has been designated as Available for Task Assignment and/or Task Administrator for the entity.
Click the Available for Task Assignment and/or Task Administrator check box to assign the designation. Remove a designation by clicking the check box to clear it. If both settings are changed to No, the contact will no longer be listed.
Click the Save
button, then close the window.
The line items in the Task Management
section are updated with the new information added. Contacts are sorted
alphabetically by the contact's last name.
On the Event Template form, establish event records for situations where the tasks to be performed in response to the event are known. In the Event Tasks section, set up the task configuration for the event—associate task templates that represent the response tasks and specify the order in which the tasks are to be completed. Refer to Understanding Event Tasking for additional information about event task configurations, including configuration examples. Select the Requires Approval check box to require that authorized reviewers approve event activations before the event's tasks can become live task assignments. Reviewers are authorized to directly activate an event that requires approval, as well as approve or reject an activation proposed by a user without authorization. Refer to Event Activation for additional information.
Task templates are assigned to an event template using a hierarchical tree format that provides a visual representation of the task work flow for the event. The Event Tasks section contains two panels. The left panel displays the hierarchical tree. The right panel contains a folder for adding parallel and serial tasks, as well as a folder for adding conditional decision tasks. Drag a folder from the right panel and drop it in the appropriate position of the hierarchy in the left panel. The Activity Details window is displayed to specify the task template. For conditional decision tasks, define a trigger that indicates the task is to be activated when the answer to the parent task is Yes or No. Continue to drag and drop template folders in the hierarchy and complete the activity details for each one. A highlighted tree node indicates the template folder being dragged will become a child of that node. The task template ID and the task statement is the hierarchy node label. The standard Windows view/hide control that determines whether (-) or not (+) hierarchy levels are displayed is available.
When a conditional task template has been created, at least one
non-conditional task template must also exist for the same template type
to successfully configure a task work flow on an event template.
Reference documents can be added to event templates in the Attachments section. For additional information, refer to Adding and Viewing Reference Documents for Event Templates.
To establish event templates
Click Data Entry > Event Tasking > Event Template in the Navigation Tree to access the Event Templates list.
Click the New button and select a template type. Generic Template is the default.
Select an Entity from the list for entity-specific or business unit templates. Otherwise, continue to step 4.
Enter a unique Event Statement. A maximum of 255 characters are available.
Select the Event
Type from the list.
If the applicable type is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Change the Creation Date when applicable. The current date is the default.
Enter an Event Description.
Select a different contact from the list for the Created By field when applicable. The default is the contact specified for the logged-in user account.
Click the Requires Approval check box to require an approval by an authorized reviewer prior to event activation. Refer to Event Activation for additional information.
Click the Save
button on the form.
The Event Tasks and Attachments
sections are displayed.
Set up your task configuration in the Event Tasks section and add reference documents in the Attachments section.
Expand the Event Tasks section on the Event Template form and determine which type of event task is to be added first in the hierarchy:
Create Task from Template - Use this folder to add a parallel task or serial task that does not include a conditional decision.
Conditional Task from Template - Use this folder to add
a conditional decision task. A Trigger
field is available to specify whether the task is to be activated
when the answer to the parent task is Yes (Conditional
Yes option) or No (Conditional
No option) or either (Task
Completed option).
When adding conditional task templates to the hierarchy,
at least one non-conditional task template must also exist for
the same template type to successfully configure the task work
Drag the applicable Task
Management folder to the Root
Node; when the Root Note
is highlighted, release your mouse button, i.e., drop the folder on
the tree node.
The Activity Details window
is displayed.
Use the following guidelines to choose your task template:
Select Add New and click the Ellipsis button next to the Task Template field to establish a new task template.
Select Add Existing and select a Task Template from the list.
Use the guidelines below to select a Trigger for conditional decision tasks. Otherwise, continue to step 5.
Conditional Yes - the task template will become a live task assignment when the answer to the parent task's conditional question is Yes and the parent task has been completed (Status = Completed).
Conditional No - the task template will become a live task assignment when the answer to the parent task's conditional question is No and the parent task has been completed (Status = Completed).
Task Completed - the task template will become a live task assignment when parent task's conditional question has been answered and the parent task has been completed (Status = Completed).
Click OK.
The task template ID and the task statement make up the hierarchy node
Continue to drag and drop template folders in the hierarchy and complete the activity details for each one. A highlighted tree node indicates the task template will become a child of that node.
Click the Save
button to save your event task configuration.
To edit or delete a tree node, select it and click the Edit
or Delete button displayed
above the Root Node folder.
Once the task configuration is complete, the event template can be
used for Event Activation.
The following two methods are available for adding related files that exist in third-party applications, such as Microsoft Word, to an event template:
Document Links - Set up a hyperlink to the file. Optionally, the location of an off-line reference can be specified without a link.
Document Attachments - Add a file to the record. The default maximum file upload size supported by ASP.NET is 4096 KB (4MB). The default can be modified to support larger file uploads, i.e., attaching files larger than 4MB. For instructions to increase the default value, refer to Microsoft ( and view the article: httpRuntime Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema).
Each link or attachment is displayed as a line item in the Attachments section on the Event Task Template form. Attachments and linked documents can be viewed by clicking the link.
In order to view a file listed in the Attachments
section, desktop access to the particular software used to create the
file must be available. For example, access to Microsoft Word is required
to view an attachment created as a Word file (.doc, .docx).
Locate the template on the Event Template list, click the event statement link to open the Event Template form, and expand the Attachments section if necessary.
Click Add Link.
Enter a Description of the document.
Enter the full file path to the document in the Document Location field.
Select a Document
Type from the list.
If the appropriate type is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Ensure the Is
Hyperlink check box is selected to establish the link.
When specifying an off-line location, ensure the Is
Hyperlink check box is not selected.
Click OK.
The document information is added as a line item in the Attachments
section. Click the link to view the file. Edit existing attachment
information using the buttons adjacent to the line item.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 2 through 8 to add other document links.
Locate the template on the Event Template list, click the event statement link to open the Event Template form, and expand the Attachments section if necessary.
Click Add Attachment.
Enter a file path in the File field or click Browse to locate and select a file.
Enter a Description of the attachment. A maximum of 70 characters can be entered.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add a second and/or third attachment.
Click OK.
Each attachment is added as a line item in the Attachments
section. Edit existing attachment information using the buttons adjacent
to the line item.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 2 through 7 to add other attachments.