Deviation Tracking

On the Deviation Details form, record potential deviation information about:

Multiple deviations can be documented for any task or parameter/abatement efficiency change flagged to track deviations. Potential deviation information is available for review and verification by users with the appropriate security privileges (e.g., Supervisory Environmental Professionals). The Manage Deviations browse view can be used to locate specific deviations.

For instruction on deviation tracking, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Deviation Details

Assigning Requirements

Setting the Deviation Tracking Flag

Verifying Deviations

Recording Potential Deviations

Managing Deviations

Deviation Details

The Deviation Details form is used to enter potential deviation information about tasks and parameter monitoring results. For identification purposes, general data for the task or parameter, such as the task and entity name for tasks, is displayed. A link to the Task Setup and Results form for tasks and the Parameter Data Entry form for parameters is provided. When deviation information is updated, the date of the most recent update is also shown. No changes can be made to these identifiers.

The following information can be specified during the process of recording deviations:



Start Date

The observed start date of the potential deviation. Defaults to the date the record is created.

Start Time

The observed start time of the potential deviation.

End Date

The observed end date of the potential deviation. Defaults to the date the record is created.

End Time

The observed end time of the potential deviation.


The classification of the potential deviation (e.g., Bypass, Downtime, Multi-day Violation, etc.). Additional notes may be included.

Possible Cause

The possible cause of the potential deviation (e.g., Equipment Failure, Improper Operation). Additional notes may be included.

Contributing Factors

The contributing factors of the potential deviation (e.g., Malfunction, Weather, Improper Maintenance, etc.). Additional notes may be included.

Recommended Action

The recommended action to resolve the potential deviation (e.g., Repair, Equipment Replacement, etc.). Additional notes may be included.

General Comments

Relevant notes or comments about the deviation.

Assigned Requirements

Displays requirements assigned to the deviation when requirement compliance may be affected by the observed potential deviation.

Reviewed By

The name or title of the deviation reviewer.

Review Date

The date the deviation was reviewed.


Indicates if the deviation has been verified.


Relevant notes or comments about the verified deviation.

Setting the Deviation Tracking Flag

Task Manager Module

In the Task Manager module, tasks must be manually flagged to track potential deviations in the Task Setup section of the Task Setup and Results form. Click the Track Deviations check box to set the flag. Once the flag is set, the Track Deviations button is displayed for tasks flagged as potential deviations (in the Completion Progress section). Users that have been granted the appropriate security privileges can enter and validate task deviation information on the Deviation Details form.

Air, Compliance Manager, Waste, and Water Modules

In the Air, Waste, and Water modules, parameters can be manually flagged to track potential deviations on the Parameter Definition form by clicking the Track Deviations check box in the General section to set the flag. Once the flag is set:

In the Air, Compliance Manager, and Water modules, parameters can be flagged to track potential deviations on the group level. Click the Deviations check box in the Data Entry Grid Configuration section on the Parameter Group or Parameter Master Group forms to set the flag. A Track Deviations link is displayed in the parameter result line item when the result is flagged as a potential deviation and saved. Enter and validate parameter deviation information on the Deviation Details form.

Recording Potential Deviations

Establish potential deviations on the Deviation Details form. Multiple deviations can be recorded for the same task/parameter result. The Manage Deviations browse view is available to access existing deviation records.

To access the Deviation Details form

Task Potential Deviation

  1. Access the Task List, click the Track Deviations button for the task, and see To enter deviation details. If the button is not displayed, the task has not been marked as a potential deviation. Continue to step 2.

  2. Open the Task Setup and Results form for the task and click the Potential Deviation check box in the Completion Progress section.

  3. Click the Track Deviations button displayed next to the Potential Deviation check box. See To enter deviation details.

Parameter Potential Deviation - Parameter Level

  1. Access the Parameter Data Entry form or the Parameter Group Data Entry form and click the Edit button adjacent to the appropriate result line item.

  2. Click the Track Deviations button displayed next to the Potential Deviation check box and see To enter deviation details. If the button is not displayed, the result has not been marked as a potential deviation. Continue to step 3.

  3. Click the Potential Deviation check box and then click the Track Deviations button. See To enter deviation details.

    When entering a new parameter result, the Track Deviations button is available only after the record is saved.

Parameter Potential Deviation - Parameter Group Level

  1. Access the Parameter Group Data Entry form.

  2. Click the Track Deviations link displayed next to the Potential Deviation check box in the result line item and see To enter deviation details.

Abatement Efficiency Change Potential Deviation

  1. Access the Abatement Model form and click the View History link in the appropriate material/material group/default line item in the Material Abatement section, the Material Group Abatement section, or the Default Efficiency section.

  2. Click the Edit button adjacent to the applicable efficiency change record, click the Track Deviations button next to the Potential Deviation check box and see To enter deviation details. If the button is not displayed, the efficiency change has not been marked as a potential deviation. Continue to step 3.

  3. Click the Potential Deviation check box and then click the Track Deviations button. See To enter deviation details.

    Since a process unit parameter result record is created for an abatement efficiency change, the Deviation Details form can also be accessed via the Parameter Data Entry form.

Tip:  If a deviation has already been recorded for the abatement efficiency change, the Deviation Tracking list is displayed before the Deviation Details form. Click the New button to open the Deviation Details form.

To enter deviation details

  1. Open the Deviation Details form. See To access the Deviation Details form for instructions.

  2. Enter the Start Date & Time and/or End Date & Time if the default values are not applicable.

    Tip:  The start and end date/time cannot be the same.

  3. Select the Category, Possible Cause, Contributing Factors, and Recommended Action from the list for each field when applicable. Click here for a description of each field.

    If the appropriate value is not listed, click the Ellipsis button next to the field and add it.

  4. Enter additional information for the Category, Possible Cause, Contributing Factors, and Recommended Action by clicking the Notes button for the appropriate field.

  5. Enter General Comments about the deviation.

  6. Click Save.

    When requirement compliance may be affected by the observed potential deviation, users with the appropriate security privileges can specify the requirements. Refer to Assigning Requirements for additional information.

Assigning Requirements

When requirement compliance may be affected by the observed potential deviation, users with the appropriate security privileges can identify the requirements on the Deviation Details form.

To assign requirements

  1. Open the Deviation Details form. See To access the Deviation Details form for instructions.

  2. Expand the Deviation Validation section when necessary and click Add Requirement.

  3. Select a Rule from the list.

    All available requirements are listed in the Available Requirement Criteria subsection.

  4. Use the guidelines below to specify the requirements to be assigned and click Add Selected Requirements.

  1. Review the Assigned Requirement Criteria and remove any incorrect assignments by clicking the Delete button adjacent to the requirement line item.

  2. Click the Save button on the form to accept the assignments.

    The requirements are displayed as line items in the Deviation Validation section. A link to the rule and requirement citation is provided. Remove an existing assignment by clicking the Delete button adjacent to the line item.

  3. Click the Save button on the form.

Verifying Deviations

Tasks/parameter results flagged as potential deviations can only be verified as a deviation by users with the appropriate security privileges. Verify deviations on the Deviation Details form.

To verify deviations

  1. Use one of the following methods to access the Deviation Details form:

    Task Potential Deviation

Click Data Entry > Task Management > Manage Deviations in the Navigation Tree. Click the link for an existing deviation to verify that record.

Parameter Potential Deviation

Click Data Entry > Parameter Information > Manage Deviations in the Navigation Tree. Click the link for an existing deviation to verify that record. (For the Compliance Manager module, click Compliance Parameter Management to access the Data Entry folder.)


Optionally for abatement efficiency changes, access the Abatement Model form, click the View History link, click the Edit button adjacent to the appropriate efficiency change record, and click the Track Deviations button. The Deviation Tracking list is displayed; click the link for an existing deviation to verify that record.

  1. Review the deviation information entered and make any necessary updates,

  2. Review the Assigned Requirements, when applicable

    To remove an assigned requirement, click the Delete button adjacent to the requirement line item. To add a requirement, refer to Assigning Requirements.

  3. Enter the name or title of the deviation reviewer in the Reviewed By field.

  4. Enter the Reviewed Date using the MM/DD/YYYY format, or click the Calendar button and select the date.

  5. Select the appropriate Deviation verification option and enter any related notes in the Comments field.

  6. Click Save.

Managing Deviations

Use the Manage Deviations browse view to display a list of the specific deviations that need to be reviewed, updated, or verified. Several filtering criteria are available for locating the appropriate deviations, such as, entity, logged by, reviewed by, last update review date, deviation state, etc. Click the deviation link on the Manage Deviations browse view to access the Deviation Details form.

Deviation management is controlled by the Manage Deviations security object in Entity-dependent Security Profiles. For parameter result deviations, users must also be granted at least Read privileges to the applicable parameter level via the element permissions of the Parameter Data Entry security object. For example, to manage deviations for emission unit parameters, a user needs the following minimum permissions:

  1. Manage Deviations security object = Read, Update

  2. Parameter Data Entry security object = Read

  3. Parameter Data Entry security object, Emission Unit Parameters element = Read

Refer to Overview of Security and Access Profiles for additional information.

Use one of the methods below to access the Manage Deviations browse view and click the deviation link to open the Deviation Details form.

Task Potential Deviation

Click Data Entry > Task Management > Manage Deviations in the Navigation Tree.

Parameter Potential Deviation - Air, Waste, and Water modules

Click Data Entry > Parameter Information > Manage Deviations in the Navigation Tree.

Parameter Potential Deviation - Compliance Manager module

Click Compliance Parameter Management > Data Entry > Parameter Information > Manage Deviations in the Navigation Tree.