Operating Permits

On the Permit form, document the permits under which your entity is operating. The permit might regulate your air, water, and/or waste emissions. Along with the permit number and effective date, you can store other applicable dates, ORC information, and notes. A permit must be associated with one entity and can be associated with multiple entities, projects, permit owners and/or requirement profiles. Requirement profiles contain a list of the requirements that must be followed to comply with the permit.

The Permits browse view shows a list of all established permits. Each row represents one unique permit number and effective date. When multiple projects, permit types, reference document links, and entities exist for one permit, all are displayed in the appropriate column separated by commas. Click document links to access reference documents from the Permits list. Click the permit number link to access the Permit form.

For additional instruction on operating permits, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

To Enter a Permit

Configuring Email Notifications

Editing Entity Assignments

Adding Responsible Party Information

Assigning Projects

Entering Permit Notes

Identifying Permit Contacts

Associating Requirement Profiles

Adding Documentation for a Permit

Adding and Viewing Reference Documents

Entering Address Information


To enter a permit

  1. Click Data Entry > Permit Information > Permits in the Navigation Tree.

    The Permits browse view appears.

  2. Click the New button.

    The Permit form is displayed.

  3. Type the Permit Number.

  4. Enter the permit's Effective Date or click the Calendar button and select the date.

     Each permit number and effective date combination must be unique. To establish multiple permits with the same number, enter a different effective date for each one.

  5. Select a Permit Status.

  6. Expand the Enterprise Entities section, when necessary, and click Add Enterprise Entities.

  7. Use the guidelines below to assign entities to the permit. At least one entity must be selected.

  1. Click OK.

    The selected entities are displayed in the Enterprise Entities section. Click Edit Enterprise Entities to change existing assignments.

  2. Click the Save button on the form.

  3. Add projects and/or other information in the Permit Contacts, General, Address, Responsible Parties, Notes, Requirement Profiles, and Document Links sections.

  4. Click the Save button on the form.

  5. Repeat steps 2 through 11 to add other permits.

Editing Entity Assignments

Associate entities with a permit in the Enterprise Entities section on the Permit form. At least one entity must be selected.

To edit entity assignments

  1. Locate the permit on the Permits list, click the permit number link to open the Permit form, and expand the Enterprise Entities section if necessary.

     No records are displayed in the Permits browse view when it is accessed.  Enter search criteria to retrieve a list of filter-specific permit records.

  2. Click Edit Enterprise Entities.

  3. Use the following guidelines to change entity assignments:

  1. Click OK.

    The changes are reflected in the Enterprise Entities section.

  2. Click the Save button on the form.

Assigning Projects to a Permit

Assign one or more projects related to your permitting process in the Enterprise Entities section on the Permit form. The entity associated with the permit determines which projects are available for assignment. When an entity association is removed from a permit, any projects related to the entity that have been assigned to the permit are also removed.

To assign projects

  1. Locate the permit on the Permits list, click the permit number link to open the Permit form, and expand the Enterprise Entities section if necessary.

     No records are displayed in the Permits browse view when it is accessed.  Enter search criteria to retrieve a list of filter-specific permit records.

  2. Click Add Project and select a Project from the list.

    If the project is not listed, click the Ellipsis button and add it.

  3. Click OK.

    The project is displayed as a line item. Edit existing project information using the buttons adjacent to the line item.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add other projects.

  5. Click the Save button on the form.

Identifying Permit Contacts

A Permit Owner is automatically granted Update permissions for the permit record. To be eligible as a permit owner, a user account must be established for a contact that provides at least Read authorization for the Permit form and grants access to at least one of the entities associated with the permit. Refer to User Security Management and your system administrator for additional information.

One or more permit owners can be specified at each entity and an individual permit owner can be designated as a permit owner at multiple entities. Identify owners for a permit in the Permit Contacts section on the Permit form.

Note:  All elements of the permit record can be updated with Permit Owner permissions, except the entries in the Permit Contacts section. A separate security object exists for the Permit Contacts section that governs a user's authorization to this data.

To identify permit contacts

  1. Locate the permit on the Permits list, click the permit number link to open the Permit form, and expand the Permit Contacts section.

    Note:  No records are displayed in the Permits browse view when it is accessed.  Enter search criteria to retrieve a list of filter-specific permit records.

  2. Click Add Permit Owner and select a Contact from the list.

    Only the contacts with access to the Permit form and at least one of the entities associated with the permit are available for selection.

  3. Click OK.

    The permit owner is displayed as a line item. Edit existing project information using the buttons adjacent to the line item.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add other permit owners.

  5. Select the appropriate Owner Team, Supervisor, and/or Supervisor Team as necessary.

  6. Click the Save button on the form.


Adding Documentation for a Permit

In the General section on the Permit form, document various types of dates that are applicable to your permit:

For reporting and documentation, enter the permit type, your facility class (I, II, III, etc), the name of the agency that issued the permit, the number of employees at the entity, a permit description, and the name of the report form that uses this permit. For example, the Federal DMR might use the information you are entering.    

Specify the quantity of land covered by the permit when the permit covers a portion of the entity where a particular process is occurring.  

To add documentation for a permit

  1. Locate the permit on the Permits list, click the permit number link to open the Permit form, and expand the General section if necessary.

    Note:  No records are displayed in the Permits browse view when it is accessed.  Enter search criteria to retrieve a list of filter-specific permit records.

  2. Click the Calendar button for each field under Applicable Dates and select the appropriate date.

  3. Click the check box for each applicable Standard Permit Type.

  4. Click Add Additional Permit Type and select a Permit Type from the list when applicable. Otherwise, skip to step 6.

    If the permit type is not listed, click the Ellipsis button and add it.

  5. Click OK.

    The permit type is displayed as a line item in the Additional Permit Types subsection. Edit existing permit types using the buttons adjacent to the line item.

  6. Enter a Facility Class.

  7. Enter the report name that uses information about the permit in the Report form field.

  8. Enter the Number of Employees working at the entity.

  9. Select a Governing Body from the list.

    If the governing body is not listed, click the Ellipsis button and add it.

  10. Enter a number that represents the quantity of land covered by the permit in the Land Area field and select a corresponding Unit of measure from the list.

    If the applicable unit of measure is not listed, click the Ellipsis button and add it.

  11. Enter a Permit Description.

  12. Click the Save button on the form.

Entering Address Information for a Permit

In the Address section on the Permit form, document address information for the entity. Enter the address where information regarding the permit should be mailed. You can also document a facility name and location, which is used on the Federal DMR. The Attention Line field is used to document the name of the person at your facility who should follow the ATTN line on reports.

To enter address information for a permit

  1. Locate the permit on the Permits list, click the permit number link to open the Permit form, and expand the Address section if necessary.

    Note:  No records are displayed in the Permits browse view when it is accessed.  Enter search criteria to retrieve a list of filter-specific permit records.

  2. Expand the Mailing Address subsection and use the following guidelines to enter address information for the entity:

  1. Expand the Additional Address Information subsection and enter your facility name and location in the appropriate fields. This information is used on the Federal DMR.

  2. Enter the name of the person at your facility who should follow the ATTN line on reports in the Attention Line field.

  3. Click the Save button on the form.

Configuring Email Notifications

Using the Email Notifications tab, you can define individual or multiple notifications on a recurring interval that continues to send email notifications until either the Permit is Inactive, or the notification recurrence interval is changed.

To configure Advance, Due Date, or Overdue Notifications

  1. In the Email Notification tab, select the type of notification:

  1. Select the recipient.

Note: You must have a contact specified in the Permit Contacts section to send an email to a recipient.

  1. For Advance and Overdue Notifications, specify the Scheduled Delivery time frame; for example, 2 days after the Proposed Completion Date for an Overdue notification.

  2. For Advance and Overdue Notifications, select the Send emails (until completed) recurrence interval. If the notification only needs to be sent once, select the Never Repeat radio button.

Adding Responsible Party Information for a Permit

In the Responsible Parties section on the Permit form, enter the name, grade, and phone number of the ORC (Officer in Responsible Charge) and the name, title, and phone number of the officer. This information is required on a Federal DMR, as well as some state DMRs. See the documentation for the DMR you want to print for specific details about how to enter information in this section.

To add responsible parties information for a permit

  1. Locate the permit on the Permits list, click the permit number link to open the Permit form, and expand the Responsible Parties section if necessary.

     No records are displayed in the Permits browse view when it is accessed.  Enter search criteria to retrieve a list of filter-specific permit records.

  1. Expand the ORC subsection and enter the ORC's name, grade, and phone number in the appropriate fields.

  2. Expand the Officer subsection and enter the officer's name, title, and phone number in the appropriate fields.

  3. Click the Save button on the form.

Entering Permit Notes

Enter notes about a permit in the Notes section on the Permit form. Click the Save button on the form to store your notes.

Associating Requirement Profiles with Permits

In the Requirement Profiles section on the Permit form, specify requirement profile(s), which detail the requirements your entity has developed to prove compliance with a permit. For example, to comply with an operating permit for a source, you may monitor VOC emissions and visually inspect for fugitive VOCs. A requirement profile can also contain the criteria for determining if the permit applies to a particular process unit, such as whether it applies to sources or an entire entity.

After a requirement profile has been associated with a permit, the permit will be listed as an assigned permit in the Details section on the Rules form for that requirement profile. Likewise, when a permit has been associated with a requirement profile on the Rules form, it will be displayed in the Requirements Profile section on the Permit form for that permit.

Note:  When you select a requirement profile for a permit in this section, you associate the permit with its requirements. For the Compliance Manager module, you must also associate your permits with process units in the Permits section on the Process Unit form if setting up process unit compliance scenarios and tasks.

To associate requirement profiles with a permit

  1. Locate the permit on the Permits list, click the permit number link to open the Permit form, and expand the Requirement Profiles section if necessary.

    Note:  No records are displayed in the Permits browse view when it is accessed.  Enter search criteria to retrieve a list of filter-specific permit records.

  2. Use the following guidelines to define requirement profile associations:

  1. Click the Save button on the form.

Adding and Viewing Reference Documents

The following two methods are available for adding related files that exist in third-party applications, such as Microsoft Word, to a permit:

  1. Document Links - Set up a hyperlink to the file. Optionally, the location of an off-line reference can be specified without a link.

  2. Document Attachments - Add a file to the record. The default maximum file upload size supported by ASP.NET is 4096 KB (4MB). The default can be modified to support larger file uploads, i.e., attaching files larger than 4MB. For instructions to increase the default value, refer to Microsoft (https://docs.microsoft.com) and view the article: httpRuntime Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema).

Each link or attachment is displayed as a line item in the Document Links section on the Permit form. Attachments and linked documents can be viewed by clicking the link.

Note:  In order to view a file listed in the Document Links section, desktop access to the particular software used to create the file must be available. For example, access to Microsoft Word is required to view an attachment created as a Word file (.doc, .docx).

To add document links

  1. Expand the Document Links section, if necessary, on the Permits form.

  2. Click Add Link.

  3. Enter a Description of the document.

  4. Enter the full file path to the document in the Document Location field.

  5. Select a Document Type from the list.

    If the appropriate type is not listed, click the Ellipsis button and add it.

  6. Ensure the Is Hyperlink check box is selected to establish the link.

    When specifying an off-line location, ensure the Is Hyperlink check box is not selected.

  7. Click OK.

    The document information is added as a line item in the Document Links section. Click the link to view the file. Edit existing attachment information using the buttons adjacent to the line item.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Repeat steps 2 through 8 to add other document links.

To add document attachments

  1. Expand the Document Links section, if necessary, on the Permits form.

  2. Click Add Attachment.

  3. Enter a file path in the File field or click Browse to locate and select a file.

  4. Enter a Description of the attachment. A maximum of 70 characters can be entered.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add a second and/or third attachment.

  6. Click OK.

    Each attachment is added as a line item in the Document Links section. Edit existing attachment information using the buttons adjacent to the line item.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 to add other attachments.

Related topics

 Managing Permit Requirement Profiles


 Work Flow for Permit Requirement Profiles


 Setting Up Requirement Profiles for a Permit