Parameter Charting

The Parameter Chart analysis tool is available to help with parameter data quality assurance before import in to your Essential database. View relationships between different parameter values stored in the PDM (Process Data Manager) Staging table. For example, a chart can be used to review historical parameters for trending as well as projecting futures values. Plot Time Series data for one or more parameters or plot Parameter vs. Parameter data. Line, column, area, bubble, and point (scatter) chart type formats are available. The Parameter Chart tool can be accessed from the Parameter Import Review form and the Parameter Group Import Review form for the selected parameter.

Note:  A simple line chart of the values that are included in an import batch can be viewed on the Parameter Group Import Review form. Refer to Parameter Import Results Review and Approval for additional information.

For instruction on parameter charting, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Chart Navigation

Parameter vs. Parameter Charts

Time Series Charts

To Generate a Parameter vs. Parameter Chart

To Generate a Time Series Quick Chart


To Generate a Time Series Advanced Chart


Chart Navigation

When a chart is displayed, the following navigation features are available to help you review plotted data:

Time Series Charts

Plot time series data with the Quick Chart or Advanced option. Quick Chart provides a line chart of the selected parameter's values for a user-defined time period. When generating a Quick Chart from the Parameter Import Review form, the start and end dates default to the last calendar month. When generating from the Parameter Group Import Review form, the date range defaults to the start and end date of the import batch. Dates and times can be changed before a chart is generated. Both staging values (pending import) and parameter results (imported to Essential) are plotted.

The Advanced charting option provides the following additional features:

For both the Quick Chart and Advanced Chart, a maximum of 5000 points can be plotted.

To generate a time series Quick Chart

  1. Use one of the following methods to access the Parameter Chart Options window:

  1. Review the start and end date and time. Make changes when applicable.

  2. Click Quick Chart to generate the chart. The Quick Chart button is only available when the Plot Time Series option is selected.

    Move the mouse over a data point in the chart to view the actual value. Refer to Chart Navigation for information about additional chart features.

To generate a time series Advanced Chart

  1. Use one of the following methods to access the Parameter Chart Options window:

  1. Ensure the Plot Time Series option is selected and click Advanced.

  2. Review the start/end date and time. Use the following guidelines to edit the existing values:

  1. Click Add Parameter to include the data for one or more additional parameters in the chart. You may want to clear the From same Unit and Parameter Type check box first. If no parameters are to be added, skip to step 6.

    When comparing data with multiple filters, the same parameter needs to be added for each different filter.

  2. Select one or more parameters by clicking the check box adjacent to the parameter and clicking OK.

    The selected parameters are displayed in the Parameter Chart Settings section. Remove a parameter by clicking the Delete icon adjacent to the parameter name.

  3. Select the data to be charted, staging values (pending import) and/or parameter results (imported to Essential), and select a chart color from the list.

  4. Filter the data to be charted by selecting one or more Import Status and/or Record State.

  5. Click Add Filter to compare data from another parameter. You may want to clear the From same Unit and Parameter Type check box first. If no filters are to be added, skip to step 12.

  6. Select a parameter by clicking the check box adjacent to the parameter and clicking OK.

    The selected parameter is displayed in the Filter column of the Parameter Chart Settings section. Remove the filter by clicking Clear Filter.

  7. Select the Overlay chart based on filter value option when applicable.

  8. Add another filter by repeating steps 4 through 10. The same parameter needs to be added for each different filter.

  9. Change the Chart Title when applicable. A maximum of 255 characters are available.

  10. Group parameters for a chart by assigned each parameter to be included in a group the same number in the Chart Group field.

  11. Select a Chart Type format from the list and specify the Z-Index (a property that specifies the chart stack order, i.e., which chart should be placed in front of, or behind the others) when applicable.

  12. Click Chart in the Date Range section to generate the chart.

    Move the mouse over a data point in the chart to view the actual value. Refer to Chart Navigation for information about additional chart features.

  13. Click the Parameter Chart Settings section header to specify different criteria and generate another chart. Click the Export to Excel button in the Date Range section to export chart data to Excel.

Parameter vs. Parameter Charts

Generate a Parameter vs. Parameter chart to compare data for two parameters. The record timestamp of the first parameter must match a record timestamp of the second parameter in order for a value to be included in the chart. Staging values (pending import) and/or parameter results (imported to Essential) can be plotted up to a maximum of 5000 points. Import Status and Record State filters are available.

When generating a Parameter vs. Parameter chart from the Parameter Import Review form, the start and end dates default to the last calendar month. When generating from the Parameter Group Import Review form, the date range defaults to the start and end date of the import batch. Dates and times can be manually changed before a chart is generated. In addition, generic time period options, such as Today, Yesterday, and Last Quarter, can be selected. The Start Date and End Date fields will be automatically completed based on the selection. For example, select Last Week and the previous week's Sunday date plus 12:00:00 AM (inclusive) are entered as the start date/time. The end date/time is the following Sunday's date and 12:00:00 AM (exclusive). Offset hours can be entered to adjust the start/end date and time. This option applies to parameters selected on the Parameter Group Import Review form. If there are two values/results with the same timestamp, the record with the most recent SYS_UPDT_TIME entry will be plotted.

The default chart format is a point (scatter) chart. When the chart is displayed, move the mouse over a data point in the chart to view the actual value. Refer to Chart Navigation for information about additional chart features.

Charted data can be exported to Excel.

To generate a Parameter vs. Parameter Chart

  1. Use one of the following methods to access the Parameter Chart Options window:

  1. Select the Plot Parameter vs. Parameter option and click Advanced.

  2. Review the start/end date and time. Use the following guidelines to edit the existing values:

  1. Click Add Parameter to select the second parameter. You may want to clear the From same Unit and Parameter Type check box first.

  2. Select a parameter by clicking the check box adjacent to the parameter and clicking OK.

    The selected parameter is displayed in the Parameter Chart Settings section. Remove a parameter by clicking the Delete icon adjacent to the parameter name.

  3. Select the data to be charted, staging values (pending import) and/or parameter results (imported to Essential).

  4. Filter the data to be charted by selecting one or more Import Status and/or Record State.

  5. Click Chart in the Date Range section to generate the chart.

    Move the mouse over a data point in the chart to view the actual value.

  6. Click the Parameter Chart Settings section header to specify different criteria and generate another chart.

    In order to add a different parameter, one of the existing parameters must be deleted first.

  7. Click the Export to Excel button in the Date Range section to export chart data to Excel when applicable.