Parameter Import Results Review and Approval

The Parameter Group Import Review form is the interface to the data in the PDM (Process Data Manager) Staging table. It is a comprehensive view of parameter result data that includes:

Data can be viewed by parameter group; several filtering options are available to display just a subset of the data. When applicable, the Parameter Group Imports Pending Approval Review and Parameter Group Imports Failed Validation Review browse views also provide access to the Parameter Group Import Review form with a subset of data based on import status. Review, override, discard, and approve pending parameter results on the form, as well as initiate the import of approved results to your Essential database or initiate the revalidation process. Comments are required when overriding a result or marking a result as missing.

For instruction on reviewing and approving parameter results, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Viewing Parameter Import Results

Parameter Group Import Review Filter Options

   Import Statuses

Parameter Group Charting

   Parameter Types

Reviewing, Approving, and Importing Parameter Results

   Selecting Records


Viewing Parameter Import Results

Review staging values (pending import) and parameter results (imported into Essential) in the last section on the Parameter Group Import Review form. Records are displayed in a hierarchical format with header rows for each unit and parameter included in the batch. Header rows provide record totals of current page only and expand/collapse capabilities of the current page in the hierarchical grid. Each individual parameter record is displayed as a line item. The Value field contains data that has not been imported into your Essential database yet (staging values). The Current Value field displays final parameter results already imported. One or more of the icons below identifies each record.  

Import Statuses


Pending Approval


Manual Review


Ready For Import





Parameter Types




Entity Material


Process Unit


Process Unit Material


Production Unit


Production Unit Material


Emission Unit


Emission Unit Material

The icons below are also used to indicate if the parameter result is an invalid value, a substituted value, and/or a missing value.


Invalid value


Substituted value


Missing Value

Parameter results are flagged for review and approval when the change between the Prior Value and the Current Value is above or below the specified deviation percentage (default = 10%). The percentage value in the Deviation field is highlighted in yellow. Define deviation percentages on the Parameter Tag Mapping form.

When the Parameter Group Import Review form is opened, none of the records are automatically selected. If a record with a Failed import status is selected, the reason for the failure is also provided. The Expand All/Collapse All options are available for viewing the records listed in the selected page of  hierarchical grid.

Tip: Hierarchical grid page size can be set in the application config at: ‘ParameterGroupImportReviewGridRowsPerPage’. Based on this value, the grid automatically limits the records displayed per page and enables paging. For optimal performance, it is recommended that a smaller number be specified.

Access the Parameter Group Import Review form by clicking Data Entry > Import Review and Approval > Parameter Group Import Review in the Navigation Tree and then clicking either the appropriate entity or parameter group link. The browse views for the Parameter Group Imports Pending Approval Review and Parameter Group Imports Failed Validation Review links in the Navigation Tree also provide access to the form. An option to Include Inactive imports is available on all browse views and an option to Hide Empty Batches is available on the Parameter Group Import Review browse view.

The Parameter Import Review form provides a summary of the import data for a specific parameter. The import date and time, parameter group, import status, and any override information are provided. Details about the parameter's tag mapping relationship are also included. The parameter group link provides access to the Parameter Group Import Review form. On the Parameter Import Review browse view is a total count of the values imported for the parameter.

Selecting Records

To select a parameter result record on the Parameter Group Import Review form, click the check box adjacent to line item. Selected records are highlighted. A Select All/Select None option is available to help with the selection process. For example, to select or unselect a series of consecutive records, click the check box on the grid header.

To submit specific records for import, approval, or revalidation, the check box must be completed. Options are available to submit all records displayed in the Parameter Group Import section, which removes the need for check box completion.

Tip: To Import All Displayed Records / Submit for Approval All Displayed Records button click will import or submit the list of records being present only in the current page of hierarchical grid. Whereas Import Selected Records/ Submit for Approval Selected Records will import or submit all the selected records from all pages.

Parameter Group Import Review Filter Options

Several filtering options are available on the Parameter Group Import Review form to display a specific set of records within the selected batch. Data can be viewed for one or more of the Import Statuses:

The total number of records in the batch for each import status is displayed in parentheses following the status name when the status is selected.

The Record State options apply to the record's Current Value. One of the following option is available for filtering results:

The Existing Values options apply to the record's Current Value. One of the following options is available for filtering results:

One or more of the Parameter Types below can also be used to filter parameter result records.

Select the filtering options in the Parameter Group Filters section. The records are automatically filtered based on the selections.

For each parameter group, the Parameter Group Import Review browse view provides a count of the number of records that were successfully imported, failed the import process, are ready to be imported, are pending approval, and require manual review. Click one of the count links to open the Parameter Group Import Review form filtered to show just the records that are included in the count.

Parameter Group Charting

A simple line chart of the values that are included in an import batch for a specific parameter group can be viewed in the Parameter Group Chart section on the Parameter Group Import Review form. When the Parameter Group Import Review form is opened, the first drop-down item is automatically selected and charted. The parameter group drop-down list item selected is the one charted.

When the chart is displayed, move the mouse over a data point in the chart to view the actual value. All of the values for a parameter group in an import batch are plotted, regardless of any filters applied.

Tip:  The Parameter Chart analysis tool is available to plot Time Series data and/or Parameter vs. Parameter data. A line, column, area, bubble, or point chart is available. Click View Chart in the Parameter Group Batch Details section to access the tool. The parameter group with the selected record is the one charted. If records are selected in multiple parameter groups, the last record selected determines which group is charted. Refer to Parameter Charting for additional information.

Reviewing, Approving, and Importing Parameter Results

Review, approve, override, revalidate, import, and discard parameter data residing in the PDM Staging table on the Parameter Group Import Review form. Just the reviewers authorized as an import approver for the parameter group can import results. Reviewers without approval authorization can edit the data, but must save and submit the data for approval. Refer to Parameter Group Import Approvers for additional information.

As parameter data is processed through the PDM, a Staging table record can be identified as an invalid, substituted, missing, BDL (Below Detection Limit), and/or deviation value. The following changes can be made:

Note:  The import status Ready For Import is not updated to Imported for records with no changes, thereby, allowing you to track the records that actually needed to be imported.

The Parameter Group Batch Log report is available for review by clicking the View Log button in the Parameter Group Batch Details section. Track parameter result data, including all changes, from the Pre-staging table through Essential database population. Log data can be exported to Excel.

To review, approve, and import parameter results

  1. Click Data Entry > Import Review and Approval > Parameter Group Import Review in the Navigation Tree.

    The Parameter Group Import Review list appears.

  2. Locate the parameter group to be reviewed and click the link to open the Parameter Group Import Review form.

  3. Filter the records displayed by selecting one or more Import Status, Record State, Existing Values, and/or Parameter Type when applicable.

  4. Edit any existing comments or data in the Text Value field or add new comments when applicable. A maximum of 255 characters are available.

    When the Rule Engine applies rule definitions to PDM data, the Text Value field can be populated with rule-specific entries in the event defined conditions are satisfied. Any Staging table entries also populate the Comments field for data entry results when the data is imported into your Essential database.

    Tip:  To enter the same value for multiple records at one time, select the records and click Edit Highlighted Records in the Parameter Group Import section. Select the check box for the update option, enter comments/value, and click OK.

  5. Use the following guidelines to override a result:

  1. Use the following guidelines to adjust BDL designations:

  1. Use the following guidelines to mark a record as missing (i.e., discard the record):

  1. Select a Data Origin and/or Reason for Change from the list, when applicable.

    To enter a value for multiple records at one time, select the records and click Edit Highlighted Records in the Parameter Group Import section. Select the check box for the appropriate update option and select the new value from the list. Click OK to apply the updates.

  2. Select a Picklist Value when applicable. A picklist with picklist values must be defined for the parameter. Refer to User-Defined Picklists for additional information.

  3. Initiate the revalidation process for the batch by clicking the Revalidate All Records button in the Parameter Group Import section.

    The revalidation process moves the batch data (including updates) back into the Pre-staging table where the Frequency Expansion process is initiated, rules are applied, and the Staging table is populated with the results. Reviewers without approval authorization cannot initiate the revalidation process.

  4. Using one of the following methods, designate the records to be imported into your Essential database: