Updating and Completing Task Assignments

Access the Task Setup and Results form for a task to update and complete an existing task assignment. The Completion Progress section contains fields to indicate your progress toward completing the task assignment. Enter the task status, completion percentage, actual costs and time spent on the task assignment, the dates the task was started and completed, and comments and follow-up information. Add supporting documentation links by expanding the Completion Evidence Documents Links section and specifying documentation/URL links.

If the task assignment is a conditional event task, the Conditional Question field is displayed in the Completion Progress section, populated with the question. Select the appropriate response (Yes, No, Not Yet Determined) in the Answer field. A Completed status cannot be saved unless there is a Yes or No entry for the Answer field. Refer to Understanding Event Tasking for additional information.

When the Task Setup and Results form for a task is displayed, you can also update task setup information, modify email notifications, revise task group associations, and update a recurrence schedule for the task assignment.

Note:  When tasks are assigned to teams, the credentials of the individual completing a task are captured, not the credentials of the team.

A task that was flagged as Enable Quick Complete during its setup can also be updated directly on the Task List. Refer to Updating Tasks Using the Quick Complete Feature for additional information.

Note:  Users with Read Only rights, users who are not an Owner, Initiator, Team member, or Supervisor for a task, and users who are not designated as a Task Administrator for the entity associated with the task cannot make modifications to an existing task.

To update completion progress for a task assignment

Tip:  If your entity defaults are set so that changing the task assignment's completion progress status to Completed also changes a task assignment's state to Closed, you can set a task assignment as completed and closed when entering completion progress information. Otherwise, you can set the task assignment's completion progress status and an authorized user must set the task assignment's state to Closed. For more information, refer to Understanding Task States and Task Statuses.

  1. Click a task assignment link in the Task List form.

    The Task Setup and Results form appears with the selected task assignment displayed.

  2. Expand the Completion Progress section. If the task is a conditional event task, the Conditional Question field is displayed, populated with the question. Select the appropriate response in the Answer field.

  3. Select a completion progress Status from the list.

    A Completed status cannot be saved unless there is a Yes or No entry for the Answer field. Refer to Understanding Event Tasking for additional information. When a task's status is set to any status type of Completed (ex: Complete or Completed) in either the Task List Treeview or the Task form, the Completion Date and Completed By fields automatically populate.

  4. Enter a number from 0 to 100 that represents the percentage of the task that has been completed in the % Complete field. (Any character value entered into this field such as '%' will prompt an error message.)

  5. Enter the Task Start, Task Completion, and Closed dates.

    The system defaults 11:59:59 PM as the Task Completion Date/Time and Closed Date/Time per the entity’s time zone if the hour, minute, and second fields are empty. Otherwise, zeros are used for invalid entries. These values can be viewed and changed by clicking the Globe button next to the Calendar button.

  6. Enter comments, recommendations, or exceptions in the Comments and Findings field.

  7. Click the Follow Up Required check box when applicable and enter a description of the required follow-up activity.

  8. Specify the description, URL link, and type of document for supporting documentation by expanding the Completion Evidence Documents Links section (if necessary) and click Save.

  9. Enter the Actual Cost spent on the task assignment along with the Estimated Cost when available.

  10. Enter the Actual Hours spent on the task assignment along with the Estimated Hours when available.

  11. Click Save at the top of the Task Setup and Results form.

Related topics

 Adding Task Setup Information


 Scheduling Email Reminders of a Task Assignment


 Associating a Task Assignment with Task Groups