Map the WOs that will satisfy completion requirements for an Essential task assignment to the task on the Task Work Order Link form. When all WO's linked to a task are completed, the following activity take place for the task record:
The Task Status is changed to Completed.
The Task Completion Date field is completed with the actual date the WO was completed. When multiple WOs require completion, the date of the last WO completed is used.
Preventive Maintenance (PM) and WO details are added to the Comments and Findings field.
If the task assignment has been designated as Quick Close, the Task State is changed to Closed and the Closed By field is populated with the contact identified for the WOM user login account or a Windows authenticated user account. In addition, the Closed Date field is populated with the date the WO data was received. In cases where there was a delay in data transmission, this date may not be the same as the task completion date.
WOs are assigned to task-to-WO mapping relationships based on the data below, which identifies a unique WO.
PM Number (including site association)
JP Number
WO Location
WO Target Completion Date
One or more related or unrelated WOs can be linked to one or more tasks. When a task assignment has been linked to a WO, a hyperlink that allows the task-to-WO link to be viewed is displayed next to the Task ID field on the Task Setup and Results form.
For instruction on task-to-work order mapping, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
Capabilities to map WOs to a one-time task or map a WO series to a recurring task are both available. When a recurring task is mapped to a WO series, the mapping relationship only needs to be set up once. The task-to WO link is automatically established for the next occurrence of the task. The Stream Type options are used to specify a one-time or recurring task link.
A Link number is assigned to each WO mapped to a task. When there are multiple WOs, the Link number indicates whether 1) all WOs require completion ("AND" condition), or 2) whether any one of the WOs can be completed ("OR" condition) and the task will be considered complete. For example, assume a compliance-related task that must be completed on a monthly basis has been established and two WOs have been mapped to the task. One WO requires monitoring on a weekly basis for a different reason than compliance and the other WO requires monthly compliance-related monitoring. In this case, the completion of either WO will complete the task.
AND/OR conditions are set up using the Link # field. Numbers are assigned to each WO, typically in a sequential order. Any numbering schema can be used, however, AND condition assignments must be different numbers and OR condition assignments must be the same number.
Assume the six WOs and Link number assignments below have been mapped to a task.
Link # |
WO A |
1 |
WO B |
2 |
WO C |
3 |
WO D |
3 |
WO E |
3 |
WO F |
4 |
WO A and WO B and WO F and WO C or WO D or WO E must be completed to complete the task. Viewing it another way, any one of the following scenarios satisfies WO completion requirements for the task:
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 3 |
WO A |
WO A |
WO A |
WO B |
WO B |
WO B |
WO C |
WO D |
WO E |
WO F |
WO F |
WO F |
Any combination of AND/OR conditions can be applied. When a WO is mapped to a task, the Link # field is automatically populated with the number 1. If multiple WOs are mapped and the number is not changed for any of the WOs, an automatic OR condition will exist. To ensure accurate processing, it is important to make the correct link number assignment when multiple WOs are involved.
When a WO is selected for a task-to-WO mapping relationship, general information identifying the WO is displayed as a line item in the Task to PM Linking section on the Task Work Order Link form. The WO target completion date and task due date are validated using the date logic described below.
Locate the previous instance of the task.
Identify the due date of the task found in step 1.
Verify that the WO target completion date occurs after the previous task due date (identified in step 2).
Verify that the WO target completion date occurs on or before the current task due date.
When the task is the first task in a series, the "previous" task due date is calculated as follows:
Determine the recurrence frequency of the current task.
Identify the due date of the current task.
For Daily- and Weekly-based frequencies, subtract the duration of the frequency from the current task due date.
For Monthly- and Yearly-based frequencies, subtract the duration of the frequency from the current task due date to determine the appropriate month and year. Use the same day as the one in the current task's due date.
For example, assume the current task is the first in a series with a frequency of Weekly and a due date of March 10, 2012, subtract 7 days to determine the "previous" task due date, March 3, 2012. Valid WOs are those with a target completion date that occurs on or after March 3, 2012 and on or before March 10, 2012. Using a Monthly frequency with a duration of one month, subtract one month from the current task's due date and use the same day of the current task's due date to determine the "previous" task due date, February 10, 2012. Valid WOs are those with a target completion date that occurs on or after February 10, 2012 and on or before March 10, 2012.
For one-time tasks, a Monthly frequency with a duration of one month is always applied; i.e., subtract one month from the current task's due date and use the same day of the current task's due date.
Date-validated WOs are automatically linked to the task and are displayed as line items in the Task to WO Linking Transaction section. A mapped WO will be considered in the resolution determination for a task only if a link transaction exists. WOs that failed validation need to be manually linked to the task. The View Work Orders option for mapped WOs is available to specify the appropriate WO link.
In addition to a WO's target completion date, the current status of a WO can be viewed in the Task to Work Order Linking Transaction section. When a WO is completed, the WO Status, the Actual Completion Date, and the WO Comments fields are automatically updated. Capabilities to manually override WO status details are available. Refer to Manual Overrides for additional information.
Important: WOs that appear in the Task
to PM Linking section have been mapped
to the task. WOs displayed in the Task
to WO Linking Transaction section have been linked
to the task. The mapped WOs are used to determine WO completion requirements,
i.e., which WOs need to be completed. This determination is based on Link
number assignment. The linked WOs are used to determine if the completion
requirements have been met, i.e., which required WOs are completed. This
determination is based on the Link number assignment and the WO status.
When multiple WOs have been mapped to a task, the Link number assigned to each WO determines which WOs need to be completed to complete the task. Mapped WOs are displayed in the Task to PM Linking section on the Task Work Order Link form. A mapped WO will be considered in the resolution determination for a task only if a link transaction exists, i.e., the WO is displayed in the Task to WO Linking Transaction section.
For OR conditions (mapped WOs have been assigned the same Link number), just one of the WOs requires a link transaction although a link transaction can be established for each of the WOs set up using the OR condition.
For AND conditions (mapped WOs are not assigned the same Link number), at least one WO link transaction must exist for each Link number used. When all of the WO link transactions are completed, the task is completed. If a WO link transaction is missing for one or more Link number, the task will not be completed until the mapping relationship and/or linked transactions are modified in accordance with the task completion rules.
OR Condition Example
Assume WO A, Link #1 and WO B, Link #1 have been mapped to a task and are displayed in the Task to PM Linking section. However, only WO A has been linked and appears in the Task to WO Linking Transaction section. The task is considered complete when WO A has been completed. The completion of WO B will have no effect on the task because WO B has only been mapped to the task, not linked.
AND Condition Example
Assume WO A, Link #1 and WO B, Link #2 appear in the Task to PM Linking section and only WO A is displayed in the Task to WO Linking Transaction section. In this scenario, the task will not be completed when WO A is completed because WO B has been mapped to the task with a different Link number and a link transaction does exist for WO B.
When multiple WOs with the same Link number have been linked to the task (OR condition) and one of the WOs is completed, data from the other WOs is not needed. Consequently, the records for these other WOs will not appear as completed in the Task to WO Linking Transaction section, nor will the data from the other WOs be used to update the Essential task record. For example, assume WO A, Link #1 and WO B, Link #1 have been linked to a task, WO B has been completed, and the task completion requirements have been met. Because WO B satisfied the task-to-WO mapping relationship, WO A data will never be needed for this mapping instance. Just WO B will be updated in the Task to WO Linking Transaction section and the task record will be updated with WO B data only.
The following rules are applied for updates to the Essential Task Setup and Results form if multiple WOs have been linked to a task-to-WO mapping relationship:
When multiple WOs with the same Link number assignment (OR condition) are linked to a task, just the data for the WO that is actually completed is used to update the task record.
When multiple WOs with different Link number assignments (AND condition) are linked to a task, the date of the last WO completed is used to update the Task Completion Date. Completion details for each WO completed for the task are displayed in the Comments and Findings field.
The status of a WO linked to a task can be manually changed to a valid completion status in the Task to Work Order Linking Transaction section on the Task Work Order Link form.
A valid WO completion status is one that is mapped to the Essential
Task Status data element value of Completed. Refer to Work
Order Manager Configuration for additional information.
The WO's target completion date and actual completion date can also be entered for a manual override. Document the reason for the override in the WO Comments field. When the task record is completed in Essential, all WO comments are displayed in the Comments and Findings field on the Task Setup and Results form.
The updated WO will be automatically reprocessed the next time the WOM is scheduled to process WO records. However, a Reprocess option is available to immediately process the override. The Reprocess button is only displayed when the option has been activated and there are records available for reprocessing. Refer to the WOM installation procedures for additional information about the Reprocess configuration setting.
The Link Transaction Audit Log hyperlink provides access to the Link Data Audit Log which shows manual override data. For each log entry, the table modified, the field name, the old and new value, the user, and the date and time of the override are provided.
To establish task-to-WO mapping relationships
Click Data Entry > Work Order Link > Task Work Order Links in the Navigation Tree to access the Task Work Order Link list.
Click the New
The Task Work Order Link form
is displayed.
Select an Enterprise Entity from the list. The Site Name field is automatically populated.
Select a Task
from the list. The list is filtered to show just open task and in
addition to the task statement and other general task details, the
list shows whether the task is a recurring or one time task.
The Task Information section
is automatically populated with data from the selected task record.
The View Task Details link
is available in the Mapping Information
section to view the entire task assignment.
Click Add PM Link in the Task to PM Linking section.
Select the PM
Description, JP Description,
and WO Location from the list
for each field.
Typically, a PM description is similar to a task description.
Change the Link #, when applicable. The default is 1. When multiple WOs will be mapped, it is important to assign accurate link numbers to each one. Refer to WO Link Number Assignments for additional information.
Select a Stream Type.
Click OK.
PM WO details are displayed as a line item in the Task
to PM Linking section. Edit existing information using the
buttons adjacent to the line item.
Review the Task to Work Order Linking Transaction section. If the WO passed date validation, it will be displayed as a line item. If not, see To Manually Link WOs to a Mapping Relationship.
Repeat steps 6 through 10 to map another WO to the task.
Click the Save button.
Repeat steps 2 through 12 to establish another task-to-WO mapping relationship.
To manually link WOs to a mapping relationship
Compare the WOs listed in both the
Task to PM Linking section
and the Task to Work Order Linking
Transaction section on the Task
Work Order Link form.
Any WOs that are not displayed in the Task
to Work Order Linking Transaction section failed date
validation and need to be manually linked.
Click the View Work Orders line item link in the Task to PM Linking section for a WO that needs to be manually linked.
Review the list of WOs and locate
the applicable WO. Refer to Date Validation
Logic for additional information, when necessary.
The WO Description link can
be used to open and review the Work
Order Information form.
Click the check box adjacent to
a WO to select it and click the Use
Selected WO button.
When date validation is successful, the WO is displayed as a line item
in the Task to Work Order Linking
Transaction section.
Review the Task
to Work Order Linking Transaction section and verify the WO
is displayed as a line item.
If the WO does not appear in the Task
to Work Order Linking Transaction section, repeat steps 2 through
5. Refer to Date Validation Logic
for additional information, when necessary.
Click the Save button.
To manually override WO status data
Locate the WO for manual override in the Task to Work Order Linking Transaction section on the Task Work Order Link form.
Click the Edit button adjacent to the line item.
Click the WO
Complete (Manual Override) check box.
The WO Status field is automatically
populated with a valid completed value.
Enter an Actual Completion Date. The Target Completion Date can also be edited.
Add WO
Comments to document the reason for the update.
A maximum of 100 characters is available.
Click the Save
The updated information is displayed in the Task
to Work Order Linking Transaction section.
Click the Save button on the Task Work Order Link form.
Click the Reprocess button to immediately process the override, if applicable.