On the Interface System form, view the interface systems defined during your implementation. Designate a WOM Administrator to serve as a global email recipient for automatic notifications and alerts generated by the WOM. If an email notification cannot be delivered to the designated WOM Administrator, an error will be logged. Refer to Work Order Manager Logging Information for additional details.
As a default, the interface system's WO Site and WO Status data elements are automatically mapped to the Enterprise Entity and Task Status elements, respectively, in your Essential database. For each interface system, the defaults can be changed and other data elements that are a part of the import file can be added. The mapping relationships to Essential data elements, as well as the mapping relationships between data element values, are defined on the Interface Mapping form.
For each interface system and entity relationship, specify a contact and/or team who is to receive email notifications/alerts generated by the WOM on the Notification form. A message, such as a business unit name or processing instructions, can be added that will be displayed in the body of the email. The WOM Administrator is also included as an email recipient primarily for backup purposes.
For instruction on how to configure the Work Order Manager, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
To add interface system information
Use the Interface System form to designate a WOM Administrator and add EAM interface system data elements to be mapped to corresponding Essential data elements.
Click Data Entry > WOM Configuration > Interface Systems in the Navigation Tree to access the Interface Systems list.
Locate the appropriate system and
click the system link.
The Interface System form is
Select the WOM Administrator from the list. The WOM Administrator is included as an email recipient for all automatic notifications generated by the WOM and serves as a backup to the primary recipients established for an entity.
Add a new data element by clicking Add Data Element in the Data Elements section. Otherwise, skip to step 8.
Enter the Data
Element Name.
The name must match the import file's column name (.txt) or node (.xml).
Click OK.
The data element is displayed as a line item in the Data
Elements section. Use the buttons adjacent to the line item
to edit existing elements.
Repeat steps 4 through 6 to add other new data elements.
Change an existing data element by clicking the Edit button adjacent to the line item, modifying the Data Element Name, and clicking OK.
Click the Save button.
To map data elements and values
Set up mapping relationships between data elements on the Interface Mapping form. When applicable, enter the value mapping relationships for the data element mapping relationships in the Mapping Data Elements section. For example, when WO data from multiple facilities is being tracked under a single Essential site, select the default WO Site Interface Data Element and Enterprise Entity Essential Data Element mapping relationship. Then map each facility name (Interface Data Element value) to the applicable Essential entity name (Essential Data Element value).
It is important that all statuses entered on WOs to indicate the
WO has been completed, such as "COMP", "Complete",
"Processed", etc., be mapped to the Essential Task Status Completed data element value.
Click Data
Entry > WOM Configuration > Interface Mapping in the
Navigation Tree to access
the Interface Mapping list.
Just existing data element mapping relationships are displayed. Each
relationship is a separate line item.
Click the New
The Interface Mapping form
is displayed.
Select the Interface System Name, Interface Data Element, and Essential Data Element from the list for each field.
Click the Map
Values check box to map values for the data element mapping
relationship. Otherwise, click Save;
no further action is required.
When the Map Values option
is selected, the Mapping Data Elements
section is displayed.
Click Map Data Elements in the Mapping Data Elements section.
Enter the Interface
Data Element Value and select the corresponding Essential
Data Element Value from the list.
The list of Interface Data Element Values displays the import file
values received by the WOM to date.
Click OK.
The value mapping relationship is displayed as a line item in the Mapping Data Elements section. Edit
existing relationships using the buttons adjacent to the line item.
Repeat steps 5 through 7 to add other data element value mapping relationships.
Click the Save button.
To identify email notification recipients
Click Data Entry > WOM Configuration > Notification in the Navigation Tree to access the Notifications list.
Click the New
The Notification form is displayed.
Select the Interface System Name and Enterprise Entity from the list for each field.
Select the name of the Contact and/or Team to receive email notifications for the entity.
Enter instructional or descriptive text to be included in the body of the email in the Notification Message section.
Click the Save button.