On the Production Schedule form, you can establish operating schedules for the activities occurring at each of your entity's production units. In the Air module, this production schedule information is used to determine the actual and maximum potential emissions generated by a production unit over a date range based on the selected model(s). In the FEMS module, the production schedule information is used to determine which batch operation is in effect for a production unit over a date range; fugitive emissions resulting from the activity over the date range are calculated. If you are using both the Air module and the FEMS module, you could set up one production schedule to calculate both point source and fugitive emissions over a common date range.
Tip: The Production
Schedule Job form can be used to automate the production schedule
creation process.
For instruction on establishing production schedules, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
Production schedules are composed of the following elements:
Production unit whose operation is being scheduled. In your production schedules, indicate the production units that are operating during a certain date range. You can also specify which production area the production unit is assigned to, although this is used only to filter the number of production units that are listed.
Date range for the production schedule. In the Air module, the date range is associated with emission models and scenarios and determines actual operating hours. Production schedules with the same emission models/scenarios must be set up without overlapping date ranges to ensure accurate emissions calculations. In the FEMS module, the date range is applied to the selected production activity.
Actual operating hours or percent of total hours for the date range. When you enter a start and end date for the production schedule, the number of hours within that range are calculated and the result entered in the Actual Operating Hours field. If your facility is not working 100% of the total hours, you can adjust either the percent of total hours or the actual operating hours. When you adjust one figure, the other one will be automatically recalculated for you. In the Air module, the system integrates the emission result based on the percent of time the production unit operated during the schedule. However, the system assumes that fugitive emissions continue during non-operating hours. (You must use the Downtime form to document periods when fugitive emissions do not occur.)
Process unit emission models and scenarios that are active. For the Air module, emission models and scenarios describe the product being produced or the activity occurring during the time range of the production schedule. You can only schedule emission models and scenarios for process units that belong to the production unit selected. (Establish emission models for a production unit's process units on the Process Unit Emission Model form. Some part of the date range for the emission model must fall within the date range of the production schedule and the emission model shutdown date must be after the production schedule end date.)
Production material being produced. You can document the material that is being produced during the production schedule's date range, if applicable. This information is used for documentation only and does not affect your production schedule.
Production activity for date range. For the FEMS module, you must identify the batch activity in effect during the date range of the production schedule. Fugitive emissions for the components in the production unit that have that activity defined will be calculated.
If you operate a continuous process through the production unit
rather than batch, you do not need to use the Production
Schedule form to calculate fugitive emissions. The system will
calculate fugitive emissions for a continuous process based on the material
you associate with the "Primary" production activity in the
Materials section on the Tag form.
Use the Production Schedule form to establish production schedules for calculating emissions.
Tip: Production schedules with the same emission models/scenarios
must be set up without overlapping date ranges to ensure accurate emissions
To set up production schedules
Click Data
Entry > Emissions Management > Production Schedules on
the Navigation Tree.
The Production Schedules list
Click the New
The Production Schedule form
is displayed.
Select an Entity
and Production Unit name from
the list for each field.
If the appropriate value is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button next to the field and add it.
Enter the Start Date and End Date for the production schedule, or click the Calendar button and select the date.
Select a Production
Area from the list.
If the applicable production area is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Click the Save
button on the form.
The number of actual operating hours and the percent of total hours
are automatically displayed in the General
Use the following guidelines to specify general information, emission models and scenarios, and production activities:
For the Air module, adjust the hours of operation and select the emission models and scenarios that are active for the production schedule in the General and Emission Models sections.
For the FEMS module, select a production activity in the Production Activity section.
Click the Save button on the form.
Repeat steps 2 through 8 to establish other production schedules.
Air module users should set the correct hours of operation for the selected date range. In the General section on the Production Schedule form are fields indicating the hours of operation for your facility and the corresponding percentage of total hours. These figures are automatically calculated when you specify a date range for the production schedule and are equivalent to an entity operating 24 hours a day over the entire date range. If your entity is operating at less than 100%, either adjust the hours of operation or the percentage of total hours. When you adjust one figure, the other one will be automatically recalculated.
Caution: Entering the correct figures in this section is
crucial for calculating accurate emissions data.
If the selected production unit is producing a specific product, you can select the material being produced. This information is used for documentation purposes only.
To add general information
Locate the schedule on the Production Schedule list, click the link to open the Production Schedule form, and expand the General section if necessary.
Review the values in the
Percent of Total Hours and
Actual Operating Hours fields,
and make any necessary adjustments if your facility is operating at
less that 100%.
When you adjust one figure, the other one will be automatically recalculated.
Select a Production
Material from the list when the production unit is producing
a specific product.
If the appropriate material is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Click the Save button on the form.
Air module users must specify the activities that are occurring during the production schedule's date range so the appropriate process units will be used in the evaluation of your emissions inventory. As long as you have assigned the same emission model and scenario to each of the process units in an activity, you can be sure that you are scheduling all of the active process units. The reason why you do not select individual process units is that you may inadvertently skip one, thus greatly impacting your emissions inventory.
To select an emission model and scenario for a production schedule, the following two criteria must be met:
The emission model and scenario must be assigned to a process unit within the production unit that you are scheduling.
The emission model and scenario must be effective during the date range of the production schedule. This means that the emission model's effective date must be earlier than or equal to the production schedule's end date and the emission model's shutdown date must be after the production schedule's end date.
Select emission models and scenarios for a production schedule in the Emission Models section on the Production Schedule form.
Tip: Production schedules with the same emission models/scenarios
must be set up without overlapping date ranges to ensure accurate emissions
To select emission models
and scenarios
Locate the schedule on the Production Schedule list, click the link to open the Production Schedule form, and expand the Emission Models section if necessary.
Click Add
Emission Models and select an Emission
Model from the list.
Just the emission models assigned to process units within the production
unit that have an effective date less than or equal to the production
schedule end date and a shutdown date after the production schedule
end date will be listed. If the appropriate emission model is not
displayed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Select a Scenario
from the list.
Only scenarios associated with the selected emission model will be
listed. If the appropriate value is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Click OK.
The emission model is displayed as a line item. Edit existing emission
models and scenarios using the buttons adjacent to the line item.
Repeat steps 2 through 4 to add other emission models and scenarios.
Click the Save button on the form.
If you use the FEMS module to calculate fugitive emissions for batch operations, you must use the Production Activity section on the Production Schedule form to designate the activity that you operated during the date range of the production schedule. For example, if you ran gas through a fuel line for six months and then ran oil through the same lines, you will want to set up production schedules for each date range to calculate fugitive emissions for the production unit for each operation. The system will calculate fugitive emissions for your components based on the production material you identify with the activity in the Material Information section on the Tag form.
If you operate a production unit in only one way or to produce a single product, then you do not need to use the Production Schedule form to get an accurate fugitive emission calculation for your emission inventory. The system will calculate fugitive emissions based on the production material you identify with the "Primary" production activity in the Material Information section on the Tag form.
The system calculates fugitive emissions for a production unit based on the scheduled activity until the start date of the next production schedule. If you do not define a production activity for a period of time, the system will calculate fugitive emissions for the undefined period using the activity you defined for the preceding interval. Use the Downtime form to document date ranges when fugitive emissions should not be calculated.
To identify production activities
Locate the schedule on the Production Schedule list, click the link to open the Production Schedule form, and expand the Production Activity section if necessary.
Select a Production
Activity from the list.
If the appropriate value is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button to add it.
Click the Save button on the form.