Use the Tag form to check the status of an existing component or to enter detailed information about a new component, such as a valve, that must be monitored at your facility.
To enter details on a new component, first select the entity where the component is located. Then, group the component under a production area and subarea and enter a tag ID. Tag IDs should relate entries in the Essential FEMS module to the actual components in the field, which will assist in locating points for monitoring and repair.
The same tag ID can be assigned to more than one component, as long
as each component is in a different area.
Before saving a component's location and tag ID, designate its equipment category and chemical state in the General Information section. The category is the general classification of the component. The chemical state is the state of the process stream that flows through the component—light liquid, heavy liquid, or vapor (gas). Because the equipment category and chemical state of a component determine applicability of a regulation, this information is important for determining the corresponding monitoring and repair requirements.
Describe the component in more detail in the other sections on the form. For instance, in the Materials section, select the process stream that flows through the component for continuous operation or identify multiple process streams for batch operations. Assign the regulations that apply to the component in the Regulations section, define monitoring criteria in the Compliance section, document the component's exact location in the Location Information section, and enter an installation date in the Service Time section. Link files that exist in third-party applications, such as Microsoft Word, to a component record in the Attachments section.
For instruction on components, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
Click Data
Entry > Tag Information > Tags in the Navigation
The Advanced Search form is
Close the Advanced
Search form and click the New
The Tag form is displayed.
Select an Entity from the list.
Select a production Area and Sub
Area from the list for each field.
If the appropriate value is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button next to the field and add it on the Production
Areas form.
Enter the identification number of the component in the Tag Name field.
Expand the General
Information section when necessary and select a Process
Unit and Equipment Category
from the list for each field.
If the applicable value is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button next to the field and add it on the Process
Unit / Equipment Categories
form, respectively.
Select the state of the material that passes through the component from the list for the Chemical State field.
Click Save.
Add more detail for the component in the General Information, Materials, Regulations, Compliance, Location Information, Service Time, and Attachments sections.
Repeat steps 2 through 9 to add additional components.
The General Information section displays the equipment category and chemical state selected for the component. Document other information, such as descriptions that will help monitoring technicians and maintenance crews identify and repair components.
Select the equipment type associated with the equipment category initially selected. For example, if the category of a component is a valve, its type might be butterfly. Documenting the equipment type can help repair and replace components more easily.
Enter a detailed description of the component, such as its general location within the subarea, which can be very useful if its bar code or brass plate falls off. This allows easily replacement of the missing identification plate without losing the component's monitoring history. (This description is also printed on many standard reports.)
Assign the tag to a process unit for calculating fugitive emissions and accounting for downtime. Assign several tags that operate together to the same process unit. For example, set up a stack that is reported as an EPN (emission point number) as a process unit and assign all the components that fall under the EPN. When assigning related components to a process unit, the system includes their fugitive emissions when calculating emission inventory for the production unit that includes the process unit.
The General Information section will display a value in the Route Number field. The system automatically assigns a default route ID for each component after saving the tag ID. It simply increments the highest route ID that exists by one. Change the route ID here, or route a group of components on one of several forms provided for that purpose.
In the Equipment Specifications fields, enter useful information for maintenance crews who have to repair or replace the component if it leaks or if its brass plate or bar code falls off:
Equipment # - A component's plant ID number on a drawing. Alternatively, use this field to store purchasing information. For instance, enter the manufacturer's order number or the code for the component in a purchasing system.
Attribute - Any special property of the component that would help identify it or that is important for maintenance crews to know.
Manufacturing Entity - The entity that manufactured the component. In addition to helping to identify a component, this information can be used to determine if a particular manufacturer's components leak often, to help make smart buying decisions.
Serial # - A component's unique serial number.
Size and Unit - Physical size of the component and the unit of its size.
To enter general information for a component
Locate the component on
the Tag list, click the tag
name link to open the Tag
form, and expand the General Information
section if necessary.
Tip: If the process unit, equipment category, and chemical
state were entered when the component was established, skip to step
Select a Process
Unit and Equipment Category
from the list for each field.
If the applicable value is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button next to the field and add it on the Process
Unit / Equipment Categories
form, respectively.
Select the state of the material that passes through the component from the list for the Chemical State field.
Select the Equipment
Type from the list. Just equipment types that are associated
with the equipment category selected will be listed.
If the appropriate equipment type is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Edit the Route Number if the default value is incorrect.
Enter a description of the component's location in the Description field.
Enter an identification number for the component in the Equipment # field.
Select an equipment Attribute from the list.
If an attribute is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button to add it on the Equipment Attributes
Select the manufacturer
of the component from the Manufacturing
Entity list.
If the manufacturer is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it on the Enterprise
Entity form. Be sure the entity designation is Equipment/Supplies
Enter the serial number of the component in the Serial # field.
Enter the size of the component
in the Size field and select
a corresponding units of size from the Unit
If the appropriate unit is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it on the Units of Measure
Click the Save button on the form.
Document activities for the component in the Materials section on the Tag form. For each activity, select the resulting material that flows through the component. (Process streams and chemicals are generically labeled as Materials in the software.) Activities typically include the production of a product or the use of a particular fuel or raw material. For example, if a component is part of an intermediate process, a process stream called Line 3-5101 containing benzene might flow through it.
It is recommended that every activity and associated material be entered for a component. (The temperature and pressure at which the material flows through the component is used for documentation only.) If the same material always flows through a component, use the default activity called Primary, and then select the material. If the entity has batch operations, document all the production activities and materials that involve the component.
Material information is primarily used by the system for speciating fugitive emissions from a component. However, there is an option when scheduling runs to use the response factor of a material assigned to a component to calculate that component's adjusted reading. (If more than one material is assigned to a component, the system will use the highest response factor.)
To optimize performance ,the list of material available for selection are limited to the following conditions:
If materials have been defined for the production area associated with the component, just the production materials are listed.
If materials have not been defined for the production area associated with the component, but entity materials have been defined for the entity associated with the tag, then the entity materials are listed.
If no materials have been defined for the production area or entity associated with the component, all materials without an entity association are listed.
For additional information, refer to Production Areas and Entity Materials.
Tip: To enter multiple activities and materials for each
component, use the Update
Tag Materials form. The same material and activity is assigned to
a group of components at one time. Use this feature only if all of components
have been entered.
To select activities and
materials for a component
Locate the component on the Tag list, click the tag name link to open the Tag form, and expand the Materials section if necessary.
Click Add Materials.
Select an Activity
from the list. (If a component is always involved in the same activity,
select Primary.)
If an activity is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button to add it on the Activities
Select a pure material or
process stream from the Materials
If a material is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button to add it on the Materials
Enter the material's Temperature and select a corresponding
Units of measure.
If the appropriate unit is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Enter the material's Pressure and select a corresponding
Units of measure.
If the appropriate unit is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Click OK.
The activity and material information is displayed as a line item in
the Materials section. Edit
existing information using the buttons adjacent to the line item.
Repeat steps 2 through 7 to add additional activities and materials for the same component.
Click the Save button on the Tag form.
The initial monitoring frequency
can be automatically determined based on the regulations assigned. Compliance
methods and designations must be specified first. Refer to Entering
Compliance Methods and Special Designations for additional information.
Assign one or more regulations that apply to a component in the Regulations section on the Tag form. Based on the category and chemical state documented in the General section, just the potentially applicable regulations for the component are available for assignment. For example, the applicable regulations for pumps in light liquid would be different from those of valves in heavy liquid.
Based on the regulations selected, the "worst case" leak definition is displayed, which is the lowest leak definition of all the assigned regulations including CVS and/or NDE leak definitions. When you schedule a run, this leak definition can be compared to the component's adjusted reading to ensure you comply with the strictest of all applicable regulations.
The system also determines if any emission control credits apply to the component based on the regulations selected.
Tip: One or more regulations can be assigned to a group of
components on the Update
Tag Regulations form. Use this feature after all components have been
To assign regulations to
a component
Locate the component on the Tag list and click the tag name link to open the Tag form.
Define monitoring criteria in the Compliance section to have the initial monitoring frequency automatically determined based on the regulations assigned to the tag. Refer to Entering Compliance Methods and Special Designations for additional information.
Click Add Regulation in the Regulations section.
Click the check box adjacent
to each applicable regulation and click Add
Selected Items.
Each regulation chosen is added as an Assigned
Regulation line item in the Regulations
Remove any unwanted regulations from a tag record by clicking the Delete button adjacent to the regulation line item.
Click the Save
button on the Tag form.
The lowest leak definition for the regulations you selected will appear
in the Worst Case Leak Definition
Document the methods used to comply with a component's applicable regulations in the Compliance section on the Tag form. For example, you may be required to monitor a valve with an analyzer monthly or visually inspect pumps weekly. Specify the method used if another type of monitoring requirement applies, such as a yearly no detectable emissions (NDE) check. Include the frequency at which each method must be performed. Or, for the Monitoring Required option, let the system determine the initial frequency. Refer to Initial Monitoring Frequency Determination for additional information.
If a component is exempt from monitoring, or it is difficult or unsafe to monitor, or is classified as CVS or NDE, mark these special designations and select the reason why the component is labeled that way. Regulations typically allow monitoring components with these special designations less frequently or only if visual leak is suspected. When creating a run in the FEMS module, easily exclude components with special designations. If the exempt designation has been selected, the system will exclude fugitive emissions for the component when the emission inventory is calculated. The Exempt Status field in the Compliance section on the Tag form will also be automatically populated with Exempt from Emissions.
All of the information in this section helps to schedule runs and meet record keeping requirements imposed by various regulations.
The initial frequency for the Monitoring Required option can be automatically determined based on the regulations assigned to the tag. The frequency will be determined only when both of the following conditions have been met:
The Monitoring Required check box is selected.
The corresponding Frequency field is blank.
All of the regulations assigned to the tag are evaluated and the Frequency field for the Monitoring Required option is populated with the most stringent initial frequency. One or more compliance designations, e.g., Difficult to Monitor, Unsafe to Monitor, CVS, or NDE, associated with the component are also considered during frequency determination. For example, if the CVS option is selected and a regulation specifies a stricter CVS frequency than an initial frequency, the CVS frequency will be used. If a component is exempt from monitoring, no initial frequency is applied and the Frequency field will be left blank. Once the initial monitoring required frequency has been determined, it can be updated at any time on the Tag form.
To enter compliance methods
and special designations
Locate the component on the Tag list, click the tag name link to open the Tag form, and expand the Compliance section if necessary.
Indicate when the component must be monitored with an analyzer by clicking the Monitoring Required check box and selecting the monitoring Frequency from the list. Or, leave the Frequency field blank and allow the initial frequency to be automatically determined based on the regulations assigned to the tag.
Indicate when the component must be visually inspected by clicking the Visual Inspection check box and selecting the monitoring Frequency from the list.
Specify another type of
monitoring requirement by selecting the Other
Compliance Method from the list.
If the applicable compliance method is not listed, click the Ellipsis button and add it on the
Methods form.
Select the Consent
Decree ID from the list to indicate the component falls under
a consent decree.
If the desired decree is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add to the Consent Decree
form. The Action Level field
will populate with the data entered on the Consent
Decree form.
Tip: The Compliance
Due Dates fields are automatically populated with data based
on the frequency selected in steps 2 through 5.
Identify special designations for the component using the following guidelines:
Click the Difficult to Monitor, Unsafe to Monitor, Exempt, Closed Vent System, and/or No Detectable Emissions check boxes.
Select a corresponding Reason for the designation from the list. If the appropriate reason is not listed, click the Ellipsis button and add it.
When selecting an exempt reason that also excludes the component from emission calculations, the text "Exempt from Emissions" automatically populates the Exempt Status field and the component will be excluded from emission calculations.
To delete a special designation with a reason from a saved component record, first delete the reason entry only and save the record. Then, clear the check box and save the record again. This process ensures the special designation/reason association has been removed from the tag.
Click Save on the Tag form.
Document the component locale in the Location Information section on the Tag form which will help repair personnel find it if its tag has fallen off. The following identifiers can be specified:
Drawing Index #. Relates the component in the system to a drawing number or CAD drawing to easily access it to meet record keeping requirements.
UTM Coordinates. The Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates for the component.
Plant Coordinates. The X,Y, and Z coordinates for the component from a plant drawing.
To enter location information
for a component
Locate the component on the Tag List, click the tag name link to open the Tag form, and expand the Location Information section if necessary.
Enter the blueprint number where the component is located in the Drawing Index # field.
Enter the UTM coordinates for the component in the UTM Zone, Northing, and Easting fields.
Enter the plant coordinates for the component in the Plant X, Y, and Z fields.
Click Save on the Tag form.
Document the date when a component was installed, the times when it was out of service, and the date when it was permanently removed from operation in the Service Time section on the Tag form. Each time the component is out of service, enter the reason it was removed from service and any comments about why it was shut down. When maintaining up-to-date information, this section clearly indicates if the component is currently out of service, and it displays the component's entire service history.
If a component has been permanently removed from service, enter the date it was removed along with a reason and any comments. Thereafter, the component cannot be scheduled for monitoring.
Caution: Do NOT delete
a component from the system that has been permanently removed from operation
or the component's monitoring history, which may be required to be retained
for three years, will be lost. Instead, use the FEMS Archive tool to extract
unneeded component data from your database. Refer to Archive
Tag and Monitoring Data for additional information.
The system will only calculate fugitive emissions for the component beginning with the install date and ending with the removal date. However, when placing a component out of service, fugitive emissions will still be calculated. Use the Downtime form to document intervals when equipment is not generating fugitive emissions.
Locate the component on the Tag list, click the tag name link to open the Tag form, and expand the Service Time section if necessary.
Enter the date when the component was installed in the Install Date field.
Click Save on the Tag form.
Locate the component on the Tag list, click the tag name link to open the Tag form, and expand the Service Time section if necessary.
Enter the date when the component was permanently taken out of service in the Removal Date field.
Click Save on the Tag form.
To enter the dates when
a component is out of service
Locate the component on the Tag list, click the tag name link to open the Tag form, and expand the Service Time section if necessary.
Click Add Out of Service History to open the Out of Service Information form.
Enter the date the component was taken out of service in the Start Date field and specify the Removed from Service Reason. The Calendar button is available to select the date.
Enter the date the component was put back into service in the End Date field and specify the Returned to Service Reason. The Calendar button is available to select the date.
Enter any Comments
and click OK.
The service information is displayed as a line item in the Service
Time section. Edit existing service information using the buttons
adjacent to the line item.
Click Save on the Tag form.
It may be necessary to change a component's tag ID or the production area or subarea to which it is assigned. For instance, the component's brass plate or bar code may have fallen off and it needed to be re-tagged with a different identification number. Or, the monitoring routes at the facility may have changed and the component has been assigned to a different subarea. It is important to change the component's tag ID or other information rather than delete the component because once deleted, the monitoring data entered for it will be lost. When the modifications are saved, the old information is automatically displayed in the ID History section on the Tag form.
To change a component's
tag ID or location
Locate the component on the Tag list and click the tag name link to open the Tag form.
Select the new Area or Subarea from the list or type the new Tag ID for the component.
Click the Save button on the Tag form.
Expand the ID
History section when necessary.
Each revision is displayed as a line item. Monitoring Frequency and
Visual Frequency change history is also recorded.
Click the Details link to add Comments to the Tag History Information form; enter the reason why the component's tag ID or other information changed.
Click the Save button on the Tag History Information form.
Review the repair delay history of a component in the Repair Delay section on the Tag form. The history information includes the times during which the component was on repair delay, the reason for the delay, the person who approved the delay, and the date the facility was expected to be shut down. Components are placed on repair delay when they are leaking and cannot be fixed or replaced within the regulatory time frame for a valid reason.
The repair delay status of a component can be updated in the Repair Delay section on the Tag form or in the Repair Delay Information section on the Monitoring Data form. To determine the best method, follow these guidelines:
It is strongly recommended that the Monitoring Data form be used to update the repair delay status. Doing so allows documentation of the repair attempt after which the component was deemed a shutdown item and will produce the best results on reports, such as the Repair Delay report. For example, when components are placed on repair delay on the Monitoring Data form, the Repair Delay report will show the source of the leak and the date when the component was last monitored.
The Tag form can be used to enter historical repair delay information or to delete all record of the component being on repair delay, such as a component mistakenly placed on repair delay on the Monitoring Data form.
To enter historical repair
delay information for a component
Locate the component on the Tag list, click the tag name link to open the Tag form, and expand the Repair Delay section if necessary.
Click Add Repair Delay Information.
Enter the date when the component was put on repair delay in the Start Date field.
Enter the date when the component was repaired in the End Date field.
Select the Reason
why the component was put on repair delay from the list.
If a reason is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it on the Repair
Delay Reasons form.
Enter the name of the person who approved the delay in the Approver field.
Enter the date when the facility was scheduled to be shut down in the Expected Shutdown Date field.
Click OK.
The repair delay information is displayed as a line item in the Repair Delay section on the Tag form. Edet existing repair delay
information using the buttons adjacent to the line item.
Click the Save button on the Tag form.
Review all the monitoring data that has been collected for a particular component in the Monitoring section on the Tag form. Each run during which the component was monitored or inspected and the results is displayed as a line item. To edit any of the results shown, click Edit button adjacent to the appropriate line item.
Review Smart System history that has been collected for a particular component in the Smart System History section on the Tag form. The section shows new rules, effective dates, and changes in monitoring frequency.
The following two methods are available for adding related files that exist in third-party applications, such as Microsoft Word, to a component record:
Document Links - Set up a hyperlink to the file. Optionally, the location of an off-line reference can be specified without a link.
Document Attachments - Add a file to the record. The default maximum file upload size supported by ASP.NET is 4096 KB (4MB). The default can be modified to support larger file uploads, i.e., attaching files larger than 4MB. For instructions to increase the default value, refer to Microsoft ( and view the article: httpRuntime Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema).
Each link or attachment is displayed as a line item in the Attachments section on the Tag form. Attachments and linked documents can be viewed by clicking the link.
In order to view a file listed in the Attachments
section, desktop access to the particular software used to create the
file must be available. For example, access to Microsoft Word is required
to view an attachment created as a Word file (.doc, .docx).
Locate the component on the Tag list, click the tag name link to open the Tag form, and expand the Attachments section if necessary.
Click Add Link.
Enter the file path in the File field or click Browse to locate and select the file.
Enter a Description of the document and the Document Location.
Select a Document
Type from the list.
If the appropriate type is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Ensure the Is
Hyperlink check box is selected to establish the link.
When specifying an off-line location, ensure the Is
Hyperlink check box is not selected.
Click OK.
The document information is added as a line item in the Attachments
section. Click the link to view the file. Edit existing attachment
information using the buttons adjacent to the line item.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 2 through 8 to add other document links.
Locate the component on the Tag list, click the tag name link to open the Tag form, and expand the Attachments section if necessary.
Click Add Attachment.
Enter a file path in the File field or click Browse to locate and select a file.
Enter a Description of the attachment. A maximum of 70 characters can be entered.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add a second and/or third attachment.
Click OK.
Each attachment is added as a line item in the Attachments
section. Edit existing attachment information using the buttons adjacent
to the line item.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 2 through 7 to add other attachments.