The User Defined Browse form is available to set up one or more custom browse views for any standard Essential browse view. Create a private or public/shared custom view by defining the columns and search filters for the new view, as well as the order in which they appear on the view. Public/shared custom browse views are available to all users. Private browse views are available only to the user who set up the private custom browse view. A user-defined view is selected in the User Defined Browse field on the browse view itself and remains in effect until a different view is selected.
User-defined browse view capabilities do not apply to the Performance
Manager module.
For instruction on setting up user-defined browse views, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
A default view for every browse view in Essential is shipped with the software, and is listed as 'Default' in the User Defined Browse View drop-down list. The default Browse View cannot be altered, but can be copied as a template for a User Defined Browse View. One or more user-defined views for a standard browse view can be established on the User Defined Browse form. You can specify the columns and filters to display on a custom view, as well as the order in which the columns/filters appear. As with a default view, user-defined browse view data can be exported to Excel. Therefore, in addition to providing a method to establish views that satisfies business needs for locating records, user-defined browse views can be used to extract and display specific Essential data that may be useful for reporting purposes.
All standard browse views contain a User Defined Browse field accompanied by New and Edit buttons that provide access to the User Defined Browse form. A limited number of nonstandard browse views exist, such as those for the Enterprise Entities form and the Parameter Results View, and are not eligible for customization. The User Defined Browse field is not displayed on nonstandard browse views.
User-defined browse views must be unique. In this case, the browse view name and its private or public/shared designation determine the uniqueness of a user-defined browse view. The columns available for selection are based on the data queried to render the browse view. Required columns are described below and are automatically included in the custom view; every browse view contains at least one required column.
Fields used to locate the actual records for the view are required to be included as columns in user-defined views.
Columns where the data is a hyperlink to another record are required to be included in user-defined views.
Required columns and the columns selected to be included in the custom view are displayed as line items in the Column Name section on the User Defined Browse form. This list of columns represents the horizontal placement of the columns in the browse view. Up and down arrows at the end of each line item can be used to change the order. formatting for a column's maximum length and precision, when applicable, can also be specified in the column line item.
A maximum of six digits can be entered in the Max Length field. The default is to show all characters of the value. When a maximum length is applied, the value appears on the browse view as the number of characters specified. An ellipsis (...) follows the value displayed if it contains additional characters.
The Precision field represents the number of decimal places to be displayed and is only available when the data type for a selected column is numeric. Valid precision entries are 1 through 15, inclusive.
The maximum length and precision entries specified for browse view columns affect how the data is formatted and displayed only; the actual data is not changed in the database.
Tip: User-defined browse views can be edited and deleted
as needed. A default browse view cannot be changed in any way or deleted
but can be copied, edited and saved as a new user-defined browse view.
The following existing conditions continue to apply to default browse views when exporting data to Excel and are also applicable to user-defined browse views:
The columns and records listed in a browse view are exported.
Each column and row in the browse view corresponds to a unique column and row in the Excel spreadsheet.
The browse view's column headings are displayed as column headings in the spreadsheet.
When multiple pages of data exist, all of the data from each page is automatically exported into a single spreadsheet. The data available in Excel is subject to the maximum number of rows supported by an Excel spreadsheet, e.g., 65,536 rows in versions prior to Excel 2007.
For user-defined browse views, the same maximum length and precision formatting applied to a user-defined browse view column also applies when the data is exported to Excel. However, the cell contents contain the actual data. For example, if a precision of 2 decimal points has been applied to a column, the value 1.911187 will be displayed as 1.91 in the Excel spreadsheet column, but as 1.911187 when you view the cell's actual contents.
User-defined browse security permissions are assigned on the User Manager form. The privileges required to set up private and public/shared custom browse views are described below. Refer to Setting User Security for additional information.
Private - The User Defined Browse Permission allows users to create, edit, and delete private custom browse views.
Public/Shared - The User Defined Browse Permission combined with Administrator Permission allows users to create, edit, and delete public/shared and private custom browse views. Public/shared browse views can be edited by any user with User Defined Browse plus Administrator permissions—not just the user who set up the view.
If a user without user-defined browse authorization attempts to access the User Defined Browse form, a message advising the user no permissions for the page have been granted is displayed.
If authorization to create user-defined browse views is granted
and subsequently revoked for a user, all private browse views created
by that user are automatically deleted from the database. Browse views
where that user has applied a private user-defined browse view will revert
back to the default view. All existing public/shared user-defined browse
views established by that user remain unaffected by the change in permissions.
A default view for every browse view in Essential is shipped with the software, and is listed as 'Default' in the User Defined Browse View drop-down list. The default Browse View cannot be altered, but can be copied as a template for a User Defined Browse View. User-defined views are typically configured to show different columns and search features than the default view. When user-defined browse views exist for a browse view, you can select a user-defined view on the browse view itself. The selected view remains in effect until you change it—either by selecting another user-defined view or by reselecting the default view. Public/shared user-defined browse views are available for selection by all users. Private browse views are available for selection only by the user who set up the private user-defined browse view. If a user-defined browse view has been selected by a user and is subsequently deleted, the columns and filters for the default browse view will be redisplayed.
Tip: Column sorting capabilities apply to user-defined browse
views. Click a column heading to reorder the records according to the
values in that column. An arrow is displayed adjacent to the column heading
to indicate sort order, i.e., ascending or descending. Any addi
To select a browse view
Click a Navigation Tree link to open a browse view.
Select a view from the list for
the User Defined Browse field.
The columns, filters, and records displayed replace the previous browse
Tip: If the User Defined
Browse field is not displayed, you are viewing a nonstandard
browse page where the default view is the only one available.
Repeat steps 2 to select a different user-defined browse view or to reselect the default browse view.
If there is an error loading a User Defined browse, for any reason,
the Default browse view will be displayed instead. If you notice this
behavior repeatedly, please notify your Application Administrator so your
User Defined Browse View can be corrected and allow for future use.
On the User Defined Browse form, establish a new private or public/shared user-defined view for a standard browse view. Specify a name and designate whether the view is public or private by selecting or clearing the Public/Shared check box to set up a unique browse view. Define the columns and search filters to display on a custom view, as well as the order in which the columns/filters appear. Required columns are automatically included in the view. A column's maximum length and precision, when applicable, can also be specified.
A maximum of six digits can be entered in the Max Length field. The default is to show all characters of the value. When max length is applied, the value appears on the browse view as the number of characters specified. An ellipsis (...) follows the value displayed if it contains additional characters.
The Precision field represents the number of decimal places to be displayed and is only available when the data type for a selected column is numeric. Valid entries are 1 through 15, inclusive.
The maximum length and precision entries specified for browse view columns affect how the data is formatted and displayed only; the actual data is not changed in the database.
At least one search filter must be selected in the Search Filters section on the User Defined Browse form. Any additional filtering options that are typically displayed as check boxes below the search fields for a default browse view are automatically displayed for user-defined browse views—including the My Default Entity option, which is displayed when records are associated with an entity. A default entity can be defined on the User Settings form.
To set up a new browse view
Tip: As an alternative, you can copy an existing browse view,
edit the columns/filters, and save with a new name. Refer to Copying
Browse Views for additional information.
Click a Navigation Tree link to open a browse view.
Click the New
button next to the User Defined Browse
field. If the User Defined Browse
field is not displayed, you are viewing a nonstandard browse page
where the default view is the only one available.
The User Defined Browse form
is displayed for users with User
Defined Browse permissions. For identification purposes, the header
section name is the associated form's name.
Enter a Browse
View Name for the new view. A maximum of 200 characters can
be entered.
Tip: User-defined browse views must be unique. The browse
view name and its private or public/shared designation define the
uniqueness of a view.
Click the Public/Shared check box to make the browse view available for other Essential users. Otherwise, leave the check box blank for a private view.
Expand the Column Name section, review the required columns listed, and follow these guidelines:
To add more columns, click Select Browse View Columns and continue to step 6.
To change the maximum length, precision, and or column order only, skip to step 7.
Click the check box for each column
to be included in the view and click Select
Browse View Columns.
Each column is displayed as a line item in the Column
Name section. The Delete
button adjacent to a non-required column line item can be used to
easily remove the column from the view.
Enter the maximum length and/or precision for a column in the Max Length and Precision fields that are part of the column line item. Use the following guidelines:
Valid entries are numerical; negative numbers, zeros, and numbers with decimal places are invalid entries.
A maximum of six digits can be entered in the Max Length field. The default is to show all characters of the value. When a maximum length is applied, the value appears on the browse view as the number of characters specified. An ellipsis (...) follows the value displayed if it contains additional characters.
The Precision field represents the number of decimal places to be displayed and is only available when the data type for a selected column is numeric. Valid entries for the Precision field are 1 through 15, inclusive.
The maximum length and precision entries affect how the data is formatted and displayed; the actual data is not changed in the database. When the data is exported to Excel, the same formatting is applied; however, the cell contents contain the actual data.
Use the up/down arrows at the end
of each line to change the position of the column within the list
of columns.
The list of columns represents the horizontal placement of the columns
in the browse view.
Expand the Search Filters section and click Select Search Filters.
Click the check box for each filter
to be included in the view and click Select
Search Filters. At least one filter must be added.
Each filter selected is displayed as a line item in the Search
Filters section. Remove a filter by clicking the Delete
button adjacent to the line item.
Use the up/down arrows at the end of each line to change the position of the filter within the list of filters. For example, you may want the filters to be displayed in alphabetical order.
Click Save and close the User Defined Browse form.
Select the new browse view in the User Defined Browse field.
Repeat steps 2 through 13 to set up another user-defined browse view.
User-defined browse views can be edited at any time. Private browse views can only be changed by the user who created the view. Public/shared browse views can be edited by any user with User Defined Browse and Administrator permissions—not just the user who set up the view. Since public/shared browse views can be used by many Essential users, carefully consider when updates to a public/shared view are made. It is recommended that you choose slow times, outside of peak activity, to reduce the possibility of system errors, as well as usage issues.
Tip: A default browse view cannot be changed in any way but
can be copied, edited and saved as a new user-defined browse view. Refer
to Copying Browse Views for additional information.
To edit a user-defined browse
Click a Navigation Tree link to open a browse view.
Select the view to be updated from
the list for the User Defined Browse
field and click the Edit button
next to the field. If the User Defined
Browse field is not displayed, you are viewing a nonstandard
browse page where the default view is the only one available.
The User Defined Browse form
is displayed for users with User
Defined Browse permissions. The view's existing columns and filters
are listed in the appropriate section.
Change the Browse
View Name when applicable. A maximum of 200 characters can
be entered.
Tip: User-defined browse views must be unique. The browse
view name and its private or public/shared designation determine the
uniqueness of the view.
Click the Public/Shared
check box to make the browse view available for other Essential users.-
Tip: Before changing a public/shared view to a private
view, consider that it may be in use by other users who will no longer
have access to it. It is recommended that any changes to public/shared
views be made at slow times, outside of peak activity, to reduce the
possibility of system errors and usage issues.
Expand the Column Name section, review the columns listed, and follow these guidelines:
Click the line item Delete button to remove a column. To add more columns, click Select Browse View Columns and continue to step 6.
To change the maximum length, precision, and/or column order only, skip to step 8.
Click the check box for each column
to be included in the view.
If a column is already part of the view, it will not be listed. If
no columns are listed, the view already includes all the columns available
for the browse view.
Click Select
Browse View Columns.
Each column is displayed as a line item in the Column
Name section. The Delete
button adjacent to a non-required column line item can be used to
easily remove the column from the view.
Update the maximum length and/or precision for a column in the Max Length and Precision fields that are part of the column line item. Use the following guidelines:
Valid entries are numerical; negative numbers, zeros, and numbers with decimal places are invalid entries.
A maximum of six digits can be entered in the Max Length field. The default is to show all characters of the value. When a maximum length is applied, the value appears on the browse view as the number of characters specified. An ellipsis (...) follows the value displayed if it contains additional characters.
The Precision field represents the number of decimal places to be displayed and is only available when the data type for a selected column is numeric. Valid entries are 1 through 15, inclusive.
The maximum length and precision entries affect how the data is formatted and displayed; the actual data is not changed in the database. When the data is exported to Excel, the same formatting is applied; however, the cell contents contain the actual data.
Use the up/down arrows at the end
of each line to change the position of the column within the list
of columns.
The list of columns represents the horizontal placement of the columns
in the browse view.
Expand the Search Filters section, review the filters selected, and follow these guidelines:
Click the line item Delete button to remove a filter. At least one filter must be included in the view. Skip to step 12 when no filters need to be added.
To add more filters, click Select Search Filters and continue to step 11.
Click the check box for each filter
to be included in the view and click Select
Search Filters. At least one filter must be part of the view.
Each filter selected is displayed as a line item in the Search
Filters section. Remove a filter by clicking the Delete
button adjacent to the line item.
Use the up/down arrows at the end of each line to change the position of the filter within the list of filters. For example, you may want the filters to be displayed in alphabetical order.
Click Save and close the User Defined Browse form.
Select the new browse view in the User Defined Browse field to verify your changes.
Repeat steps 2 through 14 to edit another user-defined browse view.
On the User Defined Browse form, any standard default browse view or custom browse view can be copied to create a new custom view.
To copy a browse view
Click a Navigation Tree link to open a browse view.
Select the view to be copied from
the list for the User Defined Browse
field and click the Edit button
next to the field. If the User Defined
Browse field is not displayed, you are viewing a nonstandard
browse page where the default view is the only one available.
The User Defined Browse form
is displayed for users with User
Defined Browse permissions. The view's existing columns and filters
are listed in the appropriate section.
Click the Copy
button and change the Browse View
Name. A maximum of 200 characters can be entered.
Tip: User-defined browse views must be unique. The browse
view name and its private or public/shared designation determine the
uniqueness of the view.
Change any of the other copied data and click Save. Refer to Editing User Defined Browse Views for instructions.
Close the User Defined Browse form and select the new browse view in the User Defined Browse field to verify your changes.
Repeat steps 2 through 5 to copy another browse view.
Delete user-defined browse views on the User Defined Browse form. Public/shared views can be deleted by any user with User Defined Browse plus Administrator permissions. Private views can only be deleted by the user who established the view. After the deletion process is complete, the browse view reverts back to the default for users with the deleted custom view selected. Consider the impact to other users before deleting a public/shared custom browse view. When a deletion is necessary, it is recommended that you choose a slow time, outside of peak activity, to reduce the possibility of system errors, as well as usage issues.
Tip: A default browse view cannot be deleted but can be copied,
edited and saved as a new user-defined browse view. Refer to Copying
Browse Views for additional information.
To delete a user-defined
browse view
Click a Navigation Tree link to open a browse view.
Select the view to be deleted from
the list for the User Defined Browse
field and click the Edit button
next to the field.
The User Defined Browse form
is displayed with the view's existing columns and filters.
Click the Delete button and click OK to confirm the deletion when prompted.
Close the User
Defined Browse form.
The browse view reverts back to the default browse view.
Repeat steps 2 through 4 to delete another user-defined browse view.
Users with User Defined Browse Permission can view the columns and filters, including each column's Max Length and Precision values, for a public/shared custom browse view or a standard default browse view. Open the applicable browse view, select the view from the list for the User Defined Browse field, and click the Edit button next to the field. The User Defined Browse form is displayed; all data is read-only. Close the form to return to the browse view.