Configuring Electronic TRI Reporting Submissions

On the TRI Configuration form, define how information stored in your Essential database is to be used to generate electronic TRI reporting files.

For instruction on how to configure electronic TRI reporting submissions, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Overview of Electronic TRI Reporting Submission Configuration

Assigning Emission Models

Establishing Electronic TRI Report Configurations

Selecting Threshold Activity Values and Models

Adding Chemical/Facility (Enterprise Entity) Information

Specifying Reporting Calculation Information

Identifying Release and Disposal Types


Overview of Electronic TRI Reporting Submission Configuration

Before you generate your TRI reporting files, you need to configure how your submission data should be reported. When you configure your submission, you are setting up the various reporting options applicable to the generation of a TRI report. These reporting options include identification of your organization's location, facility contacts, reported values for each section of the report, emission models, and your discharge monitoring report configuration. On the TRI Configuration form, you can establish a report configuration that can be used in the future for your facility, as well as for different facilities within your enterprise.

When you select a report configuration on the TRI Report form, you are assigning one report configuration to your electronic TRI reporting submission. The configuration represents selections of identifiers that will extract the applicable information from your facility’s database and place it in your saved electronic TRI reporting data files.

Important:  Make sure you associate an applicable person or identification number for the TRI identifiers provided with Emissions Management. Establish these associations in the Contacts section and the ID Numbers section on the Enterprise Entity form. If these associations are not established, the required contact names and identification numbers for the identifiers will not appear in your electronic TRI report submission.

After you import your electronic TRI reporting files into the US EPA TRI-MEweb software and review the report data, you may find it necessary to modify your electronic TRI reporting configuration. For information on where to locate the data sources for each field on the form R, refer to Identifying Data Sources.

Establishing Electronic TRI Report Configurations

The selections made on the TRI Configuration form identify how information stored within your Essential database is to be used to generate electronic TRI reporting files. You can establish a report configuration that can be used in the future for your facility, as well as for different facilities within your enterprise. Assign report configurations on the TRI Report form.

To establish electronic TRI Report configurations

  1. Click Reports > Electronic TRI Reporting > Electronic TRI Configuration in the Navigation Tree.

    The Report Configuration list appears.

  2. Click the New button.

    The TRI Configuration form is displayed.

  3. Enter the Configuration Name.

  4. Expand the Chemical / Facility (Enterprise Entity) Information section if necessary and select the applicable value from the list for each field.

  5. Expand the Release and Disposal Types section when necessary and select the applicable values for on-site releases and disposals and off-site transfers.

  6. Expand the Estimated Values section and select the emission models to include when reporting estimated values. The selected models are applicable to estimated values reported for all sections of the TRI report.

  7. Expand the Manufacturing Thresholds, Processing Thresholds, and Otherwise Use Thresholds sections, if necessary, and use the following guidelines to complete the fields:

  1. Expand the Calculations section and select the appropriate options.

  2. Click Save.

  3. Repeat steps 2 through 9 to establish other configurations.

Adding Chemical/Facility (Enterprise Entity) Information

Use the Chemical / Facility (Enterprise Entity) Information section on the TRI Configuration form to enter material, entity, and contact information. Select a value from the list for each field. If the appropriate value is not listed, follow the guidelines below to add it:

Identifying Release and Disposal Types

For Section 5 of the form R, you must document toxic chemicals that your facility discharged or released to an environmental medium, as well as on-site disposals. For Section 6, you must document toxic chemicals that you transferred to off-site locations. In the Release and Disposal Types section on the TRI Configuration form, you can select data from the Essential Air, Water, Waste, Chemical Inventory, and FEMS modules, as well as incident data.

Note: The incident reporting functionality can be accessed from any of these modules, except FEMS.

For both sections, you can select data for each line from one or more modules to indicate if the Electronic TRI Reporting tool should include the data when calculating activity thresholds (i.e., manufacturing, processing, or otherwise-use). The selections are used to calculate values for the corresponding section of the form R. Only sources of data that apply to each on-site release and disposal type and off-site transfer type are available for selection.

To identify release and disposal types

  1. Locate the report configuration on the Report Configuration list, click the link to display the TRI Configuration form, and expand the Release and Disposal Types section if necessary.

  2. Select the value options that represent the data to include when reporting releases, on-site disposals, and off-site transfers of toxic chemicals.

  3. Click Save.

    Note:  If the Estimated Values option has been selected for any of the Section 5 or Section 6 line items, you need to validate the emission models assigned to the report configuration. Refer to Assigning Emission Models.

Assigning Emission Models

In the Essential Air module, you can set up emission models and calculate estimated emission values. When the Estimated Values option is selected for any of the Section 5 or Section 6 line items in the Release and Disposal Types section on the TRI Configuration form, the specific emission models you want to include in electronic TRI reporting calculations must be assigned in the Estimated Values section. The assigned emission models will be available for selection when configuring activities for threshold determination.

Note:  If you have set up models to test or evaluate “what if” scenarios, be sure to exclude them from the TRI report calculations, since they do not reflect an actual operating scenario.

To assign emission models

  1. Locate the report configuration on the Report Configuration list, click the link to display the TRI Configuration form, and expand the Estimated Values section if necessary.

  2. Select the appropriate option for the Include estimated values for field and use the following guidelines to determine your next step:

  1. Click Save.

Selecting Threshold Activity Values and Models

Identify the data to be included in the threshold determination calculations for each threshold activity—manufacturing, processing, and otherwise-use—in the Thresholds sections on the TRI Configuration form. A separate section is available for each activity. When estimated values are selected, you can identify specific emission models to include, thereby reducing the likelihood of "double counting" threshold quantities and reporting inaccurate results. For example, this situation may arise when a raw material, tracked in inventory, passes through a process, and is ultimately contained in a waste or emission stream. If both inventory and waste tracking values are included, the chemical would be "double counted" for threshold determination calculations.

To select threshold activity values and models

Tip:  If you have set up emission models to model various threshold activities, select only the models that apply for each activity.

  1. Locate the report configuration on the Report Configuration list, click the link to display the TRI Configuration form, and expand the Manufacturing Thresholds, Processing Thresholds, and/or Otherwise Use Thresholds sections, if necessary.

  2. Select the value options that represent the data to include for threshold determination calculations.

    When the Estimated Values option is selected, the emission model-related fields are available.

  3. Use the guidelines below to select emission models. Otherwise, skip to step 4.

  1. Click Save.

Specifying Reporting Calculation Information

In the Calculations section on the TRI Configuration form, you can select the options that will be used for calculating loading values, FEMS emissions, and reporting values based on inventory data. You can also specify how you want to round your reporting results.

To specify reporting calculation information

  1. Locate the report configuration on the Report Configuration list, click the link to display the TRI Configuration form, and expand the Calculations section, if necessary.

  2. Enter the following Wastewater Discharge Monitoring Values when applicable:

  1. Select a FEMS Emissions Calculation Method from the list when applicable.

  2. Enter the following Reporting Threshold and Maximum Quantity On-Site Calculations values when applicable:

  1. Select a Report Rounding option using the following guidelines:

  1. Click Save.

Related topics

 Understanding Electronic TRI Reporting

 Generating Electronic TRI Reporting Files

 Speciating Material Releases

 Identifying Data Sources

 Determining Threshold Exceedances