Generating Electronic TRI Reporting Files

Use the TRI Report form to establish electronic TRI reporting submissions, identify chemicals and chemical categories for the submissions, evaluate threshold determinations, and generate electronic TRI reporting files. For information about evaluating thresholds, refer to Determining Threshold Exceedances.

For instruction on how to establish electronic TRI reporting submissions and generate electronic TRI reporting files, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Overview of Electronic TRI Reporting File Generation

Adding Miscellaneous Information

Establishing an Electronic TRI Reporting Submission

Generating an Electronic TRI Report File

Identifying Submission Chemicals and Chemical Categories


Overview of Electronic TRI Reporting File Generation

The Electronic TRI Reporting tool generates a single XML file that meets EPA electronic filing requirements. The file contains available data for each section of the TRI form R (or form A). For specific information about which forms you are required to submit, what to report on, how to fill out the forms, and when and where to file, refer to the EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory form instructions.

Use the TRI Configuration form to identify how information stored within your Essential database is to be used to generate the electronic TRI reporting submission. Use the TRI Report form to set up your electronic TRI reporting submission, specify your TRI configuration, and generate the file. When the file generation process is initiated, data is first collected and collated in temporary database tables according to the parameters set up in the specified TRI configuration. At the end of the process, the data is formatted according to specifications provided by the EPA. The TRI Report form provides access to the file for review. Save the file to a user-defined location and then import the file into the US EPA TRI-MEweb software, check the data for quality and validity, and submit the report to the appropriate state and federal agencies.

Based on the outcome of your data file validation, you may need to modify your data, your electronic TRI reporting configuration, or your electronic TRI reporting submission. For information on where to locate the data sources for each field on the form R, refer to Identifying Data Sources.

Note:  The TRI Facility Access Code must be configured as an ID Number Type and assigned to the entity on the Enterprise Entity form. Refer to Adding ID Numbers for additional information.

Establishing an Electronic TRI Reporting Submission

An electronic TRI reporting submission includes the reporting period, report configuration, and the list of chemicals and chemical categories included in the report. Establish one-to-many electronic TRI reporting submissions for the different entities in your enterprise on the TRI Report form.

Note:  Data is reported per entity; there is no roll-up functionality when a parent/child relationship exists. For example, if a TRI report is generated for an entity that is a parent of two different child entities, just the data associated with the parent entity is included. To report data for the child entities, a separate TRI reporting submission for each child must be established.

To establish electronic TRI reporting submissions

  1. Click Reports > Electronic TRI Reporting > Electronic TRI Reporting in the Navigation Tree.

    The TRI Report list appears.

  2. Click the New button.

    The TRI Report form is displayed.

  3. Select a Facility (Enterprise Entity) from the list.

  4. Enter the Submission Name and select a Report Year.

  5. Select the name of the Last Year's Submission from the list when applicable.

  6. Specify a Default Production Ratio.

  7. Select a Report Configuration from the list.

    Although the Electronic TRI Reporting tool includes one default report configuration, you should establish a report configuration that reflects your enterprise to generate a meaningful report.

  8. Click the Use form A check box to select this option when applicable.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Assign chemicals and chemical categories to your electronic TRI reporting submission in the Chemicals/Categories in Submission section. Refer to Identifying Submission Chemicals and Chemical Categories.

    Each selected chemical and chemical category is displayed as a line item in the Chemicals/Categories in Submission section.

  11. Add miscellaneous information for Part II, Section 9.1 of the form R using the Add link in the line item Comments field. Refer to Adding Miscellaneous Information.

    When comments exist, the Add link is displayed as an Edit link. Use the Edit link to view, modify, or delete comments.

  12. Click Save.

  13. Repeat steps 2 through 12 to establish other electronic TRI reporting submissions.

Tip:  The TRI Report form can also be used to evaluate threshold determinations. Refer to Determining Threshold Exceedances.

Identifying Submission Chemicals and Chemical Categories

Use the Chemicals/Categories in Submission section on the TRI Report form to select a predefined list of available chemicals and chemical categories, and assign specific chemicals and chemical categories on the list to your electronic TRI reporting submission. The following chemical and chemical category lists are available:

The chemicals and chemical categories assigned to the electronic TRI reporting submission will be included in the report.

To identify submission chemicals and chemical categories

  1. Locate the electronic TRI reporting submission on the TRI Report list and click the link to display the TRI Report form.

  2. Expand the Chemicals/Categories in Submission section if necessary and click Add Chemical/Categories.

  3. Select a list for the Limit Available Chemicals to field.

    Each chemical/category on the selected list is displayed as a line item.

  4. Use the following guidelines to select each chemical/category to be included in the submission:

  1. Click Add Chemicals to return to the TRI Report form.

    Each selected chemical and chemical category is displayed as a line item in the Chemicals/Categories in Submission section. Use the Delete button adjacent to the line item to remove the chemical from the submission.

  2. Add miscellaneous information for Part II, Section 9.1 of the form R using the Add link in the line item Comments field. Refer to Adding Miscellaneous Information. When comments exist, the Add link is displayed as an Edit link. Use the Edit link to view, modify, or delete comments.

  3. Click the Save button on the TRI Report form.

Adding Miscellaneous Information

In the Chemicals/Categories in Submission section on the TRI Report form, an Add/Edit link is displayed in the line item Comments field for each chemical and chemical category associated with the TRI reporting submission. Enter miscellaneous information for Part II, Section 9.1 of the form R using the Comments field link, which functions as follows:

To add miscellaneous information

  1. Locate the electronic TRI reporting submission on the TRI Report list and click the link to display the TRI Report form.

  2. Expand the Chemicals/Categories in Submission section if necessary and click the Add link in the Comments field for the appropriate chemical/category line item.

  3. Enter up to 4,000 characters as miscellaneous information in the Comments field and click OK.

    The Edit link has replaced the Add link in the Comments field for the chemical/category line item. Click the Edit link to view, modify, and remove miscellaneous information.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add miscellaneous information for other chemicals/categories.

Generating an Electronic TRI Report File

Generate electronic TRI report files in the Files section on the TRI Report form. An electronic TRI reporting submission must be set up before you can generate the TRI report. Refer to Establishing an Electronic TRI Reporting Submission. If you are reporting on form A, the Reporting Threshold Determinations report must be generated before you can run the TRI report. Refer to Determining Threshold Exceedances.

A notification message can be emailed to one or more recipients when a TRI file is scheduled to be generated. Enter addresses in the Email Addresses field; separate multiple addresses with a semicolon. The message is sent to the recipients when you click the Generate New File button and includes the facility name along with a link to the TRI Report form.

Each time the generation process is initiated, a separate Electronic TRI Reporting job is created and an entry is added to the log displayed in the Files section. The job status, start and finish date/time, schema validation status, and a description of any run errors are provided for each log entry line item. Jobs are processed according to a pre-configured priority in a managed, queue-based environment to minimize system contention. Use the log to determine your job's position among all the jobs scheduled to run and to determine the current/final run status. Ascending/descending column sorting is available; click a column heading to sort by the values in the column. The AutoRefresh option allows you to switch between a working mode and the log refresh mode. In the refresh mode, the log is automatically updated every 10 seconds. When the log is refreshed and there are new entries, the list of log entries is reset to display the new ones at the top of the list. By switching to the working mode, you can continue viewing the list without interruption. Select the AutoRefresh check box to activate the refresh mode and clear the check box to switch to a working mode. The Refresh link can be used at any time to update the log. For notification purposes, a Loading... message appears when the log is being refreshed.

When a file exists, it can be viewed by clicking the Output file link in the log and saved to a user-defined location for your TRI-MEweb submission. If a file link is missing, no file was created. Review job Errors in the log for processing details. Entries can be removed from the log when no longer needed by clicking the Delete button adjacent to the line item.

To generate an electronic TRI report file

  1. Ensure the TRI Facility Access Code is configured as an ID Number Type and has been assigned to the entity on the Enterprise Entity form. Otherwise, the file will not be generated. Refer to Adding ID Numbers for additional information.

  2. Ensure an entity operations record has been set up for the entity that includes an effective date within the reporting year and entity address information. Otherwise, the file will not be generated. Refer to Entity Operations for additional information.

  3. Locate the electronic TRI reporting submission on the TRI Report list and click the link to display the TRI Report form.

  4. Review the entries, make any necessary changes, and click Save.

  5. Expand the Files section and enter one or more Email Addresses for the recipients who are to receive a notification message when the TRI file is scheduled to be generated. Separate multiple addresses with a semicolon.

  6. Click Generate New File.

    A message is displayed verifying the generation process has been scheduled. View the job progress in the log.

  7. Click the Output file link in the log to open and view the XML file. Save the file to the desired location for your TRI-MEweb submission.

    If a file link is missing, no file was created. Review job Errors in the log for processing details.

Related topics

 Configuring TRI Reporting Submissions


 Identifying Data Sources