Consent Decree

On the Consent Decree form, specify an entity-based action level for each component to satisfy the requirements of a consent decree or similar need. Action levels are ppm readings at which a repair must be made. In the Chronic Leaker Criteria section, enter the conditions that identify components as chronic leakers. Assign the consent decree to tags in the Apply Consent Decree to Tags section. Consent decrees are only applicable as the basis of an early repair attempt at the time of monitoring and do not necessarily qualify the component as a leaker because action levels will most likely be stricter than any regulatory leak definitions.

On the Monitor Run form, select the option to use the consent decree action level for tags (if the tag has an action level defined) in a monitor run. When selected, the action level (for tags that have one defined) can be downloaded to the data logger in place of the regulatory leak definition.

Utilize the Action Level field on the Monitoring Data form to automatically populate the tag that is selected. The action level is used to determine if a repair attempt needs to be made, but will not affect the leak definition. The tag will still only be considered leaking if the reading exceeds the leak definition, or if the Leaker check box is selected for a Visual Inspection.

When uploading monitoring from a data logger, the leak definition and action level fields will not be changed on the instrument readings screen. The values will be set to the appropriate values from the component when the monitor run is created.

For instruction on how to enter consent decrees, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Establishing Consent Decrees


Defining Chronic Leaker Criteria


Applying a Consent Decree to Tags


Establishing Consent Decrees

Set up a consent decree by selecting the entity to which the components are assigned that require monitoring at certain action levels. Enter the action level (in ppms) for leaking components and allowable days for repairs.  

To establish consent decrees

  1. Click Data Entry > Regulations > Consent Decree in the Navigation Tree.

    The Consent Decree list appears.

  2. Click the New button.

    The Consent Decree form is displayed.

  3. Select an Entity from the list.

  4. Enter a unique name for the Consent Decree and corresponding Description.

  5. Enter a numeric ppm value in the Action Level field.

  6. Enter a numeric value in the Days for First Repair Attempt field that represents the number of days required for a first repair attempt.

  7. Enter a numeric value in the Allowed Days to Repair field that represents the total allowable number of days before a component must be repaired.

  8. Click Save on the form.

  9. Repeat steps 2 through 8 to add additional Consent Decree records.

Defining Chronic Leaker Criteria

A component is identified as a chronic leaker based on the following conditions:

For example, a component categorized as a valve (equipment category) may be defined in the consent decree as a chronic leaker if it leaks above 10,000 ppm (chronic leak definition) during two quarters (exceeding quarters) in any consecutive four quarters (evaluation period). When a component exceeds the number of leaks permitted, it is assigned a chronic leaker status. Typically, a consent decree includes good performance conditions, such as no leaks for eight consecutive quarters, that allow a component's chronic leaker status to be removed.

Specify chronic leak conditions in the Chronic Leaker Criteria section on the Consent Decree form. More than one chronic leak definition can be entered for a consent decree. The Update Chronic Leakers tool evaluates chronic leak definitions and component monitoring results to determine chronic leaker status. Use the Chronic Leakers List to view the components identified as chronic leakers so the appropriate maintenance can be performed for consent decree compliance. Refer to Chronic Leakers for additional information.

To define chronic leaker conditions

  1. Locate the consent decree on the Consent Decree list, click the link to open the Consent Decree form, and expand the Chronic Leaker Criteria section if necessary.

  2. Click Add Chronic Leak Definition and select an Equipment Category from the list.

  3. Select an Equipment Type from the list.

  4. Enter a numeric ppm value in the Chronic Leak Definition field.

  5. Enter the appropriate numeric value in the fields listed below. Each value must be greater than zero; one is the default value.

  1. Click OK.

    The criteria is displayed as a line item in the Chronic Leaker Criteria section. Use the buttons adjacent to the line item to edit or remove the information.

  2. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to add chronic leaker criteria for another equipment category/type.

  3. Click Save on the form.

Applying a Consent Decree to Tags

The Consent Decree form provides a global update feature to apply action levels (ppm readings at which a repair attempt should be made) to tags. Build a new Tag Filter query or use an existing one that identifies the component group to be associated with the action level. Alternatively, apply the update to all components in the specified entity.

To apply a consent decree to tags

  1. Locate the consent decree on the Consent Decree list, click the link to open the Consent Decree form, and expand the Apply Consent Decree to Tags section if necessary.

  2. Follow the guidelines below to specify the components affected by the consent decree:

  1. Click the Apply to Tags button to apply the consent decree.

  2. Click Save on the form.