Monitor Runs

Schedule a collection of components for regulatory- or corporate-driven monitoring using the Monitor Run form. Regulatory monitoring is performed with an analyzer to comply with regulatory requirements, while corporate, or non-regulatory, monitoring is performed to comply with internal reporting requirements or for equipment performance evaluation.

For instruction on monitor runs, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Scheduling Monitor Runs

To Enter Tag Selection Criteria Defaults

   Leak Definition Option

Adding Tags to a Monitor Run

   Components with Special Designations

To Add Tags to a Monitor Run

   Response Factor Option

Printing a Monitor Run

To Schedule Monitor Runs


Scheduling Monitor Runs

Enter a unique Run ID, such as "First Quarter Monitoring 1999" to schedule the monitor run. Then, specify the beginning and ending month and year of the monitor run, which is the date the components are due for monitoring, not the date that the instrument readings are actually taken. Enter the remaining required information described below.

Note:  The default preferences specified on the Monitoring Preferences form will already be entered.

Leak Definition Option - Enter a default leak definition for each run and specify whether to use it as the leak definition for the entire run. Select the Use Leak Definition from Regulations (or Group Specific Leak Definitions) option to use multiple leak definitions. The system will use the worst case leak definitions from the scheduled components' applicable regulations when one of these options is selected. However, if any monitoring groups are scheduled that have equipment category-specific leak definitions, those leak definitions will be used for the groups. The default leak definition will be applied to any components without regulatory or group-specific leak definitions.

Components With Special Designations - Components that are on repair delay, exempt from monitoring, unsafe or difficult to monitor, or are classified as CVS or NDE cannot be scheduled unless the options are selected on this form. Choosing these options does not force monitoring of these types of components; it merely makes them available for monitoring. (To schedule a component that has more than one designation, such as both difficult and unsafe to monitor, select both options.)   

Response Factor Option - The system requires a response factor to schedule components for monitoring. Usually, every component's response factor is set to 1, which is the same as not using response factors at all. The other choice is to use material response factors. Here, the system applies the response factor from the material that was assigned to a component. If more than one material is assigned to a component, the highest response factor is used. If no materials were assigned, or the materials have not been associated with a response factor, the response factor of 1 is applied.

 Leak definitions and response factors are also required for visual inspection runs so that instrument readings and inspection results can be stored under the same run ID. For example, a technician may actually monitor a visually leaking component to quantify it or to determine if a repair attempt was successful. Therefore, the response factor is needed to calculate an adjusted reading and the leak definition to determine if the component is still leaking.

After specifying the required run information, save the record and select the components that should be added to the monitor run. Once the components have been scheduled, they can be sent to a datalogger. The components appear according to the route order. For visual inspections, print a list of components in the run to guide monitoring technicians.

To schedule monitor runs

  1. Click Data Entry > Monitor Run Information> Monitor Runs in the Navigation Tree.

    The Monitor Run list is displayed.

  2. Click the New button to open the Monitor Run form.

  3. Select an Enterprise Entity from the list.  

  4. Enter the monitor Run ID and corresponding Description.

  5. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the monitor run. Or, use the Calendar button to select a date.

  6. Enter a Default Leak Definition for the run to use for components without one.

  7. Select the Use Action Level for Tags on Consent Decree option when applicable.

  8. Select a Leak Definition and Response Factor option.

  9. Enter Tag Selection Criteria Defaults when applicable.

  10. Click Save.

  11. Add tags to the monitor run and click Save.

To enter tag selection criteria defaults

  1. Access the Tag Selection Criteria Defaults section on the Monitor Run form using one the following methods:

  1. Determine the Tag Monitoring Period for the tags that should be included in the run by selecting a Start Date and Due Date option. Use the following guidelines:

  1. Determine if the tags in the run should include those where a Visual Inspection is required. Use the following guidelines:

  1. Enter a date and select a corresponding operator, e.g., Before, After, On, to filter by Repair Attempt/Repair Due date. The Calendar button can be used to select the date.

  2. Click the check box for each of the applicable Allow tags with the following designation to be added options.

  3. Click Save.

    Tip:  Click the Edit Tag Selection Defaults button any time after saving the monitor run to modify the criteria.

Adding Tags to a Monitor Run

Use queries or monitoring groups to specify components for the run on the Add Tags to Run form accessed via the Add Tags to Monitor Run button on the Monitor Run form. The three options available for adding tags to a monitor run are described below. With all methods, the components can be viewed before they are actually added by clicking the Preview Tags to be Added button on the Add Tags to Run form. All tags can be accepted or you can select specific tags to add.

Quick Select

Select query criteria from defined lists to build a simple filter for locating tags.

Tag Filters

Filter criteria fields are displayed for the Select Tags Using a Filter option. Build a new Tag Filter or use an existing query that selects the components to add to the run. For example, add all Pumps in Light Liquid. An existing query can be used as is, or edited and saved with the changes, or edited and saved as a new query—leaving the original query intact. Refer to Tag Filters for additional information about building new tag filters and using existing Tag Filter queries.

Monitoring Groups

Monitoring groups can be used to schedule a run. A monitoring group is a pre-defined collection of components that all share the same monitoring requirements, such as monitoring frequency. When this option is used, all groups established for the entity on the Monitoring Group form are displayed.

Special Considerations

Consider the following when using a monitoring group or a Tag Filter to add tags to a monitor run:

To add tags to a monitor run

  1. Locate the monitor run on the Monitor Run list and click the run ID link to open the Monitor Run form.

  2. Click the Add Tags to Monitor Run button.

    The Add Tags to Run form appears.

  3. Review the Monitoring Defaults options selected when creating the monitor run and make any necessary changes. (See To Schedule Monitor Runs.)

  4. Click the Reschedule Leakers button if monitoring components were previously found and marked as leaking.

    A progress bar appears and a message with the total number of tags rescheduled is displayed when the process is complete. Click OK.

  5. Expand the Add Tags to Monitoring Run section, if necessary, and modify any of the Tag Selection Criteria options, when applicable.

  6. Build a simple or complex filter, or specify a monitoring group, in the Select Tags to Add subsection by selecting one of the following options:  

  1. Click the Preview Tags to be Added button to view the tags prior to adding them to the run.

  2. Click the Add Tags That Meet Criteria button to add all the tags listed to the run. To choose specific tags in the list, click the check box next to the tag ID and click Add Selected Tags.

    A progress bar appears and a message with the total number of tags added is displayed when the process is complete.

  3. Click OK.

    The tags appear as line times in the Tags in Monitoring Run to be Monitored section of the Monitor Run form. To delete tags from the run, click the check box adjacent to a tag line item and click Remove Selected Tags.

  4. Click the Save button on the form.

Printing a Monitor Run

Unlike standard monitor runs, most facilities do not send a list of components to a datalogger after scheduling a visual inspection. Typically, a pen and paper system is used to record whether a component was visually leaking. You can print a list of components in the run to guide monitoring technicians. Once the report is printed, monitoring technicians can record the results of the visual inspection, and you can use it to enter those results in the system.

To print monitor runs

  1. Locate the monitor run on the Monitor Run list, click the run ID link to open the Monitor Run form, and expand the Tags in Monitoring Run to be Monitored section when necessary.

  2. Click the Print Monitor Run button to open the Monitor Run Tag List Report form.

  3. Select the Area and Sub Area for the run from the list for each field.

  4. Enter the Starting and Ending Route Number.

  5. Select the Include Tags that are Checked Out option when applicable. Tags with a Checked Out status in the Tags in Monitoring Run to be Monitored section will be printed.

  6. Print the report or Print and Check Out Tags by clicking the appropriate button. A printer-friendly version of the report is displayed. Use the buttons on the toolbar to print, save, and/or email the report.

    When the Print and Check Out Tags option is selected, the status for each tag is changed to Checked Out in the Tags in Monitoring Run to be Monitored section.

Related topic

 Monitoring Data