View monitor run results for a component on the Monitoring Data form. The Inspection Information section provides the component's reading. If the adjusted reading is greater than or equal to the leak definition specified in the run, the component is marked as a Leaker. Edit existing monitoring data, add repair attempt information, and document repair delays on the Monitoring Data form.
For instruction on entering and viewing monitor data, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
Because regulatory deadlines for repairing components start as soon as the components are monitored, the results should be immediately reviewed to determine if any components were leaking. View monitoring data recorded for components during a particular run in the Tags in Monitoring Run Already Monitored section on the Monitoring Run form. Click the Details link for a component to open the Monitoring Data form. In the Inspection Information section, the system instantly displays whether the component's reading was in compliance with the leak definition specified in the run. If the adjusted reading is greater than or equal to the leak definition, the component is marked as a Leaker.
The Monitoring Data form can also be accessed via the Navigation Tree. Locate the tag on the Monitoring Data list and click the link to open the form.
Edit existing monitoring data or enter new monitoring data for an individual component on the Monitoring Data form. For example, a component might have inadvertently been left out of a run or a technician sees an unscheduled component leaking during an area walk through. Define a component as out of compliance in the Inspection Information section. If a component's reading did not exceed the leak definition but a technician noted that it was visually leaking, click the Visual Inspection check box and the Leaker check box. If the leak was liquid, click the Liquid Leaker check box and enter the drops of liquid per minute that leaked during the inspection. (Selecting the Visual Inspection check box is the only way to manually mark a component as a leaker/liquid leaker without instrument readings.)
Use the Update Monitoring Data form to enter repetitive results. For example, globally enter a zero reading for all components in the run or enter the technician's name and the analyzer used. After using the Update Monitoring Data form to enter uniform data, add information that is different for the monitored components on the Monitoring Data form. The system instantly compares the readings entered with the run's leak definition. If the monitoring preference for the entity was for raw readings, an adjusted reading cannot be entered. Enter the raw and background readings. The system calculates the adjusted reading using the response factor specified in the run and then determines if the component is in compliance.
To enter monitoring data
Click Data
Entry > Monitoring Data> Monitoring Data in the Navigation Tree.
The Advanced Search list appears.
Close the Advanced Search window and click the New button to open the Monitoring Data form.
Select an Entity Name from the list.
Select a monitor Run
ID, Area,
and Tag Name
from the list for each field.
The component's description, subarea, equipment category, and chemical
state are automatically entered.
Enter the actual date and time the reading was taken in the Result Date/Time fields. The Calendar button can be used to select the date.
Enter the Start
Time and Mid Time in
the appropriate fields.
The Survey Time and Method
21 Time values are automatically calculated and displayed in
seconds when the Start Time and Mid Time values are entered.
Expand the Inspection Information section if necessary and enter the readings, operator, action level, monitor reason, and instrument name.
Mark the component as a liquid leaker by clicking the Visual Inspection check box, and the Liquid Leaker check box. Enter the drops of liquid per minute that leaked during the inspection.
Manually mark the component as a leaker by clicking the Save button on the form, and clicking both the Visual Inspection and Leaker check boxes.
Select a Leak
Source from the list if the component was leaking.
If a leak source is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it on the Leak
Sources form.
Enter any notes in the Comments field.
Click the Save button on the form.
Use the Monitoring Data form to document a maintenance crew's attempts to repair a leaking component and the follow-up monitoring data. Document repair information on the monitoring data record for the follow-up instrument reading, called Reading #2. (The Reading # field in the Inspection Information section shows which reading you are viewing.) The initial compliance reading, Reading # 1, with its own date and time and the instrument readings that show the component is out of compliance should not be changed. When using a datalogger, a Reading # 2 monitoring data record will exist after uploading the data that includes the follow-up instrument reading. Otherwise, establish a Reading # 2 record by copying the Reading # 1 record and changing the monitor date and time.
On the Reading # 2 record, enter the follow-up monitoring data in the Inspection Information section and the repair attempt date and method in the Repair Information section. If the component was repaired after one try, also enter the final repair date, which should be the same as the repair attempt date. The Work Order # and Work Request # fields allow you to relate the repair attempts you are entering into the Essential FEMS module to other maintenance systems you may use.
When more than one attempt is required to fix the component, use the records for the subsequent readings. Do NOT edit your Reading # 2 and enter the new data. Storing multiple readings in the system provides a record of the time that elapsed from when you discovered the component was leaking until it was fixed. It also shows how many attempts and different methods you used to try to repair the component. All of this information is crucial for regulatory reporting.
Components are placed on repair delay when they are leaking and cannot be fixed or replaced within the regulatory time frame for a valid reason.
To add repair attempt information
Open the Monitoring Data record for the leaking component's follow-up instrument reading. (The Reading # field in the Inspection Information section shows which reading you are viewing.)
Expand the Repair Information section, when necessary, and enter the Repair Attempt Date; or click the Calendar button and select it.
Enter the actual Repair Date if the attempt fixed the component.
Select the Repair
Method used from the list.
If the appropriate method is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Enter the Work Order # and/or Work Request # when applicable.
Click the Save button on the form.
Regulations allow a component to be placed on delay of repair in certain situations, such as when a shutdown is required to fix the leak. Use the Monitoring Data form to add a component to the repair delay list. Provide the reason for the delay, the person who approved the delay, and the next expected shutdown date. The repair delay start date is automatically set to the same date as the monitor date.
It is important to keep your repair delay list current so that during a shutdown, you can quickly determine which components need to be repaired. Generating a Crew Worksheet can help maintenance crews repair or replace the leaking components. The report shows the area and subarea where each component is located as well as its tag ID, equipment type, size, and description. On the report itself, maintenance crews can record re-monitoring information, such as the date when a repair attempt was made and the follow-up monitoring reading. Then, use the report to enter the repair and recheck data into the system. Additionally, you can generate a Repair Delay report for submittal to regulatory agencies.
It is strongly recommended that the Monitoring Data form be used to update the repair delay status. Doing so allows documentation of the repair attempt after which the component was deemed a shutdown item and will produce the best results on reports, such as the Repair Delay report. For example, when components are placed on repair delay on the Monitoring Data form, the Repair Delay report will show the source of the leak and the date when the component was last monitored.
Tip: If the wrong component is mistakenly added to the repair
delay list, use the Repair Delay
section on the Tag form to delete
the repair delay start date. Doing so will ensure that the system will
never consider the component as having been on repair delay. If you click
the Remove from Repair Delay button
on the Monitoring Data form, the
system will consider the component as having been on repair delay.
To document a repair delay
Open the Monitoring Data record for the leaking component's follow-up instrument reading. (The Reading # field in the Inspection Information section shows which reading you are viewing.)
Expand the Repair Delay Information section, when necessary, and click Add to Repair Delay; or click the Calendar button and select it.
Select a repair delay Reason from the list.
If the appropriate value is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Enter the person who approved the repair delay in the Approver field.
Enter the Expected Shutdown Date, or click the Calendar button and select one.
Click the Add
to Repair Delay button.
The repair delay indicator, status, reason, and expected shutdown date
are displayed in the Repair Delay
Information section on the Monitoring
Data form. The repair delay start date is set to the same date
as the monitor date.
Click the Save button on the form.
After a component on the repair delay list is fixed, remove it from the repair delay list on the Monitoring Data form. Use the monitoring data record for the component's instrument reading taken after the fix. Add the repair date in the Repair Information section; the system will assume the component is still out of compliance if no repair date is specified. When the repair delay is removed, the repair delay end date will be automatically set to the same date as the monitor date.
Tip: If you mistakenly remove the wrong component from the
repair delay list, use the Repair Delay
section on the Tag form to delete
the repair delay end date. After a component is removed from repair delay,
you cannot add it to the list again on the same reading.
To remove a repair delay
Open the Monitoring Data record for the leaking component's follow-up instrument reading. (The Reading # field in the Inspection Information section shows which reading you are viewing.)
Expand the Repair Information section and enter the Repair Date, or click the Calendar button and select it. The system will assume the component is still out of compliance if no repair date is specified.
Expand the Repair Delay Information section, when necessary, and click Remove from Repair Delay.
Confirm the removal by clicking
the Remove From Repair Delay
The repair delay indicator and status are changed in the Repair
Delay Information section. The repair delay end date is set
to the same date as the monitor date.
Click the Save button on the form.