Once you have established at least one production schedule using the Production Schedule form (or the Production Schedule Job form), you can calculate the emissions generated by the sources at your entity. Use the Calculate Emissions form to schedule emission models/scenarios for calculation and to initiate the calculation process. Actual emissions and maximum potential emissions are calculated separately. The time required to calculate the data depends on how many calculations need to be performed and the Essential Air calculator's method of operation, e.g., interruptible or non-interruptible. After the process is complete, you can view emissions data and/or calculation warnings.
When scheduling emission models and scenarios for calculation, you can include models/scenarios from a single entity or from multiple entities. A Date Range that includes each applicable production schedule's start date/time must be specified. All of the emission models/scenarios assigned to the production schedules (1) associated with each selected entity and (2) with a start and end date/time included in the date range can be scheduled by selecting the Calculate All for Entities/Date Range option. Use Preview to review the emission models/scenarios that will be included in the calculation process. Otherwise, you can calculate emissions for specific models/scenarios you select in the Actual Calculations Criteria and/or Max Potential Calculation Criteria sections.
Tip: Emissions can also be calculated using the Emissions Calculation Job
form and the Production
Planning form.
For instruction on calculating emissions, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
Click Data
Entry > Emissions Management > Calculate Emissions in
the Navigation Tree.
The Calculation Emissions form
is displayed.
Select one or more entities by clicking the check box adjacent to each entity.
Enter a start and end date/time
that includes each applicable production schedule's start date/time
for the Date Range. The Calendar buttons are available to
select the dates.
The Date Range start and end dates are inclusive.
Use the following guidelines to schedule emission models/scenarios for calculation:
To calculate emissions for ALL emission models/scenarios associated with the selected entities and date range, ensure the Calculate All for Entities/Date Range check box is selected and click Preview to review the models/scenarios that will be included in the calculation process. Skip to step 8 to continue.
To calculate emissions for specific emission models/scenarios associated with the selected entities and date range, ensure the Calculate All for Entities/Date Range check box is clear and continue to step 5.
Click Add
Emission Models in the Actual Calculation Criteria
section and/or the Max
Potential Calculation Criteria section.
Each emission model/scenario available for selection is displayed as
a line item. The list is filtered by the entities selected and the
Date Range entered.
Click the check box adjacent to each emission model/scenario to be included in the calculations. Use the Select All and Clear All links to quickly select or clear all models.
Click the Assign
Emission Model/Scenario button.
Each emission model/scenario selected is displayed as a line item in
the appropriate Calculation Criteria section. To remove a model/scenario,
click the Delete button adjacent
to the line item. To remove all line items at one time, click Reset.
Review the Email Addresses field in the Calculator Options section and change or add addresses for recipients who are to receive notification when calculations are complete. By default, the email address of the logged-in user is automatically entered. Separate multiple addresses with a semicolon.
Select the Generate
Calculation Details Log option in the Calculator
Options section to include calculation details in the Calculation
Log. Otherwise, just the warning details encountered during emissions
calculation execution that are equation-related (e.g., invalid expression)
and/or material-related (e.g., missing vapor pressure method) will
be included.
Tip: When the Generate
Calculation Details Log option is selected, performance may
be affected. However, this option must be selected to populate intermediate
calculation values (i.e., the value for each equation variable and
equation expression) in the ARS
calculation results table (WH_EMIS_CALC_VALUE).
Select the appropriate calculator
method in the Calculator
Options section and click Calculate
Emissions and/or Calculate
Max. Potential to initiate the calculation process. Each calculation
button initiates a separate calculation process.
If no emission models/scenarios have been selected, a warning message
is displayed. Otherwise, an informational message is displayed confirming
the calculation process has been initiated. Click OK.
A new record with a calculation date matching the date and time emissions
calculations were completed will be displayed in the Calculation
View emissions data and/or view calculation warning messages when the calculation process is complete.
Use the Actual Calculation Criteria section on the Calculate Emissions form to identify the specific emission models and scenarios to be scheduled for calculation. You can include all of the available emission models/scenarios or select certain ones. The list of available models/scenarios is filtered by the production schedules that:
are associated with the selected entities, and
have a start and end date/time within the date range specified. The Date Range start and end dates are inclusive.
A maximum of 1000 models/scenarios can be scheduled for emissions calculation at one time.
To identify actual emission
models and scenarios
Ensure at least one entity has been selected, a
Date Range has been entered,
and the Calculate All for Entities/Date
Range check box is clear on the Calculate
Emissions form.
See To Calculate Emissions for
additional information.
Expand the Actual
Calculation Criteria section and click Add
Emission Models. The link will not be displayed of no entities
have been selected or the Calculate
All for Entities/Date Range check box is selected.
Each emission model/scenario available for selection is displayed as
a line item. The list is filtered by the entities selected and the
Date Range entered.
Select one or more emission model/scenario by clicking the check box adjacent to the model. Use the Select All and Clear All links to quickly select or clear all models.
Click Assign Emission
Each model/scenario selected is displayed as a line item in the Actual Calculation Criteria section.
Click the Delete button adjacent
to the line item to remove a model/scenario. To remove all line items
at one time, click Reset.
Use the Max Potential Calculation Criteria section on the Calculate Emissions form to identify the specific emission models and scenarios to be scheduled for calculation. You can include all of the available emission models/scenarios or select certain ones. The list of available models/scenarios is filtered by the production schedules that:
are associated with the selected entities, and
have a start and end date/time within the date range specified. The Date Range start and end dates are inclusive.
A maximum of 1000 models/scenarios can be scheduled for emissions calculation at one time.
To identify max potential emission models/scenarios
Ensure at least one entity
has been selected, a Date Range
has been entered, and the Calculate
All for Entities/Date Range check box is clear on the Calculate Emissions form.
See To Calculate Emissions for
additional information.
Expand the Max
Potential Calculation Criteria section and click Add
Emission Models. The link will not be displayed of no entities
have been selected or the Calculate
All for Entities/Date Range check box is selected.
Each emission model/scenario available for selection is displayed as
a line item. The list is filtered by the entities selected and the
Date Range entered.
Select one or more emission model/scenario by clicking the check box adjacent to the model. Use the Select All and Clear All links to quickly select or clear all models.
Click Assign
Emission Model/Scenario.
Each model/scenario selected is displayed as a line item in the Max Potential Calculation Criteria
section. Click the Delete
button adjacent to the line item to remove a model/scenario. To remove
all line items at one time, click Reset.
In the Calculator Options section on the Calculate Emissions form, choose one of the following methods for calculating your data:
Progress Calculation, halting progress after error encountered (interruptible)—This option documents the status of the calculator in the Calculation Progress bar. When the calculator encounters a critical error, it stops calculating. You can view the warning messages issued and correct the problem. Then you can initiate the calculation process again.
Continuous Calculation (optimized for speed, non-interruptible)— This the default. This option will NOT document the status of the calculator in the Calculation Progress bar. You can use the Calculation and Job Logs to check completion status. The calculations will take place in the background, and the calculator will NOT stop for errors. After the calculation process is finished, you can view warning messages and check for errors.
Email notifications are generated after emissions calculations are complete when one or more recipient Email Addresses have been entered. By default, the email address of the logged-in user is automatically entered and can be changed when necessary. Separate multiple addresses with a semicolon. A link to the Calculation Log is included in the email message.
Select the Generate Calculation Details Log option to include calculation details in the Calculation Log. Otherwise, just the warning details encountered during emission calculation execution that are equation-related (e.g., invalid expression) and/or material-related (e.g., missing vapor pressure method) will be included. Refer to Calculation Details Log for additional information.
The Generate Calculation
Details Log option must be selected to populate intermediate calculation
values (i.e., the value for each equation variable and equation expression)
in the ARS calculation results table
After selecting the appropriate option, initiate the calculation process by clicking Calculate Emissions and/or Calculate Max. Potential. Actual and maximum potential emissions are calculated separately.
A record is added to the Calculation Log each time an emissions calculation is executed. The log can be viewed in the Calculator Options section on the Calculate Emissions form, Emissions Calculation Job form, and Production Planning form. The calculation execution date, the entity, and the actual calculation start and end date are provided for each log entry. A Yes/No indicator lets you know if the calculation process ran with warnings. Standard search options are available to display just the log entries of interest at a point in time. When multiple pages of log records exist, the Next/Previous navigation links are available to page through the list. Ascending/descending column sorting is also available; click a column heading to sort by the values in the column. The AutoRefresh option allows you to switch between a working mode and the Calculation Log refresh mode. In the refresh mode, the log is automatically updated every 10 seconds. It is possible to use the search, filtering, and sorting options in the refresh mode; however, when the Calculation Log is refreshed and there are new entries, all search/filtered/sorted results could be lost. The list of log entries will be reset to display the new ones at the top of the list. By switching to the working mode, you can continue working without interruption. Select the AutoRefresh check box to activate the refresh mode and clear the check box to switch to a working mode. The Refresh link can be used at any time to update the log. For notification purposes, a Loading... message appears when the Calculation Log is being refreshed.
Click a log entry link to view additional calculation information. The Calculation Details Log section is populated if the Generate Calculation Details Log option on the Emissions Calculation Job form, Calculate Emissions form, or Production Planning form is selected prior to calculations. The mass value is automatically calculated, Amount x Number of Operating Hours, and included in the details. The Detailed Warnings section contains warnings encountered during emission calculation execution that are equation-related (e.g., invalid expression) and/or material-related (e.g., missing vapor pressure method). The details provided about the calculations are suitable for use by the Essential support group for troubleshooting emission calculation issues.
Tip: The Calculation Log
can also be viewed by clicking Reports
> Emissions Report > Calculation Log in the Navigation
The Calculation Details Log is a section on the Calculation Log that is populated if the Generate Calculation Details Log option on the Emissions Calculation Job form, Calculate Emissions form, or Production Planning form is selected prior to calculations. The details provided demonstrate how calculations are performed and are typically used for verification and troubleshooting. Due to the level of detail generated, this log is intended to be used for smaller data sets. For example, generating the log for all calculations performed at an entity for an entire year may cause performance issues and the log may be slow to display. Use one or both of the following methods to generate a smaller, and therefore usable, Calculation Details Log:
Create production schedules with shorter durations, taking into consideration the granularity of the parameter result data that is being calculated. For example, the appropriate duration of a production schedule when hourly parameter results are being calculated is most likely no more than one day, such as 9/10/2012 12:00:00 AM to 9/11/2012 12:00 AM.
Implement a one-to-one relationship between production units and emission source process units.
The Generate Calculation
Details Log option must be selected to populate intermediate calculation
values (i.e., the value for each equation variable and equation expression)
in the ARS calculation results table
Each time the calculation process is initiated, an Air Calculator job is created for the request and an entry is added to the Job Log. In addition, the Job Log now allows you to see the status of the emissions calculation for each entity you selected to run for. The start and finish date/time, the name of the job, the run status, a description of any run errors, and the name of the user who initiated calculations are provided for each log entry. The log can be viewed in the Calculator Options section on the Calculate Emissions form and the Production Planning form.
Jobs are processed according to a pre-configured priority in a managed, queue-based environment to minimize system contention. Use the Job Log to determine your job's position among all the jobs scheduled to run and to determine the current/final run status. Standard search options are available to display just the log entries of interest at a point in time. Ascending/descending column sorting is also available; click a column heading to sort by the values in the column. When multiple pages of log records exist, the Next/Previous navigation links are available to page through the list. The AutoRefresh option allows you to switch between a working mode and the Job Log refresh mode. In the refresh mode, the log is automatically updated every 10 seconds. It is possible to use the search, filtering, and sorting options in the refresh mode; however, when the Job Log is refreshed and there are new entries, all search/filtered/sorted results could be lost. The list of log entries will be reset to display the new ones at the top of the list. By switching to the working mode, you can continue working without interruption. Select the AutoRefresh check box to activate the refresh mode and clear the check box to switch to a working mode. The Refresh link can be used at any time to update the log. For notification purposes, a Loading... message appears when the Job Log is being refreshed.
The Air Calculator runs emissions calculation jobs per entity. When multiple calculation jobs are in the queue for the same entity, the Air Calculator combines the emission models/scenarios into one job when it runs. Although calculations are processed accurately, the start/end dates in the Calculation Log show the start date of the earliest production schedule in the first job that is being combined for the entity and the end date of the production schedule in the last job being combined for the entity. For example, assume the following calculation jobs are queued up for Entity XYZ:
Calculation jobs in queue |
Production schedules — Start & End Dates |
Emissions A |
PS1 — 1/1/2012 - 1/31/2012 |
Emissions B |
PS2 — 2/1/2012 - 2/29/2012 |
Emissions C |
PS3 — 3/1/2012 - 3/31/2012 |
When the Air Calculator runs, emissions are calculated for Emissions A, then Emissions B, and then Emissions C. However, the entry in the Calculation Log will show a start date of 1/1/2012 and an end date of 3/31/2012. This situation occurs only when multiple calculation jobs are in the queue for the same entity. Details about the calculations for the job can be reviewed in the Calculation Details Log.
Click Emissions Results List in the Calculator Options section on the Calculate Emissions form to view the Emissions Results List report. It provides a browse view of completed emissions calculations and results. The emissions data includes the process unit, output type, emission model and scenario, date range, material, and its emission rate.
Emission results can also be viewed by entity, process unit, production unit, and/or emission unit on the Emissions forms. You can display the emissions data over any date range that has been calculated. If a process unit is associated with more than one emission model and scenario, you can select just the ones you want included. By default, material emissions data is displayed for each emission model and scenario separately. However, you have the option to sum a material's emissions data over all emission models and scenarios. Refer to Viewing Emissions Data and Results for additional information.
Click Warnings List in the Calculator Options section on the Calculate Emissions form to view the Calculation Warnings List report. It provides a browse view of existing informational warning messages regarding the status of all completed calculations. Warnings are assigned a priority ranging from 1 to 3:
1—Severe error occurred causing the calculation to be terminated.
2—Unexpected condition was encountered that may affect the results.
3—Informational message only.
The warning messages include a text description of the problem encountered as well as the database context for the calculation. The database context will help you to identify the exact cause of the problem.
Tip: Calculation warnings can also be viewed using the Calculation Warnings form. Refer
to Viewing
Calculation Warnings for additional information.