Updating Tag Materials

Use the Update Tag Materials form to easily add or remove the materials and activities assigned to all of the components at an entity or just a group of components. An activity is a process that a component could be involved in, which results in some material flowing through the component. (Process streams and chemicals are generically labeled as Materials in the software.) Activities typically include the production of a product or the use of a particular fuel or raw material.

Note:  Assign materials and activities to components one at a time in the Materials section on the Tag form.

On the Update Tag Materials form, several tasks can be completed:

Adding an Activity and Material

To add a material and activity to a group of components, select the material and associated activity to add, and optionally, specify the corresponding temperature or pressure data. Then, either apply the changes to all of the components at the entity or build a new Tag Filter query (or use an existing one) that will select a group of components affected by the update. Useful filters for globally assigning materials and activities include area, production unit, and chemical state. Repeat this procedure to assign each activity and resulting material that the group of components could be involved in; if appropriate, you can associate the same material with different activities.

Existing activities and materials cannot be replaced via the Update Tag Materials form. When trying to add the same activity, such as Primary, with a different material to a group of components, the message "No relevant tags found" will be displayed. Therefore, to change the material associated with an activity, remove that activity and material first.  

Removing an Activity and Material

To remove a material and activity from a group of components, select the material and associated activity that should be removed. It is not necessary specify temperature and pressure data; any existing entries will be automatically cleared during the removal process. Then, either apply the changes to all of the components at the entity or build a new Tag Filter query (or use an existing one) that will select a group of components affected by the update.

Material Selection

The materials available for selection are limited to the materials associated with the entity. Refer to Entity Materials for additional information. When no materials have been associated with the chosen entity, all materials in your Essential™ database are available for selection.  

If the selected material has not been associated with the production area assigned to the tags chosen for update, the material will be automatically associated with the production area during the update process. View this association in the Materials section on the Production Area form. Remove a production area/material association on the Production Area form.

To globally add or remove materials and activities for components

  1. Click Data Entry > Tag Information > Update Tag Materials in the Navigation Tree.

    The Update Tag Materials form is displayed.

  2. Select an Entity Name and Material from the list for each field.

  3. Select an Activity from the list that causes the material to pass through the components.

    If the applicable activity is not listed, click the Ellipsis button to add it on the Activities form.

  4. Enter the Temperature and select the corresponding units of measure from the list.

    If the applicable unit is not listed, click the Ellipsis button and add it.

  5. Enter the Pressure and select the corresponding units of measure from the list.

    If the applicable unit is not listed, click the Ellipsis button and add it.

  6. Select the components that should be affected:

  1. Click Add or Remove.