Parameter Sets

A Parameter Set is comprised of related parameter groups where one group is the origin (or parent) and the other groups are the children of the origin group. The origin group serves as a model, or template, for the child groups. The origin group's configuration is used to create child groups for different entities and process units. Each time updates are required, just the origin group needs to be edited; all of the updates propagate to the child groups in the set. Parameter sets help to simplify the administration involved in the standardized collection of energy, GHG, and metrics data across your enterprise.  

For instruction on parameter sets, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Overview of Parameter Sets

Updating Parameter Sets

Existing Parameter Groups and Parameter Definition Records at Child Entities

Change Log Entries for Parameter Sets

Origin Parameter Group Configuration

Parameter Set Process Unit Mappings View

Identifying Groups in a Parameter Set

Shared Parameters Across Parameter Sets View

Parameter Set Security

APE Job Log

Creating Parameter Sets


Overview of Parameter Sets

Parameter sets can be established for Data Entry Only, PDM, and Both types of parameter groups. Parameter sets include one origin parameter group and one-to-many child parameter groups with the same parameters and attributes as the origin group. The origin parameter group is configured for the parameter set and the entities for the child groups are specified. When the child parameter group creation process is initiated, an APE job is generated that creates a new child parameter group at each entity specified. The following attributes are copied from the origin to the children:

For each of the parameters with the following parameter levels that are assigned to the origin:

a new parameter definition record is created for the child entity and assigned to the child group. All parameter definition data is copied except for the data listed below.

For parameters on the process unit and process unit material levels, a process unit at the child entity should be mapped to a process unit at the origin entity. Otherwise, the child parameter group will not contain the parameters associated with the origin group's process units. Use any process unit at the entities of the origin and child groups to set up mapping relationships. An origin process unit can be mapped to one or more process units at a child entity. However, to maintain data integrity, multiple process units at an origin entity cannot be mapped to the same process unit at a child entity.

Note:  No parameters on other levels, e.g., production unit, emission unit material, etc., will be copied from the origin group to the parameter set's child groups.

Once the parameter set is created, the child parameter group data and the child parameter definition data are read-only, with the following exceptions:

Child Parameter Group Editable Data

Child Parameter Definition Editable Data

Users data

Permit Sample Information

Automatic Import Schedules

Parameter Limits

Parameter Group Import Approvers

Outfall Loading Information

Notification Contacts data

Custom data

Custom data


To update the read-only data for child records, update the origin group that is included in the parameter set and initiate the update child parameter groups process.

Existing Parameter Groups and Parameter Definition Records at Child Entities

When a parameter group of the same name as the origin parameter group exists at a child entity, the existing parameter group is used as the child parameter group; a new parameter group is not created for the child entity. However, the parameter group data from the origin parameter group replaces the data that exists in the child parameter group and non-editable data becomes read-only—just as if a new parameter group was created at the child entity. The Child Parameter Group Editable Data will not be replaced and can be changed as needed.

When a parameter definition record of the same name, level, and material qualifier as the origin parameter definition record exists at the child entity, the existing parameter definition is used for the child entity; a new parameter definition record is not created. However, the data from the origin parameter definition replaces the data that exists in the child parameter definition and non-editable data becomes read-only—just as if a new parameter definition record was created at the child entity. The Child Parameter Definition Editable Data will not be replaced and can be changed as needed.

Tip:  If the parameter group that existed at the child entity was associated with parameters different from the origin group, they will all be replaced by the parameters associated with the origin group. No child parameter group in a parameter set can be associated with parameters that are different than the ones assigned to the origin parameter group.

Origin Parameter Group Configuration

Define the attributes and parameters for an origin parameter group on the Parameter Group form. In the Parameter Set section, change the Parameter Set Status from None (default) to Origin and save the record. The Add Enterprise Entity option becomes available to add entities and, if necessary, map process units, for the parameter set child groups. The Create/Update Child Parameter Groups button initiates the process of creating and updating child parameter groups in the parameter set. When the child parameter groups exist, the entity and parameter group name are displayed as line items with an Edit button adjacent to each line item for changes. The child parameter group name is a link to the child parameter group record.

Consider the following conditions when configuring your parameter sets:

Identifying Groups in a Parameter Set

The Parameter Set Status in the Parameter Set section on the Parameter Group form identifies a parameter group is an Origin or Child group in a parameter set. When a parameter group is not part of a parameter set, its parameter set status is None (default). In addition to the parameter set status:

The Parameter Groups browse view provides a parameter set status column and filter to help locate groups in a parameter set.

Tip:  If a parameter definition record is read-only, it may be part of a parameter set. Review the Parameter Groups section on the Parameter Definition form.

Parameter Set Security

The ability to create and manage parameter sets is controlled by Parameter Group Administrator/Power User authorization and Parameter Set element security. Parameter Group Administrator/Power User authorization is granted on the User Manager form. Parameter Set element security is part of the Parameter Group security object in the Entity-Dependent Security profile. The guidelines below describe add, update, and read usage permissions for creating, managing, and viewing parameter sets.

Create and Manage Parameter Sets

A user with these permissions can create a parameter set and add to a parameter set for the entities the user has access to. However, the user will see the full list of entities associated to a parameter set, which may include entities the user does not have access to. The user can initiate the create/update child parameter groups process that will affect these entities even though the user will not be able to interact with the entities directly in any other way. The View Parameter Set Process Unit Mappings link and the View Shared Parameters across Parameter Sets link are enabled.

Note:  The APE job runs under the permissions of the Essential Administrator user. This allows parameter set users to initiate the jobs successfully even when the created/updated child parameter groups are assigned to entities the users do not have access to as individual users. Refer to APE Job Log for additional information.

Manage Parameter Sets

A user with these permissions can update the process unit mapping for a parameter group, initiate the update child parameter groups process, and refresh the APE Job Log. The links to view the associated origin/child parameter groups, the View Parameter Set Process Unit Mappings link, and the View Shared Parameters across Parameter Sets link are also enabled.

View Parameter Sets

All parameter set functionality is disabled, however, the links to view the associated origin/child parameter groups, the View Parameter Set Process Unit Mappings link, and the View Shared Parameters across Parameter Sets link are enabled.

Tip:  The Parameter Set section on the Parameter Group form will not be visible to users without Parameter Group Administrator/Power User authorization, regardless of the Parameter Set element security. The other sections on the form will be visible based on the security assigned to the user, however, non-editable data will continue to be read-only for child parameter groups. Refer to Overview of Parameter Sets for additional information.

Creating Parameter Sets

You can create a new parameter group or use an existing group with a parameter set status of None to create a parameter set. Use the Parameter Group form to configure the attributes and parameters for the group to be the parameter set origin group. Then define the parameter set in the Parameter Set section.

Tip:  When assigning parameters to a parameter set at an entity with existing parameter sets, a warning message is displayed if an assigned parameter is already associated with at least one of the other parameter sets. The process unit and parameter are identified. You can cancel to reconcile the conflict (recommended) or continue with the save process.

To create a parameter set

Note:  The procedure below assumes you have established the parameter group to be used as an origin parameter group for your parameter set. Refer to Parameter Groups for additional information.

  1. Click Data Entry > Parameter Information > Parameter Groups in the Navigation Tree, select the origin parameter group, and expand the Parameter Set section when necessary.

  2. Click the Origin option for the Parameter Set Status and click Save.

    The Enterprise Entity subsection and APE Job Log are displayed.

  3. Click Add Enterprise Entity.

  4. Select a Child Entity from the list.

    The Origin Process Unit field is displayed.

  5. Select an Origin Process Unit from the list to map a process unit to one or more process units at the child entity selected. Otherwise, skip to step 9.

    The Add Process Unit link is available to create a new process unit for the child entity, when applicable.

  6. Click Add Child Process Units to select one or more existing process units at the child entity.

  7. Click the check box adjacent to each process unit to be mapped to the selected origin process unit. Clear a check box to remove a selection.

    Standard search features are available to locate specific records.

  8. Click Add Process Units to validate your selections. Review the following guidelines:

  9. Click Save and close the window when your edits are complete.

  10. Click New and repeat steps 4 through 9 to select another entity for a child group to be included in the parameter set. Or, you can repeat steps 5 through 9 to select a different origin process unit and map to process units at the same child entity.

  11. Close the window when all entities have been selected and any mappings are complete.

    The entities are displayed as line items in the Parameter Set section. Change existing information using the Edit button adjacent to the line item.

  12. Click Create/Update Child Parameter Groups to initiate the creation process and click OK to confirm the action.

  13. View the APE Job Log for the run status.

    When the process is complete, each new child group is displayed next to the entity in the line item with a link to the new parameter group record.

Troubleshoot:  If the APE job ran successfully but one or more child parameter groups were not created, ensure the Essential Administrator user permissions include all entities in your Essential database. APE jobs run under the permissions of the Essential Administrator user to allow parameter set users to initiate create/update child parameter groups jobs successfully even when the child parameter groups are associated with entities the users do not have access to as individual users. Refer to APE Job Log and Entity Access Profiles for additional information.

Updating Parameter Sets

When changes have been made to the origin group in a parameter set, use the Create/Update Child Parameter Groups button in the Parameter Set section on the Parameter Group form to propagate those changes to the child groups within the parameter set. Changes include updates made to the parameter definition record for each parameter assigned to the origin group. New child parameter definition records are created for the following conditions:

The creation of new parameter definition records is subject to the existing parameter groups and parameter definition records at child entities rules.

To update a parameter set

Tip:  Automatically saved records are involved when parameter sets are updated. To ensure a reason for change is captured, enter a reason first, before any data edits. Refer to Reason for Change for additional information.     

  1. Click Data Entry > Parameter Information > Parameter Groups in the Navigation Tree and select the origin parameter group.

  2. Update the parameters and/or attributes of the parameter group. Refer to Parameter Groups for details.

  3. Expand the Parameter Set section to add or delete the parameter set child parameter groups or update process unit mapping relationships. Use the following guidelines:

  4. Click the Edit button adjacent to a line item and select the Origin Process Unit from the list to display the child process units currently mapped to the selected origin process unit.

    When necessary, review the Parameter Set Process Unit Mappings View or child parameter group records to find the origin process unit.

  5. Click the Delete button adjacent to the child process unit to remove the mapping association, and click OK to confirm.

  6. Select one or more existing process units by clicking Add Child Process Units and clicking the check box adjacent to a process unit. Clear a check box to remove a selection.

    Tip:  A new process unit can be set up at the child entity using the Add Process Unit link below the Child Entity field.

  7. Click Add Process Units to validate your selections. Review the following guidelines:

  8. Click Save and close the window when your edits are complete.

  9. Click Create/Update Child Parameter Groups in the Parameter Set section to initiate the update process and click OK to confirm.

  10. View the APE Job Log for the run status.

Change Log Entries for Parameter Sets

The page-level Change Log where Parameter Set-related changes can be viewed is based on the type of edits made to a Parameter Set. The table below describes where to find log entries for specific types of Parameter Set-related changes.

Type of Parameter Set change:

View in page-level Change Log for the:

Adding a child entity to a Parameter Set

Parameter Set form

Adding/removing a process unit association between the origin entity and child entity

Parameter Set form

Parameter Set status

Parameter Group form

Removing a child entity from a Parameter Set

Parameter Group form

Creation/Update/Removal of child parameter groups as a result of the Create/Update Child Parameter Groups process

Parameter Group form for the Parameter Set child entity

Creation/Update/Removal of child parameters as a result of the Create/Update Child Parameter Groups process

Parameter Definition form for the Parameter Set child entity

Parameter Set Process Unit Mappings View

The Parameter Set Process Unit Mappings view shows, in one place, all process unit mappings for a parameter set, across all child entities for this parameter set. As an alternative to opening each individual child record that is part of a parameter set, the view provides a method for quickly reviewing parameter set configuration and process unit mappings. The origin and child entity, parameter group, and process unit are displayed with links to the parameter group and process unit records. Standard search capabilities are included along with the number of total records listed. Ascending/descending sorting by column is also available; click a column heading to reorder the records according to the values in that column.

To view process unit mappings

  1. Click the View Shared Parameter Set Process Unit Mappings link in the Parameter Sets section on the Parameter Group form to access the Shared Parameter Set Process Unit Mappings list.

    Standard search capabilities and page navigation are included along with the number of total records listed. Ascending/descending sorting by column is also available; click a column heading to reorder the records according to the values in that column.

  2. Click the origin or child parameter group name to view the parameter group record.

    When a user has not been granted access to the parameter group entity, the parameter group record will not be displayed. After viewing a parameter group, you can click Browse in the navigation bar to return to the list.

  3. Click the origin or child process unit link to view the process unit record.

    When a user has not been granted access to the process unit entity, the process unit record will not be displayed. After viewing a process unit, you can click Browse in the navigation bar to return to the list.

Shared Parameters Across Parameter Sets View

A parameter definition record may be associated with multiple origin or child parameter groups that are part of different parameter sets. As a result, a parameter's data could be updated by the changes made for several origin parameter groups, with each update overwriting the changes made previously by other origin parameter group updates. Most likely, the parameter data will not match one or more of the parameter sets it belongs to. The Shared Parameters Across Parameter Sets view lists these shared parameters, along with the material, parameter level, and the origin/child entity, process unit, and parameter group name. Use the information to reconcile discrepancies.

To view shared parameters across parameter sets

  1. Click the View Shared Parameters across Parameter Sets link in the Parameter Sets section on the Parameter Group form to access the Shared Parameters across Parameter Sets list.

    Standard search capabilities are included along with the number of total records listed. Ascending/descending sorting by column is also available; click a column heading to reorder the records according to the values in that column. If there are no discrepancies, the Shared Parameters across Parameter Sets view will be displayed with no parameter entries.

  2. Filter the list by Shared Origin Parameters or Shared Child Parameters. Select a check box to include records; clear a check box to exclude records. Click Select All or Select None to quickly apply/remove the filters.

  3. Click the origin or child parameter group name to view the parameter group record.

    When a user has not been granted access to the parameter group entity, the group will not be displayed. After viewing a parameter group, you can click Browse in the navigation bar to return to the list.

APE Job Log

Each time the create/update child parameter groups process is initiated, a separate job is created and an entry is added to the APE Job Log. The start and finish date/time, the run status, a description of any run errors (results), and the machine name are provided for each log entry. The log can be viewed in the Parameter Set section on the Parameter Group form.

Important:  The APE job runs under the permissions of the Essential Administrator user. As a prerequisite of using an APE job to create/update child parameter groups without any errors, the Essential Administrator user permissions must be kept up-to-date to include all entities in your Essential database. Provided this pre-requisite is fulfilled, parameter set users can initiate the jobs successfully even when the created/updated child parameter groups are associated with entities the users do not have access to as individual users.

Jobs are processed according to a pre-configured priority in a managed, queue-based environment to minimize system contention. Use the APE Job Log to determine your job's position among all the jobs scheduled to run and to determine the current/final run status. Ascending/descending column sorting is available; click a column heading to sort by the values in the column. When multiple pages of log records exist, the Next/Previous navigation links are available to page through the list. The AutoRefresh option allows you to switch between a working mode and the Job Log refresh mode. In the refresh mode, the log is automatically updated every 10 seconds. It is possible to use the sorting options in the refresh mode; however, when the Job Log is refreshed and there are new entries, all sorted results could be lost. The list of log entries will be reset to display the new ones at the top of the list. By switching to the working mode, you can continue working without interruption. Select the AutoRefresh check box to activate the refresh mode and clear the check box to switch to a working mode. The Refresh link can be used at any time to update the log. For notification purposes, a Loading... message appears when the Job Log is being refreshed.

Related topics

 Parameter Groups

  User Security Management

 Parameter Definitions

  General and Entity-Dependent Security Profiles