In order to calculate emissions and prove compliance with permitted limits for reports such as the Federal DMR, you need to keep track of your monitoring data. There are several methods available in Essential:
The Parameter Data Entry form lets you track one parameter at an individual entity, production unit, outfall/process unit, or emission unit. You can view multiple results for the same parameter as you enter or edit information, making it easy to compare several entries for one parameter at the same time.
The Parameter Group Data Entry form allows you to track data for each parameter assigned to any parameter level that is part of a parameter group on the same form. The groups that are displayed and the order in which they appear can be specified. In addition, just the fields relevant to the monitoring results being entered for the group can be defined. Based on the flexibility of the Parameter Group Data Entry form, the work flow can be significantly faster than the work flow for the other methods. Refer to Parameter Group Data Entry for additional information.
The Sample Quickfill form lets you track data for multiple parameters monitored at several outfalls/process units on the same form. You can enter sampling results for your monitoring parameters at every entity within your enterprise and the date and time of the result is automatically entered for you, thus simplifying the task of entering sample results. Refer to Sample Quickfill for additional information.
All methods allow you to view, enter, and edit sample results.
For instruction on parameter data entry, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
On the Parameter Data Entry form, enter current monitoring data or edit historical results for parameters monitored on any parameter level. To create a parameter results record, specify the date/time and numeric/text value. Results can be entered individually or in bulk. When a frequency with a recurrence pattern has been assigned to the parameter, dates that reflect the frequency interval are automatically entered for you via the bulk data entry option. Refer to Bulk Results Data Entry for additional information.
When a user-defined picklist has been associated with a parameter, the Picklist Value field is displayed. Select a value from the field's list. If the parameter has been associated with a picklist but no values have been entered for the picklist, no list values will be available for selection. Refer to User-Defined Picklists for additional information.
If an analysis of a parameter result was determined to be below the detection limit (BDL) of the instrument that analyzed it, there are two choices for reporting the result:
The first option is to report a percentage of the detection limit as the result. For example, a lab instrument may have a detection limit of 5 ppb for benzene. So, if the limit percent is 50%, the result is reported as 2.5 ppb. When specifying a percentage of the detection limit, also enter the lower limit of the lab instrument. A default detection limit and percentage may already be displayed and can be edited when necessary.
The second option for reporting the result is to specify a detection limit description. An example of a description is "< 8.0". You may want to use this description on a report instead of the result value.
Select a Reason for Change and/or Data Origin. An entry may be required if the parameter was established to require an entry when a result is initially entered or subsequently edited.
For parameters flagged to track potential deviations, select the Potential Deviation option when applicable. The Track Deviations button is displayed after the result record is saved.
Click the Substituted check box when the original data has been replaced by the current entry due to data validation and analysis such as missing data calculation rules, permit limit requirements, or BDL qualifications. This flag is automatically set when the data originally entered is substituted by data imported via the Process Data Manager. If the import is re-run and there is no substitution for the data in the second import, the check box is automatically cleared.
A validation process is applied to the parameter results entered or edited on the Parameter Data Entry form after clicking the Validate button in the Parameter Results Data Entry section or after saving the record. Refer to Parameter Result Validation Process for additional information.
Add reference or operational control documents to parameter result records after the record has been saved. Refer to Adding and Viewing Reference Documents for additional information.
When the Parameter Data Entry form is opened, it is automatically populated with any existing results displayed as line items in the Parameter Results Data Entry section. Up to a maximum of 19 of the most recent results are listed and the total is provided below the Load Results button. Ascending/descending sorting is available to help locate the appropriate results; click a column heading to reorder the records according to the values in that column. Because the start date/time for the Date Range fields are inclusive and the end date/time is exclusive, the date range is automatically populated with:
The start date/time of the earliest result listed
The end date/time of the most recent result listed plus one second
To view a different group of parameter results, edit the Date Range field entries and click the Load Results button. If there are more than 50 result records within the date range entered, just the most recent 50 are displayed. You can change the date range at any time to view other results. Or, you can use the Parameter Results View to see more than 50 results at one time.
When a new result is entered and saved with a timestamp that occurs after the Date Range To date/time, the new result's timestamp (plus one second) becomes the end date/time. The results displayed are based on this new end date/time. When applicable, the start date/time will be updated with the timestamp of the earliest result listed.
If historical results are entered, is it possible they will not be displayed in the Parameter Results Data Entry section after saving the Parameter Data Entry form—particularly if the results are outside of the date range. The results have been recorded and saved to your database, but they may not be shown. Change the date range or use the Parameter Results View to see historical results.
Tip: When you open the Parameter
Data Entry form and there are no previous results, the Date
Range fields are empty.
Use the bulk results data option to enter multiple results at one time. When a frequency has not been assigned to a parameter or a frequency without a recurrence pattern has been assigned, 10 rows (default) are available to enter results. An entry is not required for every row displayed; however, a new parameter result record is created for each row where a date has been entered. Once created, a result record can be edited to add the actual result value.
If a frequency with a recurrence pattern has been associated with the parameter, the recurrence pattern determines the number of rows available for data entry as follows:
Frequency Recurrence Pattern |
Number of Data Entry Rows |
Yearly |
5 |
Monthly |
12 |
Daily |
31 |
Hourly |
24 |
Minute |
12 |
Each row is automatically populated with the date of each frequency recurrence
pattern interval using the Date Range
start date/time as the beginning point. For example, assume it is January
2, 2011, the recurrence pattern is Monthly, the start date is January
1, 2010, and the start time is 8:23:06 a.m., twelve rows would be displayed
and populated with the following dates and times:
Row Number |
Date Entry |
Time Entry |
1 |
02/01/2010 |
8:23:06 AM |
2 |
03/01/2010 |
8:23:06 AM |
3 |
04/01/2010 |
8:23:06 AM |
4 |
05/01/2010 |
8:23:06 AM |
5 |
06/01/2010 |
8:23:06 AM |
6 |
07/01/2010 |
8:23:06 AM |
7 |
08/01/2010 |
8:23:06 AM |
8 |
09/01/2010 |
8:23:06 AM |
9 |
10/01/2010 |
8:23:06 AM |
10 |
11/01/2010 |
8:23:06 AM |
11 |
12/01/2010 |
8:23:06 AM |
12 |
01/01/2011 |
8:23:06 AM |
No future dates will be populated. Using the same example, if it is November
2, 2010 instead of January 2, 2011, rows 11 and 12 will not contain a
When no data has been entered for a parameter, the Date Range fields are empty. Consequently, a start date must be entered to activate the pre-population process. Otherwise, 10 empty rows are displayed for entering bulk results.
The dates/times are provided to help expedite data entry and can be edited as necessary. It is not required to enter a result for every row displayed. Any row without a result value will not be saved. If a result has already been entered for one of the frequency interval dates, the row is populated with the result data for informational purposes only. A Reset Fields option is available to clear all of the data entered in any of the rows.
A multi-step process is used to determine the pre-populated dates/times.
If there is missing data or an interruption in the process, just the data
that can be determined will be displayed.
When entering bulk results, the parameter's default unit of measure, reason for change, and data origin are displayed and will be applied to each result. The values can be edited as necessary. After bulk results are saved, each record appears as a line item in the Parameter Results Data Entry section where results can be edited individually to add BDL information, to indicate the result is a substituted value or a potential deviation, and to add reference documents.
A validation process is applied to the parameter results entered or edited on the Parameter Data Entry form after clicking the Validate button in the Parameter Results Data Entry section or after saving the record. First, the process checks for basic required data and verifies the format of the data entered. If there are no errors, the process continues and checks if parameter result setting requirements have been met and if the value entered is within any limits defined in the Value Range fields on the Parameter form. If there are no errors, the process evaluates for % Variation From Previous Value. If there are no errors, the process evaluates for parameter limits defined in the Limits section on the Parameter Definition form. When errors occur, the validation process stops and a message describing the error condition(s) is provided. Error-free result records are saved. Both the number of saved results and the number of result records with errors are provided next to the Validate button when applicable. A summary of the validation process is provided below.
Check for required parameter data, such as entity, parameter, parameter level, and material.
Perform basic datatype checks, e.g., numbers are numbers, dates are dates, field length limits, etc.
Validate that the parameter can be associated with the parameter level.
Confirm that a Frequency Pattern Effective Date exists for a frequency when required.
Validate that the record is unique based on the entity, unit type, parameter, material, and material qualifier.
Parameter Results
Check for required parameter results data, such as entity, unit type, parameter result date, and material.
Perform basic datatype checks.
[Stop validating if validation errors have occurred.]
Verify units exist for results and detection limits.
If the record is an update, verify a Reason for Change and/or Data Origin on Update have been entered when required.
If the record is new, verify the Data Origin on New has been entered when required.
Ensure the result data is not after any inactive date entered for the parameter.
Verify the result falls between the limits defined in the Value Range for the parameter.
[Stop validating if validation errors have occurred.]
Check for a variation between the current result and the previous result if there are % Variation From Previous Value limits and determine the percentage.
[Stop validating if the variation exceeds the limits.]
Verify the result falls between any parameter limits defined in the Limits section on the Parameter Definition form for entity, process unit, and emission unit parameters. (This step does not apply to other parameter levels such as production unit parameters, process unit material parameters, etc.)
[Stop validating if outside the limits.]
Save the parameter result record when no errors exist.
Additional Parameter Result Validation Conditions
The validation process is also applied to results entered on the Sample Quickfill and Parameter Group Data Entry forms when records are saved.
When results are entered on the Production Planning form and saved, the validation process, except for the parameter limits validation (step 14), is applied.
Since abatement model efficiency changes are stored as process unit parameter result records, the validation process, except for the parameter limits validation (step 14), is applied.
For the Validate Parameter Results form in Process Data Manager, the validation process, except for the parameter limits validation (step 14), is applied.
The Parameter Data Entry browse view has been set up with a filter for each parameter level. Multiple filters can be applied at one time. Select a check box to include records for the level; clear the check box to exclude records for the level. The ability to quickly Select All or Select None of the filters is also available. It is important to note the My Default Entity and Exclude Inactive Parameters filters are not part of the select all/none capabilities.
The option to export search results is available.
To enter individual parameter results
Click Data Entry > Parameter Information > Parameter Data Entry in the Navigation Tree to access the Parameter Data Entry list.
Locate the parameter and click the
entity link to open the Parameter
Data Entry form.
Up to a maximum of 19 of the most recent results are listed and the
total is provided below the Load
Results button. The Date Range
start date/time is the timestamp of the earliest result displayed
and the end date/time is the timestamp of the most recent result displayed
(plus one second). Refer to Date Range for
additional information.
Click Add Result in the Parameter Results Data Entry section.
Enter the Result Date and Time. The Calendar button can be used to select the date.
Use the following guidelines to enter the result:
For numeric results, enter the value in the Value field and select the corresponding Units of measure from the list.
For text results, enter the value in the Comments/Text Value field.
Select a Picklist Value from the list. This field is only displayed when the parameter has been associated with a picklist. If no values have been entered for the picklist, no list values will be available for selection. Refer to User-Defined Picklists for additional information.
For Below Detection Limit results, click the BDL check box. Enter the Detection Limit, select the corresponding Units of measure, and enter a Limit Percent to use. Optionally, type a Detection Limit Description for reporting purposes. A default detection limit and percentage may already be displayed; specify different detection limit information when applicable.
Click the Potential Deviation check box to enter and track potential deviations for the parameter result. The Track Deviations button is displayed after the result record is saved.
Select a Reason for Change and Data Origin from the list for each field. An entry may be required if the parameter was established to require an entry when a result is entered or edited.
Select the Substituted check box when the original data has been replaced by the current entry due to data validation and analysis such as missing data calculation rules, permit limit requirements, or BDL qualifications. This flag is automatically set when the data originally entered is substituted by data imported via the Process Data Manager. If the import is re-run and there is no substitution for the data in the second import, the check box is automatically cleared.
Click OK.
Result information is displayed as a line item in the Parameter
Results Data Entry section. Use the Edit
button adjacent to the line item to change existing result information,
add reference or operation control documents, and track deviations.
Click the Edit button to add reference or operational control documents. Refer to Adding and Viewing Reference Documents for additional information.
Click the Edit button and then click Track Deviations to enter deviation information. This option applies to parameters flagged to track deviations only. Refer to Deviation Tracking for additional information.
Repeat steps 4 through 8 to add another parameter result.
Click the Validate button in the Parameter Data Entry Result section or click the Save button on the form to begin the Parameter Result Validation Process.
Use the following guidelines to resolve errors:
Erroneous line items are highlighted and the total number is displayed next to the Validate button. Hover your cursor over a highlighted line item to view error details.
For an invalid parameter value, change the entry to comply with the Value Range limits on the Parameter form.
For invalid % Variation From Previous Value results, either change the value or enter a comment in the Comments/Text Value field to save the result entered.
For a result that violates parameter limits defined in the Limits section on the Parameter Definition form, click the Edit button and either change the Value or select Override Limit. When you override the value, the actual value is saved to your Essential database; the override indicator is not.
Click the Save
button on the form.
When a new result is entered and saved for a date/time that occurs
after the Date Range To date/time, the new result's timestamp
(plus one second) becomes the Date
Range To date/time. The records displayed in the Parameter
Results Data Entry section are based on this new end date/time.
If you entered historical results, is it possible they will not be
displayed in the Parameter Results
Data Entry section after saving—particularly if the results
are outside of the date range. The results have been recorded and
saved to your database, but they may not be shown. You can change
the Date Range and click Load Results to view results that
are not displayed. Or, you can use the Parameter
Results View to see historical results. Refer to Date
Range for additional information.
To enter bulk parameter results
Click Data Entry > Parameter Information > Parameter Data Entry in the Navigation Tree to access the Parameter Data Entry list.
Locate the parameter and click the
entity link to open the Parameter
Data Entry form.
If this is the first time data will be entered for the parameter, the
Date Range fields will be
empty. To use the feature that automatically populates dates/times
for bulk results data entry, a start date must be entered. Refer to
Bulk Results Data Entry for additional
Click Add Bulk Results in the Parameter Results Data Entry section.
Review the default Unit of measure and select a different one from the list when necessary.
Select a Reason for Change and/or Data Origin from the list for each field. Any default values assigned to the parameter will be displayed and can be changed as needed.
Use the following guidelines to enter results:
Enter the Result Date/Time. Any pre-populated entries can be changed. The Calendar button can be used to select the date.
Type numeric entries in the Value field.
Select a Picklist Value from the list. This field is only displayed when the parameter has been associated with a picklist. If no values have been entered for the picklist, no list values will be available for selection. Refer to User-Defined Picklists for additional information.
Enter text results or comments in the Comments/Text Value field.
Click the Reset Fields link to remove all data entered so far and begin with empty rows. The link also removes any pre-populated data in each row.
When a frequency has not been assigned to a parameter or a frequency without a recurrence pattern has been assigned, a new parameter result record is created for each row where a date has been entered.
If a frequency with a recurrence pattern has been associated with the parameter, any row without an entry in the Value or Comments/Text Value will not be saved.
Click OK.
Result information is displayed in the Parameter
Results Data Entry section. Use the Edit
button adjacent to a line item to change existing result information,
add BDL information, indicate the result is a substituted value or
a potential deviation, and/or add reference documents.
Click the Validate button in the Parameter Data Entry Result section or click the Save button on the form to begin the Parameter Result Validation Process.
Use the following guidelines to resolve errors:
Erroneous line items are highlighted and the total number is displayed next to the Validate button. Hover your cursor over a highlighted line item to view error details.
For an invalid parameter value, change the entry to comply with the Value Range limits on the Parameter form.
For invalid % Variation From Previous Value results, either change the value or enter a comment in the Comments/Text Value field to save the result entered.
For a result that violates parameter limits defined in the Limits section on the Parameter Definition form, click the Edit button and either change the Value or select Override Limit. When you override the value, the actual value is saved to your Essential database; the override indicator is not.
Click the Save
button on the form.
When a new result is entered and saved with a timestamp that occurs
after the Date Range To date/time, the new result's timestamp
(plus one second) becomes the Date
Range To date/time. The records displayed in the Parameter
Results Data Entry section are based on this new end date/time. If
you have entered historical results, is it possible they will not
be displayed in the Parameter Results
Data Entry section after saving—particularly if the results
are outside of the date range. The results have been recorded and
saved to your database, but they may not be shown. You can change
the Date Range and click Load Results to view results that
are not displayed. Or, you can use the Parameter
Results View to see historical results. Refer to Date
Range for additional information.
Click Data Entry > Parameter Information > Parameter Data Entry in the Navigation Tree to access the Parameter Data Entry list.
Locate the parameter and click the entity link to open the Parameter Data Entry form.
Enter a different Date Range that includes all of the results to be edited, or use the Calendar buttons to select the start and end dates. Add a start and/or end time when applicable.
Click Load
If there are more than 50 result records within the date range entered,
just the most recent 50 are displayed in the Process
Data Entry Result section. You may need to adjust the Date Range to see the records you
want to edit. Ascending/descending sorting is available to help locate
the appropriate results; click a column heading to reorder the records
according to the values in that column. Refer to Date
Range for additional information.
Click the Edit
button adjacent to a result line item to edit existing information
and make the necessary changes.
Tip: If you change the result date/time to a date/time
that occurs after the current Date
Range To date/time,
the new date/time (plus one second) becomes the Date
Range To date/time after saving. The records displayed in the
Parameter Results Data Entry
section are based on this new date/time. Refer to Date
Range for additional information.
Click the Attachments link to add reference documents. Refer to Adding and Viewing Reference Documents for additional information.
Click Track Deviations to enter deviation information. This option applies to parameters flagged to track deviations only. Refer to Deviation Tracking for additional information.
Click OK after the edits for a result are complete.
Repeat steps 5 through 8 to edit another result.
Click the Validate button in the Parameter Data Entry Result section or click the Save button on the form to begin the Parameter Result Validation Process.
Use the following guidelines to resolve errors:
Erroneous line items are highlighted and the total number is displayed next to the Validate button. Hover your cursor over a highlighted line item to view error details.
For an invalid parameter value, change the entry to comply with the Value Range limits on the Parameter form.
For invalid % Variation From Previous Value results, either change the value or enter a comment in the Comments/Text Value field to save the result entered.
For a result that violates parameter limits defined in the Limits section on the Parameter Definition form, click the Edit button and either change the Value or select Override Limit. When you override the value, the actual value is saved to your Essential database; the override indicator is not.
Click the Save button on the form.
After a parameter result has been entered and saved, the following two methods are available for adding related files that exist in third-party applications, such as Microsoft Word, to parameter result records using the Document Links section:
Document Links - Set up a hyperlink to the file. Optionally, the location of an off-line reference can be specified without a link.
Document Attachments - Add a file to the record. The default maximum file upload size supported by ASP.NET is 4096 KB (4MB). The default can be modified to support larger file uploads, i.e., attaching files larger than 4MB. For instructions to increase the default value, refer to Microsoft ( and view the article: httpRuntime Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema).
Each link or attachment is displayed as a line item in the Document Links section. Attachments and linked documents can be viewed by clicking the link.
In order to view a file listed in the Document
Links section, desktop access to the particular software used to
create the file must be available. For example, access to Microsoft Word
is required to view an attachment created as a Word file (.doc, .docx).
Click the Edit
button adjacent to the appropriate parameter result line item in the
Parameter Results Data Entry
section on the Parameter Data Entry
form and click the Attachments
link. The Attachments link
is available only after the result has been initially saved.
The Document Links section
is displayed in a separate window.
Click Add Link and enter a Description of the document.
Enter the full file path to the document in the Document Location field.
Select a Document
Type from the list.
If the appropriate type is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Ensure the Is
Hyperlink check box is selected to establish the link.
When specifying an off-line location, ensure the Is
Hyperlink check box is not selected.
Click OK.
The document information is added as a line item in the Document
Links section. Click the link to view the file. Edit existing
attachment information using the buttons adjacent to the line item.
Repeat steps 2 through 6 to add other document links.
Click Save. Then, close the window.
Click the Edit
button adjacent to the appropriate parameter result line item in the
Parameter Results Data Entry
section on the Parameter Data Entry
form and click the Attachments
link. The Attachments link
is available only after the result has been initially saved.
The Document Links section
is displayed in a separate window.
Click Add Attachment.
Enter a file path in the File field or click Browse to locate and select a file.
Enter a Description of the attachment.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add a second and/or third attachment.
Click OK.
Each attachment is added as a line item in the Document
Links section. Edit existing attachment information using the
buttons adjacent to the line item.
Repeat steps 2 through 6 to add other document attachments.
Click Save. Then, close the window.