You can use several methods for entering and tracking your monitoring data in Essential:
The Parameter Group Data Entry form allows you to track data for each parameter from any parameter level that is part of the group on the same form. You can specify the groups that are displayed and the order in which they appear. You can also define just the fields relevant to the monitoring results being entered for the group. Based on the flexibility of the Parameter Group Data Entry form, the work flow can be significantly faster than the work flow for the other methods.
The Sample Quickfill form lets you track data for multiple parameters monitored at several outfalls/process units on the same form. You can enter sampling results for all of your monitoring parameters at every entity in your enterprise. The date and time of the result is automatically entered for you, which simplifies the task of entering sample results. See Sample Quickfill for more information.
The Parameter Data Entry form lets you track one parameter at an individual entity, production unit, outfall/process unit, or emission unit. You can view multiple results for the same parameter as you enter or edit information, making it easy to compare several entries for one parameter at the same time. See Parameter Data Entry for more information.
All methods allow you to view, enter, and edit sample results.
For instructions on using the Parameter Group Data Entry form, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
Ensure you have established the following information before using the Parameter Group Data Entry form to enter monitoring results:
On the Enterprise Entity form, enter your entity information.
On the Process Unit, Production Unit, and Emission Unit forms, establish the locations where you are monitoring parameters and designate the type of location. For example, you should establish every outfall at your entity where you monitor pollutants.
On the Parameter form, establish a list of the parameters you need to monitor, such as "Concentration" or "Flow Rate".
Assign the monitoring parameters to the locations where they are monitored on the Parameter Definition form.
On the Parameter
Group form, set up groups of monitoring parameters whose results
are commonly entered at the same time and specify authorized users
along with configuration details, e.g., the group frequency and the
fields to be displayed on the Parameter
Group Data Entry form for the group. The Parameter
Master Group form is also available to combine parameter groups.
Tip: Users must have access to a parameter group to view
and enter monitoring data for that parameter group, or be granted
Parameter Group Administrator/Power User authority. Refer to User
Security Management for additional information.
On the User Settings form, optionally identify one parameter master group or one-to-many parameter groups that are to be automatically displayed on the Parameter Group Data Entry form when it is opened. For any groups you work with on an occasional basis, a selection tool is available on the Parameter Group Data Entry form to choose specific groups.
When the Parameter Group Data Entry form is opened, it is automatically populated with any default parameter groups defined for the logged-in user. Refer to Identifying Default Parameter Groups for additional information. Each parameter group is a separate, expanded section. The Collapse All and Expand All links are available to close and open the sections. The Select Parameter Groups link or the Select Parameter Master Group link can be used to select specific parameter groups.
Tip: The logged-in user must have access to at least one
master group to view the Select Parameter
Master Group link.
Just one master group or one-to-many individual parameter groups can be displayed at one time on the Parameter Group Data Entry form. When the form already shows parameter groups, new group selections are handled as follows:
If the existing groups displayed are individual groups and one or more individual groups are selected, the selected groups are displayed below the existing groups.
If the existing groups displayed are individual groups and a master group is selected, the existing groups are replaced with the groups in the selected master group.
If the existing groups displayed are part of a master group and a different master group is selected, the existing groups are replaced with the groups in the selected master group.
If the existing groups displayed are part of a master group and one or more individual groups are selected, the existing groups are replaced with the selected individual groups.
To select parameter groups
Click Data
Entry > Parameter Information > Data Entry in the Navigation Tree.
The Parameter Group Data Entry
form is displayed with any default parameter groups.
Click Select
Parameter Groups and select one or more groups by clicking
the check box adjacent to the group.
Tip: Remove a group already displayed, including any
default groups, by clearing the check box.
Click Add
Parameter Group.
The selected groups appear below any existing groups on the Parameter
Group Data Entry form unless the groups of a parameter master
group were displayed. In this case, the newly selected groups replace
the groups on the Parameter Group
Data Entry form. Just one parameter master group or one-to-many
individual parameter groups can be displayed at one time.
To select a parameter master
Click Data
Entry > Parameter Information > Data Entry in the Navigation Tree.
The Parameter Group Data Entry
form is displayed with any default parameter groups.
Click Select Parameter Master Group and select a group from the list.
Click the Select
Parameter Master Group button.
The groups in the parameter master group replace any existing groups
displayed on the form.
Enter monitoring results for each parameter that is a part of a parameter group on the Parameter Group Data Entry form. The parameter groups designated as default groups for a user are automatically displayed, in the order specified, when the user accessed the Parameter Group Data Entry form. Refer to Identifying Default Parameter Groups for additional information.
For each group, the parameters are listed as line items in the order defined for the group. Parameter line items contain the fields configured for the group and can be used to enter your monitoring data. If the parameter group was set up with a description or any special data entry instructions, the text is displayed in the area above the first line item. Refer to Parameter Groups for additional information about parameter group configuration.
Alternatively, the parameter line item Edit functionality can be used to enter monitoring data. A separate window is opened that contains all available data entry fields, regardless of the ones configured to display on the Parameter Group Data Entry form. The Add Result option is available for each group to add multiple monitoring results (different dates/times) for the same parameter.
The monitoring date and time is entered in the Result Date fields. If a frequency with a recurrence pattern has been assigned, the frequency name appears below the Result Date fields with date/time options based on the recurrence pattern's intervals and the date of the last monitoring result. Click the appropriate date/time option to automatically populate the Result Date fields instead of manually entering the date/time. The recurrence pattern determines the maximum number of dates available for selection as follows:
Frequency Recurrence Pattern |
Max Number of Dates Available for Selection |
Yearly |
5 |
Monthly |
12 |
Daily |
31 |
Hourly |
24 |
Minute |
12 |
No future dates are provided. For example, assume it is September 12, 2011,
the recurrence pattern is Monthly, and the last monitoring result was
entered on April 30, 2011 at 8:23:06 a.m. The following date/time options
would be available for selection:
5/30/2011 8:23:06 AM
6/30/2011 8:23:06 AM
7/30/2011 8:23:06 AM
8/30/2011 8:23:06 AM
Next/Previous arrows are available to navigate among the date/time options.
Any monitoring date/time can be entered regardless of frequency recurrence
pattern intervals.
Important: The
ability to select a frequency date/time is available only if ALL of the
groups displayed on the Parameter Group Data Entry form
have been assigned the same frequency and a recurrence pattern has been
defined for that frequency. Otherwise, the frequency option is not displayed.
Refer to Parameter
Groups for additional information.
If an analysis of a monitoring parameter result was determined to be below the detection limit of the instrument that analyzed it, there are two choices for reporting the result:
The first option is to report a percentage of the detection limit as the result. For example, a lab instrument may have a detection limit of 5 ppb for benzene. So, if the limit percent is 50%, the result is reported as 2.5 ppb. When specifying a percentage of the detection limit, also enter the lower limit of the lab instrument. A default detection limit and percentage may already be displayed on the Parameter Group Data Entry form; the information can be edited when necessary.
The second option for reporting the result is to specify a detection limit description. An example of a description is "< 8.0". You may want to use this description on a report instead of the result value.
All result records are validated upon Save. Refer to Parameter Result Validation Process for additional information.
In the Air, Compliance Manager, Waste, and Water modules, parameters can be manually flagged to track potential deviations. Once the flag is set, the Potential Deviation check box is available to mark a result as a potential deviation via the Edit button adjacent to the parameter result line item or the Add Result link. Click the check box and save the result to enable the Track Deviations button.
In the Air, Compliance Manager, and Water modules, parameters can be flagged to track potential deviations on the group level, i.e., parameter group or parameter master group. In this case, the Potential Deviation check box is displayed in the parameter result line item. Click the check box and save the result to enable the Track Deviations link. Otherwise, you can designate potential deviations via the Edit button adjacent to the result line item or Add Result link. The Track Deviations button is enabled after the result is saved.
The Track Deviations button/link provides access to the Deviation Details form. Refer to Deviation Tracking for additional information.
Click Data
Entry > Parameter Information > Data Entry in the Navigation Tree.
The Parameter Group Data Entry
form with any default parameter groups is displayed.
Refer to Selecting Parameter Groups when necessary.
Enter the monitoring result date
and time in the Result Date
fields or select a Frequency
Date option (if applicable) to automatically populate the
Result Date fields. The Calendar button is available to
select a date when entering the monitoring date/time manually.
Data is automatically loaded; however, the Reload
Data link is available to clear out any entries and begin again.
Review any instructions displayed for the group in the area above the first line item.
Enter a monitoring result in the line item Value field for each parameter or click the Edit button adjacent to the parameter line item and enter the value. Follow these guidelines to continue:
Specify any other applicable data. Default values can be changed.
Select a Picklist Value from the list. This field is only displayed when at least one parameter has been associated with a picklist and the group has been configured to include the field. If the parameter has not been associated with a picklist, no data entry field will be displayed for the parameter. If the parameter has been associated with a picklist but no values have been entered for the picklist, the field will be displayed with no list values available for selection. Refer to User-Defined Picklists for additional information.
To indicate BDL results, click the Below Detection Limit check box and complete the Limit Percent, Detection Limit, and Detection Limit Units fields.
To flag a result as a potential deviation, click the Potential Deviation check box and save the result. The Track Deviations link/button is enabled after the record is saved. Users that have been granted the appropriate security privileges can enter and validate deviation information on the Deviation Details form. Refer to Potential Deviation Results for additional information.
Results are compared to the limits set for the parameter in the Value Range fields on the Parameter form. Results are also compared to the % Variation From Previous Value limits entered in the Results Settings section on the Parameter Definition form and any limits defined in the Limits section on the Parameter Definition form.. A message is displayed if a result entered violates a limit. For an invalid parameter value, change the entry to comply with established limits. For invalid % Variation From Previous Value results, either change the value or enter a comment in the Comments/Text Value field to save the parameter result record. For parameter limits defined on the Parameter Definition form, an option is available to override the limit violation. Refer to Parameter Result Validation Process for additional information.
The Reason for Change and Data Origin fields may require entries if the parameter was established to require an entry when a result is entered or edited.
When adding results via the Edit functionality, click OK to save the entries. The parameter line item will be updated with information entered.
Click Add Result to enter a monitoring result for a different date/time when applicable. After clicking OK, the result is added as a line item below the other parameter line items for the group.
Click Save.
If any of the values entered are below/above permitted limits, a message
window is displayed describing each limit violation. The description
includes the permit ID for reference purposes. Click OK
to accept and save the values entered or click Cancel
to first review and/or edit the entries. Refer to Parameter
Result Validation Process for additional information.
Historical data for any parameter monitored within a parameter group you have been granted authorization to access can be viewed and edited on the Parameter Group Data Entry form. Historical data includes data entered via the Sample Quickfill form or the Parameter Data Entry form.
To delete a parameter result, users must have Update element permissions
for the Parameter Data Entry object and Delete permissions for the Parameter
Data Entry object. When permissions have been granted, the Delete
button is displayed next to the Edit
button for each line item. Refer to General
and Entity-Dependent Security Profiles for additional information.
To view/edit results
Click Data
Entry > Parameter Information > Data Entry in the Navigation Tree.
The Parameter Group Data Entry
form with any default parameter groups is displayed.
Refer to Selecting Parameter Groups when necessary.
Enter the monitoring date and time
that represents the results to be viewed and/or edited in the Result Date fields or select a Frequency Date option (if applicable)
to automatically populate the Result
Date fields. The Calendar
button is available to select a date when entering the monitoring
date/time manually.
Data is automatically loaded; however, the Reload
Data link is available to clear out any entries and begin again.
Modify existing monitoring results
as necessary in the parameter line item fields or click the Edit button adjacent to a line item.
A Reason for Change
is required when the parameter was established to require an entry
if a result is edited.
Click Save.
If any of the values entered are below/above permitted limits, a message
window is displayed describing each limit violation. The description
includes the permit ID for reference purposes. Click OK
to accept and save the values entered or click Cancel
to first review and/or edit the entries. Refer to Parameter
Result Validation Process for additional information.
After a monitoring result has been entered and saved, the following two methods are available for adding related files that exist in third-party applications, such as Microsoft Word, to monitoring data entry records using the Document Links section:
Document Links - Set up a hyperlink to the file. Optionally, the location of an off-line reference can be specified without a link.
Document Attachments - Add a file to the record. The default maximum file upload size supported by ASP.NET is 4096 KB (4MB). The default can be modified to support larger file uploads, i.e., attaching files larger than 4MB. For instructions to increase the default value, refer to Microsoft ( and view the article: httpRuntime Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema).
Each link or attachment is displayed as a line item in the Document Links section, which can be accessed in one of two ways:
If the Attachments field is displayed in the parameter result line item, click the Yes or No link. The link is enabled only after a result value is saved. A Yes link indicates links/attachments exist, including documents added via the Parameter Data Entry form.
Click the Edit button adjacent to a parameter result line item and click the Attachments link. This link is only displayed after a result value has been entered and saved.
Attachments and linked documents can be viewed by clicking the document link in the Document Links section.
In order to view a file listed in the Document
Links section, desktop access to the particular software used to
create the file must be available. For example, access to Microsoft Word
is required to view an attachment created as a Word file (.doc, .docx).
Use one of the following methods to open the Document Links section in a separate window:
Click the Yes or No link in the Attachments field if it is displayed in the parameter result line item. The link is available only after the result has been entered and saved.
Click the Edit button adjacent to a parameter result line item and click the Attachments link. The link is only displayed after a result has been entered and saved.
Click Add Link and enter a Description of the document.
Enter the full file path to the document in the Document Location field.
Select a Document
Type from the list.
If the appropriate type is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Ensure the Is
Hyperlink check box is selected to establish the link.
When specifying an off-line location, ensure the Is
Hyperlink check box is not selected.
Click OK.
The document information is added as a line item in the Document
Links section. Click the link to view the file. Edit existing
attachment information using the buttons adjacent to the line item.
Repeat steps 3 through 7 to add other document links.
Click Save. Then, close the window.
Use one of the following methods to open the Document Links section in a separate window:
Click the Yes or No link in the Attachments field if it is displayed in the parameter result line item. The link is available only after the result has been entered and saved.
Click the Edit button adjacent to a parameter result line item and click the Attachments link. The link is only displayed after a result has been entered and saved.
Click Add Attachment in the Document Links section.
Enter a file path in the File field or click Browse to locate and select a file.
Enter a Description of the attachment.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add a second and/or third attachment.
Click OK.
Each attachment is added as a line item in the Document
Links section. Edit existing attachment information using the
buttons adjacent to the line item.
Repeat steps 3 through 7 to add other document attachments.
Click Save. Then, close the window.
On the Parameter Group Data Entry form, a hyperlink to the form, including all the parameter groups displayed, is provided. This hyperlink can be copied and added as a document link on other forms to provide a user with easy access to the Parameter Group Data Entry form already populated with the user's applicable groups. For example, the hyperlink can be added in the Operational Controls Document Links section on the Task Setup and Results form. As the task assignment is being completed, the Parameter Group Data Entry form can be quickly opened with the groups that were displayed when the link was copied.
Click Link on the Parameter Group Data Entry form to display a hyperlink to the form that includes all the parameter groups currently listed.