Sample Quickfill

In order to calculate emissions and prove compliance with permitted limits for reports such as the Federal DMR, you need to keep track of your monitoring data. There are several methods available in Essentialâ„¢:  

For instruction on using Sample Quickfill, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.

Getting Started


Entering Monitoring Results


Viewing and Editing Results


Getting Started

Ensure you have established the following information about your entities and monitoring locations before using the Sample Quickfill form to enter sample results:

  1. On the Enterprise Entity form, enter the names of your entities.

  2. On the Process Unit form, establish the locations where you are monitoring parameters and designate the type of location. For example, you should establish every outfall at your entity where you monitor pollutants.

  3. On the Parameter form, establish a list of the parameters you need to monitor, such as concentration.

  4. Assign the monitoring parameters to the locations where they are monitored on the Parameter Definition form. In the Water module, the Parameter Definition form can also be accessed via the Outfall form.

Entering Monitoring Results

The Sample Quickfill form allows you to enter sample results for every outfall/process unit monitoring parameter at every entity within your enterprise all on the same form. Using a calendar display, you can quickly switch between days. Enter a specific time and both the date and time is automatically entered for each result. There are two methods available for entering results:

If an analysis of a monitoring parameter result was determined to be below the detection limit of the instrument that analyzed it, there are two choices for reporting the result:

  1. The first option is to report a percentage of the detection limit as the result. For example, a lab instrument may have a detection limit of 5 ppb for benzene. So, if the limit percent is 50%, the result is reported as 2.5 ppb. When specifying a percentage of the detection limit, also enter the lower limit of the lab instrument. A default detection limit and percentage may already be displayed on the Sample Quickfill form; the information can be edited when necessary.

  2. The second option for reporting the result is to specify a detection limit description. An example of a description is "< 8.0". You may want to use this description on a report instead of the result value.

All result records are validated upon Save. Refer to Parameter Results Validation Process for additional information.

To enter sample data using Get Parameters

  1. Click Data Entry > Parameter Information > Sample Quickfill in the Navigation Tree.

    The Sample Quickfill form is displayed.

  2. Select the Entity where the parameter is monitored from the list.

  3. Click the Outfalls or All Locations option and select a corresponding outfall/process unit from the list.

  4. Select the day on the calendar display that represents the date of the sample result to be entered.

  5. Enter the sample time in the Time field.

  6. Click Get Parameters in the Analytical Results section.

    Each monitoring parameter is displayed as a line item. Default unit and limit values are automatically entered in the applicable fields.

  7. Enter a Value for each Parameter; use the following guidelines:

  1. Click Save Results.

    Only monitoring parameters with values are saved and remain in the Analytical Results section.

  2. Repeat steps 4 through 8 to add other sample results. When you enter results for a new time or day, the previous results will no longer be displayed.

To enter sample data using Add Results

  1. Click Data Entry > Parameter Information > Sample Quickfill in the Navigation Tree.

    The Sample Quickfill form is displayed.

  2. Select the Entity where the parameter is monitored from the list.

  3. Click the Outfalls or All Locations option and select a corresponding outfall/process unit from the list.

  4. Select the day on the calendar display that represents the date of the sample result to be entered.

  5. Enter the sample time in the Time field.

  6. Click Add Results in the Analytical Results section.

  7. Select a Parameter from the list.

    Any default unit and limit information is displayed in the corresponding fields and in the Limit Verification section.

  8. Enter the appropriate text or numeric Value. For numeric entries, select a different Units of measure from the list when applicable.

    The value entered must be within the range of valid results for the monitoring parameter as specified on the Parameter form and Parameter Definition form. If the appropriate unit of measure is not listed, click the Ellipsis button and add it.

  9. Review any entries in the other fields and follow these guidelines to continue:

  1. Click Save. Or, click Save and New to add another result.

  2. Click Close.

    Each sample result entered is displayed as a line item in the Analytical Results section.

Viewing and Editing Results

On the Sample Quickfill form, you can view and edit historical data for any parameter monitored at a particular outfall/process unit. When sample results data exists for a monitoring parameter, the date is highlighted in green on the form's calendar display.

Note:  Historical data includes data entered via the Parameter Group Data Entry form and the Parameter Data Entry form as well as the Sample Quickfill form.

To view/edit results

  1. Click Data Entry > Parameter Information > Sample Quickfill in the Navigation Tree.

    The Sample Quickfill form is displayed.

  2. Select the Entity where the parameter is monitored from the list.

  3. Click the Outfalls or All Locations option and select a corresponding outfall/process unit from the list. If results have been entered for the current date, they are automatically displayed as line items in the Analytical Results section. Skip to step 5.

  4. Select the day on the calendar display that represents the date of the sample result to be viewed and/or edited.

    When results data exists for a monitoring parameter, the date is highlighted in green on the calendar. The sample results for the date selected are displayed as line items in the Analytical Results section.

  5. Modify existing sample results as necessary and click Save Results.