The Shipment Information form is the starting point for establishing a shipment of waste to be shipped from your facility or received by your facility. Add information about the shipment, such as the containers or bulk material to be shipped, the transporters and receiving facility, known disposal methods, associated expenses and costs, etc. You can also begin to generate a Waste Manifest from information entered on the Shipment Information form, as well as the Material Transportation Information and Waste Profile forms.
When you initially establish a shipment, its status is Pending. After shipment information is entered and containers and/or bulk waste material are assigned, you can ship the waste. Indicate the waste has been moved (shipped) off of your site by updating the shipment status to Shipped. When the shipment is received by the receiving facility, you can update the shipment status to Received. Document manifest return and actual disposal information on the Manifest Return form.
Enter shipping information for the first time while establishing the shipment, or return to enter or update information for a shipment that has been shipped, received, or both.
Note: Containers and bulk materials can only be added to shipments with Pending statuses. Material balance adjustments made to containers will be reflected on shipments regardless of the shipment status.
For additional instruction on shipments, click the following links or use the scroll bar to scan the page.
Use the Shipment Information form to set up shipment information in the Waste module. The first 8 steps in the procedure below provide the instructions for entering just the data required to establish shipment information. Once you have entered the required information and saved the record, you can add other details concerning many aspects of your shipments immediately or at a later date.
The EPA ID is automatically populated when the Generator is selected—provided at least one of the following ID Number Types has been associated with the generator in the ID Numbers section on the Enterprise Entity form:
State ID Number
Temporary State ID
Should more than one ID number be associated with the entity, the US EPA RCRA ID Number always takes precedence over state IDs. When there is a State ID Number and a Temporary State ID number, the State ID Number is used as the EPA ID. Any other ID Number Types associated with the generator entity record are not used to populate the EPA ID for shipments and manifests.
Note: The Shipment Express form collects just the most common information used to set up a shipment record. Once the shipment express record is established, the data entered can be viewed and other shipment-related details can be added on the Shipment Information form. Refer to Shipment Express for additional information.
To establish shipment information records
Click Data
Entry > Shipment Information > Shipment Information in
the Navigation Tree.
The Shipment list appears.
Click the New
The Shipment Information form
is displayed.
Select the Report Type option; Outgoing for shipments to be sent or Incoming for shipments received.
Select the Generator
entity (that represents where the material was generated) from the
Only entities designated as waste generators on the Enterprise
Entity form will be available in the list. If the applicable
entity is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Type a Shipment Number for the shipment. If auto numbering has been set up for the entity, the system automatically assigns the next available shipment number.
Expand the Transporters and Disposal Facility section when necessary and select a Disposal Facility from the list.
Review the Manifest form field entry in the Generator and General Shipment Information section for accuracy and use the following guidelines before choosing another manifest from the list:
The data collected for a manifest is based on the manifest selected at the time waste is added to the shipment. Refer to Adding Waste to Shipments and Waste Manifests for more information.
The default value is the New Uniform Manifest.
The New Non-Hazardous Manifest option represents the non-hazardous manifest that was updated in September 2009. The Old Non-Hazardous Manifest option represents the prior version.
Click the Save button on the form to establish your shipment information record.
Add other shipping details in the Generator and General Shipment Information section. For more information, refer to Adding General Shipping Information.
Add information in the Transporters
and Disposal Facility, Line
Items, Signatures and Dates,
Manifest Return and Disposal Information,
Spill and Emergency, Cost Information, and Carrier
Instructions sections.
After you have entered shipment information in the sections on this
form, you will be ready to update your shipment status to Shipped
or Received—whichever
is applicable. For more information, refer to Updating
Shipment Status and Viewing History.
Click the Save button on the form.
Repeat steps 2 through 11 to establish other shipment information.
The optional fields in the Generator and General Shipment Information section allow you to record information concerning many aspects of your shipments, often used for reporting purposes. For example, you can enter your manifest document number and state manifest document number for the shipment and select the appropriate governing body to build the waste manifest that accompanies the shipment.
You can also enter a transportation mode and a determination method. SARA reporting requires disclosure of the determination methods used to develop your shipment data, for example.
The default shipment date, shipment type, and shipment status can be modified and a shipment record preparation date may be added. The Generator and General Shipment Information section also provides access to the waste manifest forms for viewing and printing.
To add general shipping information
Tip: For information about entering required data in the Generator and General Shipment Information section, refer to Establishing Shipment Information in the Waste Module.
Locate the shipment on the Shipment list and click the shipment link to open the Shipment Information form.
Review the Shipment Date for accuracy. Enter a different date or click the Calendar button and select one, when necessary.
Enter a shipment record Preparation Date or click the Calendar button and select one.
Review the Shipment Type and ensure the applicable type is selected.
Review the State ID field entry which is automatically populated with the generator's State RCRA ID Number. When necessary, select a different State RCRA ID Number from the list (if more than one has been established for the entity).
Enter the Tracking/Document # and State Manifest #.
Select the shipment Transportation Mode from the list.
Select the Determination Method from the list.
Select the Governing Body from the list.
Click the Save button on the form.
Use the Transporters and Disposal Facility section on the Shipment Information form to specify the receiving facility (Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility) for your shipment. This information is required to establish shipping information. Only the enterprise entities that have been designated as Approved Waste Receiving Facilities in the Entity Designation section of the Enterprise Entity form are available for selection.
In addition to specifying the receiving facility, use the Transporters and Disposal Facility section to document transporter information, such as the driver's name, certification number, work order number, and the date the driver signed the manifest. Only the enterprise entities that have been designated as Transporter in the Entity Designation section of the Enterprise Entity form are available for selection.
To add shipment transporter and disposal facility information
Locate the shipment on the Shipment list, click the shipment link to open the Shipment Information form, and expand the Transporters and Disposal Facility section if necessary.
Click Add Transporter and select a Transporter from the list. Only the entities that have been designated as Transporter in the Entity Designation section of the Enterprise Entity form are available for selection.
Select a State ID from the list. The State RCRA ID Numbers established for the transporter are available for selection.
Enter all available Additional Transporter Information in the appropriate fields.
Enter the name of the driver who signed the manifest in the Signed By field and enter a signature Date or click the Calendar button to select one.
Click OK.
The transporter is displayed as a line item in the Transporters
and Disposal Facility section. Edit existing transporter information
using the buttons adjacent to the line item.
Repeat steps 2 through 6 to add other transporters. When more than one transporter exists, use the arrows at the end of the line items to change a transporter's position (first, second, etc.) in a series of transporters carrying the shipment.
Use the Additional Information section on the Shipment Information form to document additional waste material descriptions, handling codes, and special handling instructions for the waste manifest as required. "Keep material away from water" is an example of a special handling instruction. Type special handling instructions or select from a list of predefined instructions. One or more predefined special handling instructions can be selected. Each instruction is displayed in the order it was chosen, separated by a comma. Any instruction, regardless of the method used to add it, can be edited. Changes made to a predefined instruction in the Special Handling Instructions subsection on the Shipment Information form apply only to that shipment record. Make permanent changes to a predefined instruction using the Special Handling Instructions validation form.
Options are available to add a user-defined scale number and the waste profile name to special handling instructions. Just the waste profile name for the first shipment line item is added using the option. The scale number, waste profile name, and predefined instruction are displayed in the order each was chosen, separated by a comma. A maximum of 600 characters are available for special handling instructions.
The Special Handling Instructions section on a waste manifest contains two side-by-side columns. Special handling instructions from the Line Item form are listed first, in the left column. (By default, the special handling instructions on the Line Item form are populated from the waste profile, but can be edited for the shipment.) The special handling instructions entered on the Shipment Information form are listed in the right column.
To enter waste descriptions and handling information
Locate the shipment on the Shipment list, click the shipment link to open the Shipment Information form, and expand the Additional Information section if necessary.
Enter Additional Information for Materials Listed and Handling Codes.
Enter a Scale
Number and click Add to Special
Handling. A maximum of 12 characters can be entered.
Your entry is displayed in the text box below Predefined
Handling Instructions field.
Add the waste profile name to the
instructions by clicking the Add
Waste Profile Name button.
The waste profile name is displayed in the text box below Predefined
Handling Instructions field. Just the waste profile name for
the first shipment line item can be added.
Use the following methods to add Predefined Handling Instructions:
Select a special handling instruction from the list for the Predefined Handling Instructions field and click Add.
Establish a new instruction by clicking the Ellipsis button next to the Predefined Handling Instructions field, entering the new Handling Instruction and Code, and clicking Save. Then, select the new instruction from the Predefined Handling Instructions field list and click Add.
Review the special handling instructions added, make any necessary edits, and click the Save button on the form. A maximum of 600 characters are available for special handling instructions.
Use the Signatures and Dates section on the Shipment Information form to document the shipment contact, as well as the name of the generator and the name of the receiving facility representative who signed the manifest, along with the date of each signature. The shipment contact and generator must be associated with the shipment's generating entity in the Contacts section of the Enterprise Entity form to be available for selection.
To add certification signatures
Locate the shipment on the Shipment list, click the shipment link to open the Shipment Information form, and expand the Signatures and Dates section if necessary.
Select the Shipment
Contact from the list and the name of the generator from Signed By field's list.
The shipment contact and generator must be associated with the shipment's
generating entity in the Contacts
section of the Enterprise Entity
form to be available for selection.
Enter the signature Date or click the Calendar button and select one.
Enter the name of the receiving facility representative who signed the manifest in the Facility Owner or Operator Certification Signed By field.
Enter the signature Date or click the Calendar button and select one.
Click the Save button on the form.
The following two methods are available for adding related files that exist in third-party applications, such as Microsoft Word, to a shipment:
Document Links - Set up a hyperlink to the file. Optionally, the location of an off-line reference can be specified without a link.
Document Attachments - Add a file to the record. The default maximum file upload size supported by ASP.NET is 4096 KB (4MB). The default can be modified to support larger file uploads, i.e., attaching files larger than 4MB. For instructions to increase the default value, refer to Microsoft ( and view the article: httpRuntime Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema).
Each link or attachment is displayed as a line item in the Document Links subsection of the Signatures and Dates section on the Shipment Information form. Attachments and linked documents can be viewed by clicking the link.
Note: In order to view a file listed in the Document Links subsection, desktop access to the particular software used to create the file must be available. For example, access to Microsoft Word is required to view an attachment created as a Word file (.doc, .docx).
Locate the shipment on the Shipment list, click the shipment link to open the Shipment Information form, and expand the Signatures and Dates section if necessary.
Expand the Document Links subsection and click Add Link.
Enter the file path in the File field or click Browse to locate and select the file.
Enter a Description of the document and the Document Location.
Select a Document
Type from the list.
If the appropriate type is not listed, click the Ellipsis
button and add it.
Ensure the Is
Hyperlink check box is selected to establish the link.
When specifying an off-line location, ensure the Is
Hyperlink check box is not selected.
Click OK.
The document information is added as a line item in the Document
Links subsection. Click the link to view the file. Edit existing
attachment information using the buttons adjacent to the line item.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 2 through 8 to add other document links.
Locate the shipment on the Shipment list, click the shipment link to open the Shipment Information form, and expand the Signatures and Dates section if necessary.
Expand the Document Links subsection and click Add Attachment.
Enter a file path in the File field or click Browse to locate and select a file.
Enter a Description of the attachment. A maximum of 70 characters can be entered.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add a second and/or third attachment.
Click OK.
Each attachment is added as a line item in the Document Links subsection. Edit existing attachment information using the buttons adjacent to the line item.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 2 through 7 to add other attachments.
Use the Manifest Return and Disposal Information section on the Shipment Information form to enter the expected and actual return date for the waste manifest that accompanies the shipment. The manifest received date can also be documented along with any manifest or disposal method discrepancies that may have occurred. After the shipment has been shipped, the same information can be entered on the Manifest Return form where actual disposal details for bulk materials and containers can be specified. Refer to Adding Manifest Return and Disposal Information.
To document manifest return and disposal information
Locate the shipment on the Shipment list, click the shipment link to open the Shipment Information form, and expand the Manifest Return and Disposal Information section if necessary.
Enter the Expected Manifest Return Date, Actual Manifest Return Date, and Manifest Received Date. Or, click the Calendar button next to the field and select the date.
Enter any manifest or disposal method Discrepancies.
Click the Save button on the form.
Use Spill and Emergency Information section on the Shipment Information form to document spill cleanup instructions and emergency contact information. In case of emergency, this information can be referenced to provide instruction. The emergency contact must be associated with the shipment's generating facility in the Contacts section on the Enterprise Entity form to be available for selection.
To enter spill and emergency information
Locate the shipment on the Shipment Information list, click the shipment link to open the Shipment Information form, and expand the Spill and Emergency section if necessary.
Enter cleanup instructions for shipment spills in the Cleanup Information field.
Select an emergency Contact
from the list.
The contact must be associated with the shipment's generating facility
in the Contacts section of
the Enterprise Entity form
to be available for selection.
Enter the Phone number for the emergency contact.
Click the Save button on the form.
Use the Cost Information section on the Shipment Information form to document your shipment expenses, including disposal, transportation, shipping, and miscellaneous costs. Expenses are identified with cost codes which must be established in the Cost Code validation form before you can select them here.
Any costs associated with containers or bulk materials added to the shipment are also displayed in the Cost Information section. Totals are automatically calculated when the shipment information record is saved.
To add shipment cost information
Locate the shipment on the Shipment list, and click the shipment link to open the Shipment Information form.
Click Cost Information.
Click Add
Cost and select a Cost Code from the list.
The Cost Type field is automatically
populated when a cost code has been selected.
Change the Quantity when applicable.
Enter the Price
and click OK.
The Extension field is automatically populated with the total cost
of the Quantity multiplied by the Price. The cost information is displayed
as a line item in the Cost Information
Repeat steps 3 through 5 to add additional cost information.
Click the Save button on the form.
Enter special instructions for the carrier of the shipment in the Carrier Instructions section of the Shipment Information form. Carrier instructions do not appear on the waste manifest.
The shipment's status is displayed in the Generator and General Shipment Information section on the Shipment Information form and in the Shipment Information section on the Manifest Return form. When a shipment is established, the default status, Pending, is automatically assigned. You can update the status of your shipment as it changes. An explanation of each status is provided below. The order here of pending, shipped, and received is the only valid progression for an outgoing shipment.
Pending: When a shipment is pending, it has not yet been moved off of your site, and it is still in a storage area. During this phase, you assign a shipment ID number, generator entity, and receiving facility. This phase is also in effect when you assign the containers and bulk materials that will be shipped, and indicate your waste manifest document numbers.
Shipped: When a shipment has been shipped, it has been moved off of your site and is no longer in a storage area. The tracking of container days on site ends when the shipment status is changed to Shipped.
Received: When a shipment has been received, it has arrived at the receiving facility (Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility). In the case of bulk material shipments, the received shipment phase also indicates to the Waste module that the shipment has been disposed. For shipped containers, the disposal date must be specified before the container is considered disposed. (Document disposal dates on the Manifest Return form.)
Note: Containers and bulk materials can only be added to a shipment when its status is set to Pending. Material balance adjustments made to containers will be reflected on shipments regardless of the shipment status.
To ship materials, add information about your shipment and update the shipment status to Shipped. To mark your shipment as received, add information about the receipt and update the shipment status to Received. Each time the status is changed, the date of the change is also captured. View status changes, including the date of the each change, on the Shipment Status History form, accessed via the Shipment Information form or the Manifest Return form.
To update the shipment status and view history
Locate the shipment on the Shipment list and click the shipment
link to open the Shipment Information
Tip: The status
for a shipment can be changed from Shipped
to Received on the
Return form.
Select a Status and click Save.
Click Status History to display the Shipment Status History form and view status changes for the shipment.